

This was published 6 years ago

Level crossing removal program poor value for money: Auditor-General Andrew Greaves

By Adam Carey

The cost of removing 50 of Melbourne's "most dangerous and congested" level crossings has blown out by at least $2.3 billion compared to Labor's first estimate.

At $8.3 billion, the project is more than 38 per cent more expensive than its initial $5 billion to $6 billion estimated price tag.

And it could end up costing even more, Victoria's Auditor-General says.

Contrary to the government's stated objective, many of the 50 crossings on the Andrews government's list are not among the city's most congested or dangerous, according to a new report.

The level crossing removal project has a cost of $8.3 billion ... and rising.

The level crossing removal project has a cost of $8.3 billion ... and rising.Credit: Patrick Scala

Labor promised from opposition to remove 50 level crossings by 2022 in an eight-year program, and is ahead of its target to remove the first 20 by 2018.

But a report by Auditor-General Andrew Greaves, tabled in State Parliament on Thursday, found the pace of removal, driven by the 2014 election commitment, threatens to erode the project's value for money.

Weaknesses in the business case and a politically driven refusal to assess the merits of the 50 selected sites have also undermined the project's value, the report said.

Just 32 of the crossings chosen featured in the top 50 of a 2008 list by the Department of Transport of the state's most dangerous, and just 28 were prioritised on a 2013 VicRoads removal list.

Ten crossings have been removed to date.

Ten crossings have been removed to date.Credit: Paul Rovere

"The delivery of the program is ahead of schedule, and [the Level Crossing Removal Authority] expects to surpass its target of removing 20 crossings by 2018," the report states.

"However, this pace presents risks to achieving value for money. These risks are compounded by an inadequate and delayed business case, and poor indicators to measure program benefits."

Other politically driven decisions, such as changing the reference design of crossing removals from rail over to rail under to avoid property acquisitions, have potentially added hundreds of millions of dollars to the project cost.

This has been especially so on the Frankston line, where 11 crossings are being removed, the report found.

This pace presents risks to achieving value for money. These risks are compounded by an inadequate and delayed business case.

Report by Auditor-General Andrew Greaves

Public Transport Minister Jacinta Allan defended Labor's selection of 50 crossings, arguing it had been made based on publicly available information while in opposition.

"What we didn't have at that point of time, of course, was the VicRoads report that the then Napthine government had ... and not only did the Liberal government keep this report a secret; they sat on it," Ms Allan said.

But she declined to give a guarantee that the project's $8.3 billion cost will not continue to rise.

The figure includes $1.4 billion for extras including new railway stations, power upgrades and track duplications, Ms Allan said.

"Where we have an opportunity when we're removing a level crossing to do more in those local communities to improve public transport services, we will," she said.

Treasurer Tim Pallas said the report was "an illustration of why governments should probably never talk about the cost of a project until they sign contracts".

Shadow Minister for Public Transport David Davis said level crossing removals had merit, "but that doesn't mean that you have a licence to blow the public's money ... on a poorly run project".

The report is scathing of the performance of Victoria's public service, finding that the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources has failed to give the Andrews government frank and full advice about potential problems with the project.

The finding by Mr Greaves mirrors a similarly damning assessment of how departmental staff mishandled the former Napthine government's failed East West Link project.

"The role of the public service to provide full and frank advice was not realised in this case," Mr Greaves wrote.

"[The department] should have advised the incoming government that an analysis was needed of the selected sites against the stated program objective of removing 50 of the most dangerous and congested level crossings."

The business case for the level crossing removal program was completed in April, almost two years after the project started.

It was given a benefit-cost ratio of 0.78, based on a total project cost of $7.6 billion, meaning it would return 78 cents for every dollar spent.

The project's current cost, $8.3 billion, would erode the benefit-cost ratio further, Mr Greaves' report said.

Much of the increase has come about from changes to recommended designs, particularly on the Frankston line, the report states.

It also warns that the business case for the project could get even shakier in coming years.

"Given the [level crossing removal project] has only removed 10 crossings to date, with five years still remaining and more complex crossings to remove, there is a real risk of further cost increases," the report said.

The project is largely being funded from the proceeds of the $9.7 billion long-term lease of the Port of Melbourne.

Crossing removals are also meant to bring in new revenue for Victoria by creating property development opportunities in a process called value capture.

However, the Auditor-General found problems with this aspect of the project.

By March, the Level Crossing Removal Authority had identified 26 possible development sites, with an estimated return to state of $153 million.

But so far just one contract has been signed with a developer.

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