
Julia Busuttil Nishimura's work (and school) lunch recipes.

Recipe collection

Three simple family dinners that become work (and school) lunches the next day

We asked recipe columnist Julia Busuttil Nishimura to create Return to the Office lunches for us. The genius is that these recipes do triple duty: they can serve as dinners, kids' school lunches and, with a few added ingredients (hi harissa yoghurt and furikake), adult work lunches.As Busuttil Nishimura says: "No soggy sandwiches or sad desk lunches here. Add-ons like harissa yoghurt, crispy capers and homemade furikake will take your lunchtime to the next level. The best part is that you've done all the heavy lifting the night before and throwing it together for lunch is a breeze."

3 recipes

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