

This was published 6 years ago

'The suffragettes live on in #MeToo': Pankhurst's great-granddaughter

By Nick Miller

The fighting spirit of the suffragettes is reborn in the #MeToo movement, says the great-granddaughter of Emmeline Pankhurst who led the militant movement that fought for the vote - and won - exactly a century ago.

“I think we’re at that moment where things are changing,” says Dr Helen Pankhurst, direct descendant of Emmeline Pankhurst, who led the suffragettes whose campaign and sacrifice led to (some) British women winning the right to vote on February 6 1918.

Suffragette leader Emmeline Pankhurst  is arrested outside Buckingham Palace in 1914

Suffragette leader Emmeline Pankhurst is arrested outside Buckingham Palace in 1914

Dr Pankhurst is an activist and a feminist herself – she almost couldn’t help it, given her heritage - and is publishing a new book this month looking at progress in women’s rights since suffrage.

Until recently, Dr Pankhurst says, she felt a sense of disappointment, that later generations had not made greater progress since the grand, outrageous days of first-wave feminism.

But #MeToo has her buzzing with excitement.

“I thought 2018 would be important because it was a centenary, that a few journalists in the UK maybe and a few feminists would know that… and that would be the end of the story.

“Hah! 2018 has become symbolic and important in its own right… We’ve got enough women speaking up, supported by enough other women and men saying ‘it’s not good enough, all these norms we’ve had for a century, for longer, we’re just fed up with it and we need a change’.

“We are witnessing something momentous.”

Helen Pankhurst, great-granddaughter of leading suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst

Helen Pankhurst, great-granddaughter of leading suffragette Emmeline PankhurstCredit: Nick Miller


Pankhurst is in her mid-50s and she says young feminists are “standing on the shoulders of giants”.

But she doesn’t necessarily side with other feminists of her generation, such as Germaine Greer or a group of French women who have publicly spoken out against what they saw as the victim-centric tone of #MeToo.

Instead, Pankhurst is inspired by the rise of young women, confident in their feminism, she says.

“My instinct would be to go with the younger generation because the baton is in their hands. I would listen to the voice of those who are really at the forefront of that battle more than anybody else is.”

There are “many, many parallels” with the suffragettes.

Emmeline Pankhurst.

Emmeline Pankhurst.

Her great-grandmother, together with her children and friends, formed a movement th

at was incredibly savvy in the use of marketing, branding and stunts to get their message across.

“What would they have done had they had social media? It’s so difficult to get people together to march. If they had that they would have been able to achieve so much more.”

Though there isn’t the same militancy in #MeToo – partly because there isn’t a need for it, Dr Pankhurst says – she sees the main parallel in “women saying ‘enough’, coming together and saying ‘we can change things’”.

“Who defines what militancy is? If not wearing the burka is a militant act them we will need women to rebel. Resistance still has a role to change society.”

Dr Pankhurst took the suffragette motto “deeds not words” as the title for her book.

In it she briefly tells the story of the Pankhurst family – eccentric, argumentative and extraordinary – who formed the nucleus of the suffragette movement.

They included characters such as Dr Pankhurst’s grandmother Sylvia – admired by Lenin, propagandist for Bolshevism, the first British newspaper editor to employ a black journalist, who in 1935 took up the cause of Haile Selassie and age 74 moved to Addis Ababa to write a cultural magazine.

Another of Emmeline’s daughters, Adela, was “shipped off” to Australia for health reasons in 1914, where she helped found the Australian Communist Party then switched sides and campaigned against it. She was later the only Australian woman to be interned by the government in the second world war for her pacifist-inspired Japanese sympathies.

Feminist and anti-conscription campaigner Adela Pankhurst Walsh, taking her message to Sydney's streets in 1941.

Feminist and anti-conscription campaigner Adela Pankhurst Walsh, taking her message to Sydney's streets in 1941.Credit: Fairfax Media

In the bulk of the book Dr Pankhurst goes on to assess progress in women’s rights. Violence and harassment have shown the least improvement since 1918, she finds.

“Society continue to be astoundingly careless about the sexual harassment and violence that blights millions of women’s lives,” she writes.

The book concludes with messages from other women about what they want to see change in the next ten years.

Meryl Streep – who played Emmeline Pankhurst in the 2016 film Suffragette - calls for “roughly equal numbers of women and men rating films and plays”

Streep says this will be done by “calling out inequality where it exists, and by many more women coming forward as critics to redress the existing bias”.

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