

This was published 8 years ago

"It's not a NIMBY thing": Greens, socialists block nursing home for poor

By Clay Lucas

A nursing home expansion proposed in one of Melbourne's most desirable pockets, to be built for some of society's most vulnerable, has been blocked by Greens and socialist councillors at the behest of scores of residents.

Clifton Hill's Sambell Lodge is an aged care centre for the disadvantaged, run by the Brotherhood of St Laurence.

Sambell Lodge resident Graeme Doyle in his room, surrounded by his artwork.

Sambell Lodge resident Graeme Doyle in his room, surrounded by his artwork. Credit: Wayne Taylor

Half of its residents were homeless before finding a place, and many have histories of mental illness and alcohol abuse.

The centre's rooms are small and do not have their own bathrooms, and the Brotherhood wants to more than double the size of the 38-year-old centre opposite the Darling Gardens.

Sambell Lodge as it stands today.

Sambell Lodge as it stands today. Credit: Wayne Taylor

Among Sambell Lodge residents is Graeme Doyle, 69, who came four years ago for respite care and never left.

"All of us here have experienced difficulties," said Mr Doyle, who suffers from "schizophrenia and manic depression, diabetes, problems with my kidneys and liver. And the list goes on".

Mr Doyle paints – "I'm the greatest psychotic artist in Australia" – and loves his home, but says he is cramped in his room, and wouldn't mind his own bathroom.

But the move to expand the centre from 43 beds to 117 so that more like Mr Doyle can find accommodation has sparked fury among the area's well-resourced residents.

An artists impression of the proposed new Sambell Lodge.

An artists impression of the proposed new Sambell Lodge.

Following a resident campaign, Yarra Council rejected the Brotherhood's $26 million plan despite council officers recommending its approval.

Three Greens councillors and socialist Stephen Jolly opposed the proposal, which the Brotherhood will now take to the state planning tribunal in a bid to overturn Yarra's decision.

A 100-year-old box elder tree on Sambell Lodge's land that comedian Rod Quantock says must be saved.

A 100-year-old box elder tree on Sambell Lodge's land that comedian Rod Quantock says must be saved. Credit: Wayne Taylor

Almost 60 residents in the streets around Sambell Lodge objected, citing the demolition of a disused heritage church built in 1905, traffic, overlooking and tree removal concerns.

Among the opponents is architect Damien Bonnice, who lives nearby. He opposes the loss of heritage, the intensity of the proposed replacement building, and its design.

The church behind Sambell Lodge in Clifton Hill, built in 1905, that would be demolished.

The church behind Sambell Lodge in Clifton Hill, built in 1905, that would be demolished. Credit: Wayne Taylor

"The architecture is something you could plonk on Dandenong Road or the Nepean Highway and no-one would give a hoot," he said. "This is a big institutional building that is completely foreign to its neighbourhood."

Mr Bonnice said the backyards of those adjoining Sambell Lodge would be destroyed. "I certainly wouldn't want it in my backyard."

Councillor Jolly also said the plan "totally ignored standards for that part of the area. It's one of the most beautiful parts of Melbourne".

Comedian Rod Quantock has lived nearby for 35 years and also objected. He does not want a 100-year-old box elder tree on the site cut down for the development. "It's an amazing tree - to kill a tree like that is unconscionable," he said. "It's not a NIMBY thing. They [the Brotherhood] are taking the easiest way to maximise the number of units."

But one Clifton Hill local, Rosemarie​ Speidel​, said she had been horrified by her neighbours' opposition, saying Sambell Lodge residents were being ignored while wealthy residents looked after themselves.

She described the most vocal objectors as "the most selfish people I've ever seen", who had brought their own independent experts to this month's planning meeting at Yarra Council.

"They pay $2 million dollars for a house and then try to protect their amenity. But you can't go and live in a place like Clifton Hill with all those amenities and not let anyone with less in."

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