

This was published 7 years ago

How Roger Ailes and Fox News changed the world

By Nick O'Malley

To some extent, we all live in the world that Roger Ailes bequeathed us when he died in Palm Beach, Florida, on Thursday, bleeding onto his brain after a fall.

It is world of vivid colour and certainty of view, of endless threat and hyper-vigilance. A world in which good and evil is delineated by presenters with lustrous hair and brilliant teeth and in which lubricated catheters, gold coins and reverse mortgages are hawked by vigorous retirees.

Ailes, as much as any other single person, not only created the political environment that allowed Donald Trump to become president, but a news and political model that has swept the western world, including Australia.

Ailes was the creator of Fox News, the hard right cable news channel that came to dominate American politics and that made Rupert Murdoch one of the most powerful men on earth.

Roger Ailes was pushed out of Fox News in July.

Roger Ailes was pushed out of Fox News in July.Credit: AP

Last year, as Murdoch began the painful process of passing control of his empire to the next generation, his sons Lachlan and James forced Ailes to resign due an ugly sexual harassment scandal. This year they sacked Ailes's biggest star, Bill O'Reilly for the same reason. A Washington Post columnist tweeted that to mark Ailes's death "Skirts at Fox will be lowered to half-mast."

Ailes was loathed as much as he was loved, but not even his most trenchant critics ever doubted his genius for the medium he shaped.

Ailes learned politics as a young man as a media consultant to Richard Nixon and went on to advise Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush.

Murdoch hired him to launch Fox News in 1996 and it immediately distinguished itself with its bright colours and clarity of vision. It did not begin to surge in ratings until the September 11 attacks (when it became the first news outlet to include a ticker across the bottom of the screen) and the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Drenched in muscular patriotism it was to become the most profitable arm of Murdoch's global empire.

Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch in 1996 announcing Ailes as chairman and CEO of Fox News.

Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch in 1996 announcing Ailes as chairman and CEO of Fox News.Credit: AP

At Ailes' insistence, Fox News not only backed Republicans, but traduced their opponents as illegitimate, if not downright treacherous. Americans who might once have disagreed with one another were encouraged to mistrust one another. The Republican Party learnt to describe Democrats as "out of touch" and "elite" even as they cut taxes for the wealthy and support for the poor. Expertise, particularly that expressed by America's intelligentsia, became a thing to be derided rather than lauded.

In 2010 David Frum, a neo-conservative and former George W Bush speechwriter, lamented that Ailes' and Murdoch's creation had become more powerful than the party itself.

Aisles, then a media adviser, with Vice-President George H.W. Bush in 1988.

Aisles, then a media adviser, with Vice-President George H.W. Bush in 1988.Credit: AP

"Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we're discovering we work for Fox. And this balance here has been completely reversed. The thing that sustains a strong Fox network is the thing that undermines a strong Republican party," he said in an interview.

Fox is now central to the Trump administration. Political reporters now wake early to watch the morning program Fox and Friends because this is how Trump starts his day, and it is this program that often prompts the President's early-morning Twitter storms.

"On one hand, it's always good for a president to have independent sources of information from the hermetically sealed bubble that exists in the White House," Mark Feldstein, a broadcast journalism professor at the University of Maryland, told Bloomberg earlier this year. "But to the extent that he's getting news from cable television, which isn't the most reliable source of information, he's getting pretty distorted information."

Closer to home Ailes' creation affects us not only because of its role in the Trump administration, but because of its impact on our own media landscape.

In the post-Ailes world Australian commentators more frequently engage in personal attacks on perceived enemies, often over culture wars that began on Fox News. Sky TV, partly owned by Murdoch, already appears to be modelling itself after Fox News, with its calmer daytime voices replaced during high rating late-afternoon with a line-up of high-octane conservatives.

"Will it be 'Foxified' — that is, turned into a Down Under version of America's most watched and controversial cable news channel, Fox News?" asked The Australian's media columnist Mark Day in a recent piece.

Such speculation is not idle. Sky has built a line-up of evening talent that includes Graham Richardson, Alan Jones, Ross Cam­eron, Andrew Bolt, Peta Credlin, Kristina Keneally, and, until he was recently bounced for his own culture-war tirades, Mark Latham.

The federal government has announced its plans to lift laws that restricted owners from dominating print and television markets in particular regions.

There's more. Channel 10, also part-owned by an arm of the Murdoch empire is on the ropes, mired in debt it cannot pay. One of its board members, Siobhan McKenna, considered an Australian lieutenant of Lachlan Murdoch's, was recently airlifted from 10 and appointed as News Corp Aust­ralia's first director of broadcasting.

"It is passing strange that News has not had an Australian broadcast division prior to McKenna's appointment," wrote Day of the move.

What the future holds for Sky and 10 and the Australian arms of the Murdoch empire are not yet clear. And even if an Australian Fox News was on the cards it is not clear that it would succeed here as it has in the US.


For all the biases of Australian media - real and perceived - the market here is different, held in some check by a powerful and trusted public broadcaster.

But either way the Fox effect has already been felt here, and we all already live to some extent in the world Roger Ailes made for us.

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