

This was published 7 years ago

The Choke review: Diving into Sofie Laguna's world of violence and pain

By Helen Sullivan

The Choke
Allen & Unwin, $32.99

The Choke opens with its 10-year-old narrator, Justine Lee, getting ready to run from her slingshot-wielding half brothers, Kirk and Steve. "This thing is going to hurt, Justine," says Kirk. Don't say Sophie Laguna didn't warn you.

Sofie Laguna, a former winner of the Miles Franklin award, has a new novel out.

Sofie Laguna, a former winner of the Miles Franklin award, has a new novel out. Credit: Eddie Jim

Laguna started out writing young-adult fiction. The Choke is her third novel for adults. Her second, The Eye of the Sheep, won the Miles Franklin in 2015. Like that book, The Choke is about poverty and family. But where Eye of the Sheep looked at the world through the mind of a boy whose favourite reading material was instruction manuals, Justine's world is one deeply connected to nature. She can't read, so she escapes to the Murray and river red gum trees that line its banks.

Laguna builds suspense deftly and without mercy. From the moment The Choke begins, a slingshot's elastic is precisely, steadfastly being pulled back.

The Choke, by Sofie Laguna.

The Choke, by Sofie Laguna.

Justine lives with her grandfather Pop in a pale green house on the banks of the Murray river, a few miles from Echuca. Pop is a man split in two by his stint in the Vietnam war. His mind is still there half the time. While he loves his granddaughter, he doesn't care for her: She rarely bathes or has clean clothes; her dyslexia goes unnoticed.

Justine's brothers live down the road with Relle, their mother, but have most meals at Pop's. For every lousy supper, the family eats eggs laid by Pop's chooks. The three kids share a handsome, devious father, Ray, who shows up precisely when he feels like it.

One night after an eggy supper, Pop answers the phone, opens a beer and tells his grandkids their dad will be there by the end of the week. "Your old man's coming home. When Pop spoke the words I felt our worlds – Kirk's and Steve's and mine – shrink and separate," thinks Justine.

She looks forward to her father's arrival, even as all of the language she uses belies her fear of him: "When Ray was away the back-house was locked, the curtains closed. If you looked in the window you saw your own reflection. After the phone call the back-house seemed to grow bigger, as if Ray was pressing out the walls from the inside ..."


The book is named after the narrowest part of the river near the house. The banks are always threatening to touch, strangling the flow of water.

That week, before Ray arrives, Justine gets into trouble at school and is made to move seats. Her new deskmate is Michael Hooper, who, physically disabled and smart, is an outcast. The friendship they form makes for the only steady love and care Justine knows.

Come Friday, Ray arrives and starts playing his kids off against one another. He teaches Justine to shoot, though Kirk has been begging to learn. He compares his daughter's body with her mother's – "You got the same legs" – in front of Kirk and Steve as she adjusts the aerial on the TV.

Years later, written on the building of Justine's new high school, are three words she can't read. They appear to her as "Erad ot wonk". Michael and his family have moved to Sydney. Ray is in jail. Justine walks to the river and writes and rewrites the letters in the dust, reordering them until she gets it: Dare to know. It's the translation of The Choke's Latin epigraph: Sapere Aude.

The Choke is about Justine's struggle to come to terms with, and escape from, her circumstances. She has to figure out that she deserves better so that she can dare to leave. Or is it the other way round?

Laguna's villains, like all of her characters, are sensitively drawn and terrifyingly real: deadly, damaged men to whom children and women cling in spite of themselves. Laguna is sensitive to the complexity of Justine's relationship to her father. She is also unforgiving of his actions.

Justine becomes the target of violent revenge for her father's crime. Pushed to the brink of death and sanity, she finally starts to fight back, and the slingshot is released. The Murray's banks touch at the choke; the book races to the finish line. The stone Laguna lets fly ricochets inside you for days afterwards.

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