

This was published 15 years ago

Emotional rescue

Former Big Brother host Gretel Killeen has closed a chapter by writing her memoirs, writes Michael Lallo.

Gretel Killeen would like to apologise for the book she has just written.

Moving on: Gretel Killeen has survived some bruising moments in her career that have led her to re-evaluate her life.

Moving on: Gretel Killeen has survived some bruising moments in her career that have led her to re-evaluate her life.Credit: Domino Postiglione

"I may have suggested that I'd found the answers to life," she says of her "gleefully exaggerated memoir", The Night My Bum Dropped. "I'm now writing a sequel in which I basically say, 'Oops, I didn't'."

But Killeen does not actually claim to have solved the mystery of our existence (and by all accounts, her backside has not actually dropped). Rather, her protagonist - the former host of a "scandal-filled TV show" - is in the midst of "the female midlife crisis for the generation who were meant to be superwomen, run a global empire, raise a family, help a crippled dog give birth and do the ironing while having multiple orgasms".

"Even though the details are exaggerated, the emotions are true," says the former host of Big Brother, who has written more than 20 books. "It's one of the most honest things I've ever written. It reveals something about myself. People are surprised by that, but they're also greatly comforted by it."

The emotions Killeen speaks of include fear, anger, sadness and confusion - but also excitement and joy. "I want people to realise that's what being human is about," she says. "It doesn't mean you're abnormal if you worry; it means you're normal. And the more we talk about those things, I think the happier people can be."

She detests the "I'll finally be satisfied once I get a new car/find a husband/have children" mentality that has pervaded our society - and the self-aggrandisement many resort to in order to achieve them. "I remember a time when you did not tell people what your house was worth," she says. "You did not tell them what your income was. You conversed in a way to make the other person feel good, not to puff yourself up. I wish we could stop all this self-promotion."

She says she is the sort of person who has always wondered what life is about. But her axing from Big Brother in 2007, and her widely-panned hosting of the Logies in May, prompted an even greater level of soul-searching.

"It hurt a lot," she says of the scathing reaction to her Logies performance. "But it didn't kill me. I didn't actually read the papers when all that happened. You'd have to be a nincompoop to do that because you'd end up feeling so hurt.


"We live in a world where we have all these open forums for criticism. It's like, 'What do you think about the colour of so-and-so's hair? Should these two people get married? Let us know what you think'. I mean, anyone can sit on the sidelines and criticise people but not everybody is brave enough to put themselves out there. There is the illusion that you're doing something when you're sitting on the couch criticising someone. But you're really just sitting in the same place, pulling other people down."

Yet many assumed Killeen was cackling with delight at the poor ratings and critical roasting Big Brother suffered after she was replaced by Kyle Sandilands and Jackie O.

"We are a country of assumed schadenfreude," she says, clearly eager to emphasise that was not the case. "But I know Kyle and Jackie and they're both good people. Frankly, I wouldn't wish ill upon anybody and I wouldn't be joyful at someone else's misfortune. And I didn't watch the series because there's no point exposing yourself to that when you've moved on. It feels like a very long time ago now."

Even the Logies episode seems like a lifetime ago. "It was honestly life-changing," she says. "It caused me to profoundly look at what is important to me and the importance of other people's opinions.

"I see it as a really positive experience."

Of course, she has not shut herself off from feedback. She still cares what people think, but she'll be more judicious about whom she listens to.

Killeen, who is single, has two children: a son who lives in London and a daughter who is also planning to move overseas. "Everything I did - from the time I woke up to the suburb we lived in, the car I drove and the food I had in the fridge - revolved around my children," she says. "Now they're moving out, people keep telling me I can do what I really want.

"Except I really wanted to raise my children! It's not like I was suffering for 20 years and I've finally been let out of jail. I adore having them around. But now I'm starting a new chapter and while it's frightening, it can also be exciting if you stare it down the barrel.

"And I also think that one of the greatest joys in life is being able to reduce the time between something calamitous happening and finding it funny in the re-telling. I don't want to take myself too seriously because, frankly, it hasn't prevented the slings and arrows coming my way. I pretty much want to be laughing as it happens."

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