

This was published 7 years ago

Tracker review: Alexis Wright's collective memoir of Bruce Tilmouth's life

By Jane Gleeson-White

Alexis Wright's Tracker is a magnificent work of collaborative storytelling about visionary Aboriginal leader Bruce "Tracker" Tilmouth, who died in 2015. Variously described as a rock star, a virus, a chameleon, a black Alan Jones, and likened to Falstaff and Paul Keating, Tracker was no ordinary man. To prepare a lawyer for his first encounter with Tracker, economist Owen Cole told him that if they left Tracker with a team of the world's most eminent psychiatrists, by the end of a week the psychiatrists would either be mad or rewriting their books.

True to its subject and roots in Aboriginal culture, Tracker is a collective memoir in many voices. This might sound like a recipe for cacophony, but Wright has cut these voices into a multifaceted portrait that crackles with life. Tracker emerges as a born leader, a man of action who used words to slash Gordian knots and forge connections between black and white, law and economics, city and bush, young and old – and who threw jokes like bombs, exploding pretentions, prejudices and cliches.

Aboriginal leader Bruce "Tracker" Tilmouth was a sharp economist.

Aboriginal leader Bruce "Tracker" Tilmouth was a sharp economist.

"For him," says Wright, "stories were for changing reality at whatever level it took to make something happen."

Wright opens: "How do you tell an impossible story, one that is almost too big to contain in a single book?" This takes us into familiar territory for Wright, whose novels strive to combine all realities from the ancient to the contemporary.

Author Alexis Wright.

Author Alexis Wright.

In Tracker she has pulled off a remarkable feat, encompassing the enormous task of interviewing more than 50 people (including family, friends, colleagues, politicians, economists, lawyers and Tracker himself), to editing and arranging their stories so they move chronologically and thematically to build a vivid picture of an exceptional man.

They tell the life of a child of the Stolen Generation. Taken from his family in Central Australia, he was sent to a mission on Croker Island. There he was a fearless horse rider and a quick student with an astonishing memory. As a wayward teenager he returned to Central Australia where he was taken in by family friends Arthur and Bess Liddle to work on a cattle station. As their son tells it: "They brought this bloody cheeky, skinny mongrel of a kid … I think we all wanted to kill him straight away."

The skinny kid became a favourite who talked so much they'd twist his ear to turn him off. So began his education in cattle, and, more importantly, in Aboriginal culture. Bess took him into country, taught him language and where he stood within Aboriginal societies. Arthur tamed him and made him "dangerous, in how to use the brain". Tracker was always "the chief": "I thought of everything and told people what to do."

A major, fascinating thread concerns land rights and Tracker's passion for economics, his "grand vision of turning land rights into positive economic and social change, so that Aboriginal people could occupy higher levels of the economy". He equipped himself for this work by completing a university degree in economics and land management then returning to Central Australia.

<i>Tracker</i>, by Alexis Wright.

Tracker, by Alexis Wright.

As Wright says, Tracker "understood perfectly that Aboriginal culture had been shaped by sharp economists over tens of thousands of years".

Tracker was an unusually sharp economist. As he said: "Anyone who's a student of history will understand if you don't have an economic framework your political framework won't work." He knew you cannot develop an economic model for Aboriginal people that is alien to their social structure, which means understanding and taking account of culture, language, sacred sites and complex environmental issues.

Tracker was a rare Aboriginal economist when most of his contemporaries were lawyers, and he understood the inextricable links between the two. He called a treaty "an economic exchange between two peoples. It is both legal and economic, but it is mostly economic …"

The principles of Aboriginal economics, as Tracker understood them, are best conveyed by a story he told about getting his first kangaroo when aged about six. He gave the roo to his grandfather, who made a big fuss, then cut it up, saving every scrap, and cooked it. He then shared it with everyone in the camp. Tracker says, "that was what taught me what an economy should be about".

As head of the Central Land Council, Tracker worked tirelessly to apply this lesson. His management style was driving around talking, creating an environment where people could talk to each other for the first time in a decade.

One of his great successes was the groundbreaking 1997 Century Mine agreement. After prepping then-rising local leader Murrandoo Yanner, Tracker took him to an economic summit in Brisbane where he bailed up mining boss Paul Wand and forced him to sit down. As Yanner tells it, Tracker pulled out a little notebook "with about four bloody things on it" and said "Here's the beginning of an agreement". And so it was.

Wright invokes Joyce in Finnegans Wake to convey Tracker's legacy: he had so much in his mind it will "take them a hundred years to figure out". Similarly, it requires some work to read this compendium of tales.

My only concern about this superb book relates to what are also its strengths: its length and multi-vocal form. In an age when too few people make the time to read deeply and attentively, I hope that, true to its subject, Tracker bucks the trend. It paints a vision of action and possibility for this continent that makes it required reading for all Australians and all those interested in this land. As Wright says: "Tracker's story is like the country itself. Far bigger than one book, and as he would have said, We are only getting started here Wrighty."

Jane Gleeson-White's most recent book, Six Capitals, is published by Allen & Unwin at $22.99.

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