

This was published 12 years ago

Six burning questions for Cal Wilson

By Natalie Craig

1. You're a ''theatresports'' champion. What do you consider to be your best piece of improv?

It's a toss up between getting out of a speeding ticket and convincing my husband, Chris, that I've had these amazing new boots for ages.

Cal Wilson is all ears.

Cal Wilson is all ears.

2. As a native New Zealander, has your accent ever been grossly misunderstood?

People used to have the most trouble with things like lift/left or pin/pen. Mostly now, I think they're used to me. Ironically, when I went back to Christchurch, my home town, I had great trouble understanding the car-hire woman. She was asking me about roof racks, and whether I had ''toe skis''. I said ''Toe skis? Are they different from normal skis?'' and she replied, ''No, how many pairs? One or toe?'' I was mortified.


3. You're the mother of a toddler. Does he inspire many laughs?

Heaps. Probably funnier to his parents though than anyone else. He made his first joke not long after he started talking. Lying on the change table one night, he did a little fart then yelled ''BANG!'' I thought: ''Oh my lord, I've had a bogan.''

4. What's the most romantic thing anyone's ever done for you?

The one that instantly stands out is from when I was still at high school. My first boyfriend bought me a huge stuffed elephant because he knew elephants were my favourite animal. Except they weren't, they were my best friend's favourite animal. Bless him. At least he remembered something. Now that we're the owner/operators of a toddler, the most romantic thing my husband can say is, ''Why don't you have a sleep in?''


5. What do comedians do when they hang out together?

We like to swap terrible gig stories and shriek with laughter at the hideousness of it all. Nothing more bonding than sharing the agony of a gig from hell - whether it was drunk chicken factory workers pelting the comedians with chicken drumsticks until they ran from the building or a work Christmas do where the entire audience had just found out they'd been made redundant … Both of these happened to me.

6. What's your most extravagant purchase of late?

Not an amazing pair of boots. Nope. Nothing to see here, move along now.

Cal Wilson is All Ears is on at the Cloak Room, Melbourne Town Hall, for the Melbourne Comedy Festival until April 21.

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