

This was published 10 years ago

Traveller letters: The trappings of data roaming


It has become well known that international data roaming can be costly. Telstra issues an SMS warning the minute you land in a new country to turn off "data roaming" in your smartphone, particularly iPhones, if you don't need it. However, one company, which provides "low cost" international call SIM cards, has a lucrative trap for the unwary. Even if you have data roaming turned off in your iPhone, the company has it automatically turned on when you install the SIM card. The small print advises you of a three digit phone number to call to disable it, but no warnings. Querying doesn't help. They just blame Apple and take your money. For me the "low cost" turned into more than $130 for a few short local calls in the United States.

- David Wakeley


Your travel writer, Rodney Bolt speculates that Shakespeare obtained details of Denmark's Kronborg Castle from someone, possibly a travelling player, who had visited there. An obvious alternative explanation, which Bolt, through his research, may have rejected, is that Shakespeare himself visited the castle as a travelling player during the undocumented period of his life from 1585 to 1592.

- Patrick O'Callaghan


The low-cost US carrier JetBlue from Boston to Chicago offered me a credit for cost of my ticket or $US250 - whichever was greater - as compensation for 40 minutes' delay due to a storm over Chicago. Seats had a huge amount of leg room and they offered a free snack service.

- Denise Stone



Here's a tip if anyone is thinking of travelling by train in France. My partner and I are doing this in September so we went onto the SNCF website ( where we were able to easily book our various trains and times as well as reserve our seats. You can do this for the TGV or regular service trains. Not only this but we had our tickets sent to us here in Australia free of charge. Well worth doing.

- Daryll Gigg


Having just read your Flight Test review on Qatar Airways, I was amazed at the completely different service I experienced. I too went business class from Kuala Lumpur to Doha and from Doha to Milan. Although the service was adequate, it was certainly not of the standard experienced by your reviewer. At no stage did a staff member escort me to my plane , nor was I greeted by my flight attendant, nor were the meals of the same extraordinary quality of your reviewer.

- Ruth Pojer


The Tripologist makes some valid points about visiting Egypt with others having written recently about the ethics of holidaying in Burma. But where does one find a suitable country to visit? I am concerned about a good record in environmental protection , fair treatment of indigenous people and asylum seekers, a lack of corruption, political and press freedom. Obviously some countries are worse than others, but where does one draw the line? Australia certainly does not rate highly in some of these categories.

- Dave Torr

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