

This was published 6 years ago

Revealed: Paul Tully's private email habit

By Mark Solomons

Veteran Ipswich councillor Paul Tully sends an average of five emails a day from his personal email account to council colleagues, in spite of Crime and Corruption Commission warnings of the corruption risks of such behaviour and its effect on transparency. 

Fairfax Media understands the former deputy mayor's email habits have come up in interviews conducted with council staff by the CCC as part of its continuing investigation into alleged misconduct and corruption at the council, which has so far led to criminal charges against four current and former senior council officials including former mayor Paul Pisasale.

Paul Tully outside the Crime and Corruption Commission in April this year.

Paul Tully outside the Crime and Corruption Commission in April this year.Credit: Chris Hyde

Ipswich City Council received 838 emails from Cr Tully’s private Gmail account between February 26 and August 10 of this year, representing up to an estimated 3400 pages of documents.

The statistics emerged in response to a Right To Information application by Fairfax Media.

But the council refused to deal with the application further on the basis there were too many emails, even after Fairfax offered to reduce the scope of the application to just those sent to senior officials or those that dealt with official business.

While acting mayor between June and August, Cr Tully used the Gmail account to send media releases in his official capacity.

Fairfax applied for emails sent from Cr Tully's Gmail account since 2012 but the council said it was unable to access earlier emails because they were stored on a back-up server and it was not obliged to search it.

The Office of the Information Commissioner is now conducting an external review of the council's refusal to deal with the application.

The risks associated with elected officials' use of private email and other opaque forms of communication is a global issue that has drawn in Hillary Clinton in the US and Prime Minster Malcolm Turnbull in Australia, among others.


Closer to home, in July the CCC finalised its investigation of Queensland main roads minister Mark Bailey’s use of a private email account after it was alleged he had deleted some of the emails to avoid scrutiny.

The CCC found Mr Bailey had not engaged in corrupt conduct but the body said in a statement: “The CCC considers the use of private email addresses by any Member of Parliament or public servant for official business lacks transparency and is a corruption risk.”

“The CCC takes this opportunity to remind elected officials and the heads of public sector agencies in Queensland of the inherent corruption risks of using private emails for official business.”

Asked about Cr Tully’s use of private email, Ipswich City Council said a governance review initiated by suspended chief executive Jim Lindsay earlier this year had identified “the issue of capturing public records from use of private email accounts”.

“The implementation plan from the review includes a review of council’s policies in this respect which will seek to address the matters that have also been identified as risks by the CCC,” a council spokesman said.

The governance review, published in July, warned: "Recent publicity has been given to the exposure to legislative breach of elected members who use private email systems to transact the business of the public office. Although the recent issues related to the Queensland Government members, the same principle applies to local government councillors."

The spokesman said questions about why Cr Tully made such prolific use of private email should be addressed to him.

Cr Tully did not respond to requests for comment.

Cr Tully has represented the Goodna division in Ipswich since 1979 and is the longest-serving councillor in Queensland, with deep links to the Queensland Labor movement.

He stepped down as deputy mayor in September but council insiders say he has continued to wield significant influence, in particular over how the council manages its media and public relations.

Cr Tully chairs companies owned by Ipswich council and represents the Ipswich, Somerset, Scenic Rim and Lockyer Valley councils on the influential supervisory board of the Local Government Association of Queensland.

Until April 2016, he was the long-serving chair of the council's powerful planning committee. This month, Fairfax Media revealed Cr Tully had received undisclosed hospitality from a Thai luxury hotel group with commercial interests in Ipswich while on a secretive trip to Asia last year.

In October, the CCC found as part of its Belcarra investigation into local government that Cr Tully had failed to operate a dedicated bank account as required of candidates in the 2016 local elections, but concluded it was not in the public interest to pursue the matter.

CCC chairman Alan MacSporran addressed all Ipswich City councillors, its acting chief executive and chief operating officers at a lunch roundtable on Tuesday in the council chambers held at the invitation of mayor Andrew Antoniolli.

It was the second such meeting organised by Cr Antoniolli since he was elected mayor in August following the June resignation of Mr Pisasale on health grounds amid a CCC corruption probe.

Ipswich mayor Andrew Antoniolli arranged for CCC officials to address his council.

Ipswich mayor Andrew Antoniolli arranged for CCC officials to address his council.Credit: Samantha Manchee/AAP

According to the CCC, Mr MacSporran spoke of "key measures to ensure good governance structures and the importance of having corruption prevention measures for the organisation".

In a message to staff after the meeting, Cr Antoniolli thanked staff for their cooperation with the CCC and encouraged others with information to have no hesitation in contacting the organisation.

Following a CCC investigation, council chief executive Jim Lindsay was in September charged with official corruption relating to a development application, and disobedience to statute law and disclosing an official document relating to alleged bribery over contracts for landfill.

He was suspended on full pay and Gary Kellar, a former veteran chief executive at Logan City Council and the consultant who co-authored the governance report, took over as interim CEO.

Mr Pisasale is facing 11 charges as part of the CCC's broad probe of Ipswich council including official corruption, fraud, extortion and perverting the course of justice.

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