

This was published 15 years ago

Australia's Iraq deployment ends after six years

By Max Blenkin

Australia has officially ended its six-year military presence in Iraq three days ahead of the deadline.

The honour of being the last digger to leave the strife-torn country went to Corporal Don Mander.

The last Australian troops have been withdrawn from duty in Iraq.

The last Australian troops have been withdrawn from duty in Iraq.Credit: Department of Defence

He stepped aboard an RAAF C-130 Hercules transport aircraft at Baghdad International Airport on Tuesday afternoon, the last of 12 Australian personnel embedded within US units operating in Baghdad.

Under an agreement negotiated with the Iraq government late last year, all Australian troops remaining inside Iraq had to be gone by July 31.

The exception is the security detachment, known as SECDET, comprising about 100 soldiers with armoured vehicles who guard the embassy and transport diplomats and officials around the Iraq capital.

They will remain in place for the foreseeable future under separate diplomatic agreements.

Australia's commander in the Middle East Mark Kelly flew to Baghdad at the weekend to oversee the final withdrawal.

Australia's mission started in March 2003 when Special Air Service Regiment soldiers infiltrated Iraq's western desert, slightly ahead of official hostilities.

Major General Kelly said the coalition commanders he visited were full of praise for Australia's contribution.


With the withdrawal of the battlegroup from southern Iraq last year, numbers of embedded Australian personnel dwindled from 100 to about 45 at the start of the year and a dozen at the end.

All were embedded with various coalition units including the counter-improvised explosive device task force and the intelligence centre.

The Aussies were farewelled with flag-lowering ceremonies, and at what was called Aussie island - where Australian personnel lived for the past six years - the flag was officially lowered for the last time.

Major General Kelly said the last Australian out was Corporal Mander, from Brisbane, a member of the small administrative team supporting the embedded personnel.

``Don was the last guy to step onto the ramp of the aircraft as we brought them out,'' he said.

``It was a nice little touch to allow him to be that guy.''

The drawdown of Australian personnel had been undertaken progressively since last year and included the redeployment of a warship from the top of the Persian Gulf.

That ship, currently HMAS Toowoomba, now works with US task groups in the central Gulf and northern Indian Ocean region.

Major General Kelly said SECDET personnel still had important work, even in the more benign security environment, with increased diplomatic engagement with the Iraq government taking them to more distant locations.

SECDET's security posture remains under constant review, he said.

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