

This was published 7 years ago

'The most unfashionable rock star': How ABC's Insiders beat Sunrise and Today

When it launched, some dismissed Insiders as a niche program. Now, it's Australia's top-rating morning show.

By Michael Lallo

Pauline Hanson is standing in the ABC's Melbourne studios, watching Barrie Cassidy as he welcomes viewers to Insiders. "The government doesn't seem to have a strategy to deal with [her]," Cassidy says. "They don't seem to know whether to appease or oppose."

The One Nation leader turns to her adviser, James Ashby, and grins.

Hanson is here for her first interview on ABC's Sunday morning political program, now in its 17th year. Her controversial remarks on penalty rates, Vladimir Putin and vaccination spark a blaze of headlines. First, she blames "failing" media for the blowback. Later, she walks back some of her vaccination claims – while maintaining the reaction was overblown.

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson on the set of <i>Insiders</i>, watching host Barrie Cassidy.

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson on the set of Insiders, watching host Barrie Cassidy.Credit: Meredith O'Shea

It's a tactic copied straight from Donald Trump: whip up attention with provocative comments, then paint yourself as a victim of media bullying.

Hanson has long favoured commercial breakfast programs, but it was only a matter of time before she yielded to Cassidy's overtures. While most established series are watching their ratings sink, Insiders has more than doubled its audience since 2007, averaging 548,000 viewers this year.

This puts it ahead of Seven's Sunrise (522,000) and Nine's Today (473,000). It also beats every other morning-based news, sport, business and chat show.

"It's the most unfashionable rock star you've ever seen," says ABC news boss Gaven Morris, who produced Cassidy's political stories on The 7.30 Report in the mid-'90s. In 2001, Aunty finally green-lit Cassidy's proposal for a dedicated political program. Over dinner in London, he and Morris tossed around ideas.

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson sparked a week of headlines following her controversial remarks to <i>Insiders</i> host Barrie Cassidy.

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson sparked a week of headlines following her controversial remarks to Insiders host Barrie Cassidy.Credit: Meredith O'Shea

"No suits, no ties," Morris scrawled on a napkin. It informed the show's irreverent ethos, distinguishing it from Nine's Sunday and Ten's Meet the Press. (Cassidy says the term "Insiders casual" appeared on wedding invitations after its debut.) But to some observers, a series "for political junkies" seemed doomed to low ratings.

Sunrise and Today have since borrowed a few tricks from their ABC rival. Unlike Insiders, neither is designed to be watched from start to end, which lowers their ratings. Across a working week, though, almost 2.6 million catch at least five minutes of Sunrise, and 2.4 million watch Today. Still, the crown goes to the show with the biggest average. This puts Cassidy, 'Talking Pictures' host Mike Bowers and the panelists at No.1.

'The contest of ideas ... is the core of it': <i>Insiders</i> guest panelists from left to right: <i>The Guardian's</i> Katharine Murphy, <i>The Financial Review's</i> Phillip Coorey and Channel Seven's Mark Riley, with host Barrie Cassidy.

'The contest of ideas ... is the core of it': Insiders guest panelists from left to right: The Guardian's Katharine Murphy, The Financial Review's Phillip Coorey and Channel Seven's Mark Riley, with host Barrie Cassidy. Credit: Meredith O'Shea

"This is where you hit the bias question head-on," Cassidy says. "A good panel is one where, more than likely, anything anybody says will be challenged. The last thing you want is group-think."

Most press gallery journalists, he adds, aren't easily pegged as left or right: "Some critics think if you're to the left of Andrew Bolt, you're a left-winger. But there's a lot of room between Andrew Bolt and the centre."

'She constantly refreshes the program': Cassidy with <i>Insiders</i> executive producer Kellie Mayo.

'She constantly refreshes the program': Cassidy with Insiders executive producer Kellie Mayo.Credit: Meredith O'Shea

As a former press secretary to prime minister Bob Hawke, Cassidy is an easy target for bias accusations. Yet John Howard is among his biggest admirers, describing Insiders as "fine example of a very balanced ABC current affairs program".

Since the Kevin Rudd-Julia Gillard era, incessant leadership speculation has been good for his ratings, but bad for the country. Also hampering democracy was Rudd's tendency to speak in robotic soundbites. Whatever the question, he'd deflect with a "bridging phrase" ("The most important thing, Barrie...") then switch to an inane "key message" (something about "working families", usually.)

Cassidy summarises the morning's political news on the 'Sunday Papers' segment.

Cassidy summarises the morning's political news on the 'Sunday Papers' segment.Credit: Meredith O'Shea

Once in power, Julia Gillard, Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull became similarly afflicted.

Now, these evasive pollies get around 10 minutes for interviews, not 15. Executive producer Kellie Mayo has extended the panel discussion and added more video packages. The satirical mash-ups – which earned Huw Parkinson a Walkley Award, and are widely shared on social media – have helped draw younger viewers.


Despite more outlets churning out more coverage, Insiders continues to grow. Cassidy isn't surprised: clutter makes viewers hungrier for a weekly digest. For Morris, the "contest of ideas" is most important. "When the panelists are really testing each other's ideas," he says, "that's when we've nailed it."

Twitter: @Michael_Lallo

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