

This was published 6 years ago

Real-time prescription monitoring might have unintended ill effects

By Sam Biondo

Commendably, the Victorian government has committed to establish a real-time prescription monitoring system (to be referred to as Safescript) in Victoria by 2018. The necessary legislative machinery recently passed through Parliament will provide doctors and pharmacists with a real-time patient prescribing history for various high-risk pharmaceuticals, thus enhancing prescribing practises and reducing pharmaceutical-related harms.

Real-time prescription monitoring is an important tool which can help reduce pharmaceutical-related harms. Recent data indicates that 80 per cent of fatal overdoses involve pharmaceuticals, and there were just under 10,000 pharmaceutical-related ambulance attendances in Victoria during 2014/15. In 2016, 4.8 per cent of the population aged over 14 had misused a pharmaceutical, up from 3.7 per cent in 2007.

Real-time prescription monitoring is an important tool which can help reduce pharmaceutical-related harms.

Real-time prescription monitoring is an important tool which can help reduce pharmaceutical-related harms. Credit: Angel Franco

The notion of real-time prescription monitoring carries a consensus of support across a range of health bodies and has been rolled out in a number of jurisdictions globally.

As it stands in Victoria, training will be rolled out to doctors and pharmacists on a range of areas related to the new data system, a necessary activity given these professionals will be interfacing with this system regularly to inform prescribing practice for patients with complex issues, including pharmaceutical dependency.

Illustration: Matt Davidson.

Illustration: Matt Davidson.

At this stage, the system is developing a big front end – the training and support to doctors and pharmacists will go a long way to integrating this system with current online medical data systems and will provide some insight on the options which can be considered when a patient presents with a problematic pharmaceutical history.

Until now, however, little has been committed to the downstream impact of such an important system. These impacts are far and wide and include a range of players including pain management, addiction management support, hospital dispensing culture and discharge planning, and alcohol and other drug addiction treatment support.

The recent funding announcement across elements of alcohol and drug treatment treatment, while welcome, still does not provide the necessary focus on the likely high prevalence of dependent patients who will be identified by this system. A range of studies have noted that upwards from 12 per cent of patients experiencing chronic pain also experienced dependency issues. Similar studies have noted that up to 30 per cent of those prescribed benzodiazepines for four to six weeks experience withdrawal symptoms, which are an indicator of dependence.

At present Victoria has two funded alcohol and other drug treatment agencies specialising in pharmaceutical dependency. One is funded by the federal government on a one year contract which will be reviewed, and possibly expire, the day before the Victorian monitoring system starts to roll out. The second agency has just over one full-time counsellor to deal with state-wide demand.


We would urge government to ensure that a range of relevant services and sectors are adequately resourced and prepared to cater for this opportunity to meet the needs of this predominantly hidden cohort of people experiencing pharmaceutical-related dependency who are likely naïve to the alcohol and drug treatment system. For this treatment sector, this will involve additional focussed treatment capacity to cater for this new cohort as well as preparing the sector for the potential influx of demand.

More also needs to be done regarding referrals from primary health vis-a-vis doctors and allied services, as currently less than 1 per cent of all alcohol and drug treatment referrals are made from general practice. Should the level of referrals to existing treatment services increase rapidly, the impact would be felt and with considerable disruption and potentially extensive waiting times.

We fear that an under-resourced treatment sector will result in a cohort of at-risk individuals, who are naïve to alcohol and drug treatment with no one to help them, adapting to real-time monitoring as well as the rescheduling of codeine, who will begin exploring new and alternate means of procuring substances, potentially generating greater risk to themselves, their loved ones and the community.

We are concerned that the current "wait and see approach", consisting of incremental region by region implementation followed by evaluation of alcohol and drug data on harm is not preparing a range of stakeholders for this significant cultural change. Sadly, data on harms in the alcohol and drug space often consists of fatal and non-fatal overdoses, ambulance and ED attendances and a range of additional health and social welfare related morbidity, such as blood-borne viruses, entrenched dependency, family breakdown and mental illness.

There are many Victorians who will be impacted upon by real-time monitoring. If the "on the ground" impact has been inadequately planned for, the negative consequences can be serious and significant.

The roll-out and "wait and see" approach beginning mid 2018 needs to be accompanied with program initiatives across a range of health and treatment-focussed areas so that the full benefits of real-time monitoring can be achieved.

All the involved sectors, from alcohol and drug, addiction medicine, hospitals, pharmacists, doctors and pain medicine specialists must be resourced adequately to cater for the complexity and increase in demand.

Sam Biondo is executive officer of the Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association. You can contact Directline on 1800 888 236 if you are concerned about someone else's or your own substance use.

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