

This was published 9 years ago

Firearms database aims to stop gun trafficking

By Nino Bucci

A national firearms database has been fast-tracked in the wake of concerns about how Martin Place shooter Man Haron Monis had access to guns.

The tracking system will aim to stop the trafficking of firearms across Australia, with authorities convinced that the vast majority of weapons used in organised crime are circulated across the country, rather than imported from overseas.

The National Firearms Interface will include information about a firearm's ownership history.

The National Firearms Interface will include information about a firearm's ownership history.

A meeting of the Law, Crime and Community Safety Council on Friday will be told that the database will be completed by the end of the year, two years ahead of schedule.

The National Firearms Interface will include information about a firearm's ownership history, whether it is suspected of being used in a crime, and whether it has been reported stolen.

The safety council, a sub-committee of the Council of Australian Governments, contains state Attorneys-General, police and emergency services ministers.

Each state and territory police force is auditing firearms data to include in the interface.

High-level intervention by CrimTrac, the agency responsible for information sharing between state and federal law enforcement and security authorities, sped up the creation of the database.

The Commonwealth-New South Wales Joint Review into the Martin Place siege recommended that the National Firearms Interface be completed by the end of 2015.

Monis and two hostages died in the 16-hour siege last December.


The review found that while an interface would not have prevented Monis' offending, it "would help police to fight gun crime".

Monis had never legally owned a gun or held a licence and the review found that the sawn-off pump-action shotgun used in the siege may have entered Australia lawfully, but became a "grey market" firearm when it was not returned as part of the National Buyback program in 1996.

That program, predominantly targeting semi-automatic firearms, was a response to the Port Arthur massacre earlier that year.

Federal Justice Minister Michael Keenan said that the interface would make it easier to track the small number of firearms that are imported illegally into Australia.

"Firearms trafficking is a deadly crime and even a small number of illegal firearms coming into Australia is a huge threat to the safety of our communities.

"Now, more than ever, we must do everything we can to ensure the safety of all Australians – critical to stopping the trade of illicit firearms is cooperation between states and territories."

The Organised Crime in Australia 2015 report released by the Australian Crime Commission on Wednesday found that the "grey market" was the main source of rifles and shotguns in the underworld, but that it was unknown how many firearms or firearm parts were illegally imported into Australia and not detected.

The report found that in some states and territories there had been an increase in firearms being stolen from registered owners and dealers.

The data relating to those stolen firearms will be able to be shared on the interface.

"There are data records from jurisdictions right around the country that have originated many decades ago, so there's a lot of work in ensuring the data matching is as accurate as can possibly be," ACC chief executive Chris Dawson said.

"In terms of weapons that should have been returned under the buyback scheme, or have never been subject of licensing, they are also a matter of enduring concern, because we do regularly find that there are weapons that have never appeared on a licensing or regulatory system."

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