

This was published 7 years ago

From the Wreck review: Jane Rawson's bravura novel of history with an edge

By Adam Rivett

From the Wreck
Jane Rawson
Transit Lounge, $29.95

It was Zadie Smith who famously traced two paths for the novel – lyrical realism and the experimental. There were equal parts truth and provocation in her claim, but this much is undeniable: we sternly sequester our authors, and frequently place on them the limits and expectations of genre.

<i>From the Wreck</i> by Jane Rawson.

From the Wreck by Jane Rawson.

This makes Jane Rawson's new novel all the more striking – two paths are likewise drawn, yet the fences that might divide them do not hold. Instead, the paths meld and melt, producing something truly unique and disquieting.

The novel's two opening chapters establish its fundamental binary. The first is well-trod and reliable: historical fiction. Rawson draws from the actual – on August 6, 1859, the steamship Admella foundered on Carpenters Reef, not far from the South Australian shore. On this sinking ship we meet George Hills, one of only two people to eventually survive. The writing in these opening pages is deft if familiar – introductory descriptions, colourful dialogue, the protagonist's thoughts made knowable via italics. We are at home in the well-made novel, the past brought convincingly to life.

Only pages later, a second path is marked, utterly denuded of these trappings – a first-person voice of Beckettian force speaking from lightless depths ("I tumble back, in: under. I tumble back under, down, down, down.") The sturdy prose of the opening is replaced with a compacted poetry that refuses easy narrative and obvious connection. There are questions but, for now, few answers. For the novel's remainder these two seemingly disparate approaches circle each other, occasionally – and horrifically – combining.

What Rawson has ingeniously forged with From the Wreck is something approaching an old-fashioned historical yarn spliced with Cronenbergian body horror. Having escaped with his life, yet unable to shake the strange visions he encountered before being rescued, George's familiar narrative – the traumatised man seeking answers – is given new shading and shape under Rawson's refashioned setting.

George feels something stronger than mere survivor's guilt marks his days, and is more right than he can imagine. This tonal oddness – the commonplace rubbing shoulders with the supernatural – adds to the book's considerations of mourning and absence a vivid hue.

As the novel progresses, and as family and children grow around Hills, he remains haunted by potentially unresolvable questions. A long stretch of the book consists of George looking for the true identity of the shipwreck's other survivor, and it's here that the novel's counternarrative – that shapeshifting voice – gains real purchase. Rather than settle for a portrait of a man weighed down by delusion, and play George's convictions for easy irony against a rational world, the alternating voice renders the once settled historical setting strange and newly unknowable. The tension between these two toggling narrative devices – and, as the book advances, their crossing paths – generates in the book's first two thirds a genuine tension and sense of dread.

Another element contributing to this menace is the book's denial of obvious historical writing tropes. After its opening scene-setting burst, the book grows increasingly intimate – there is a sense of a daily life lived in confusion and loss, far from the preserving amber of official records. While the names of now defunct newspapers occasionally dapple the page, there is for the most part a lack of the kind of heavy carpeting and research-justifying detail that can make historical fiction an occasional grind. In Rawson's vision, the past is more than a foreign country – it's both a recognisable Australia and, the next moment, an alien landscape.

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