

This was published 9 years ago

Bloodborne review: Dark Souls successor is a gothic masterpiece

By James 'DexX' Dominguez

Japanese studio From Software is known for making their games hard.

While it produces a variety of titles, its most popular creations are the three games known as the Souls series: Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, and Dark Souls II. All three are dark fantasy action-roleplaying games, in which a sole adventurer carves their way through a succession of seemingly impossible-to-kill monsters.

The city of Yharnam is a wonderful artistic creation, but also a dark maze full of horrors.

The city of Yharnam is a wonderful artistic creation, but also a dark maze full of horrors.

The trademark all of these games share is their difficulty: the phrase "cruel but fair" is often used by aficionados. These are games that demand patience, attention to detail, quick reflexes, and even quicker improvisation when everything inevitably goes wrong.

From's latest offering is the PlayStation 4 exclusive Bloodborne. While it is officially a new, stand-alone game with a unique world and story, in spirit it is very much a Souls game: it is gothic, frightening, grotesque, and at times oddly beautiful, but most of all it is tough as nails.

The designs of the infected townspeople are grotesque and endlessly fascinating.

The designs of the infected townspeople are grotesque and endlessly fascinating.

The player takes on the role of a "hunter", a powerful but distrusted outsider who comes to a troubled city to hunt down and kill the monsters that plague it. The city of Yharnam is a wonderful artistic creation, an eastern-European styled gothic metropolis, a fantastical blend of Prague, Budapest, and Vienna. The silhouette of its city skyline is all ornate steeples, crumbling towers, gabled roofs, and hunched-together terrace houses.

Appropriately, the hunter has arrived on the night of "the hunt", a recurring event in which the townsfolk take to the streets to kill and burn the grotesque human-animal hybrids known collectively as "beasts". On this hunt, however, something has gone terribly wrong: the townsfolk themselves have been corrupted by the curse that afflicts Yharnam, and the streets are full of packs of beasts fighting beasts.

Infected townsfolk stride through narrow twisted streets with tufts of fur escaping the cuffs of their shirts and their ears turned up in telltale points. Familiar creatures such as werewolves and witches have been given a horrific twist, sporting bizarrely proportioned, spider-like limbs, faces wrapped in blood-stained bandages, or what appear to be barnacles growing from their skin.

What seems to be a plague of werewolves soon reveals itself to also include transformations into other beasts, including pigs, snakes, and even stranger creatures. The monsters that must be battled are hideous and vicious, but one must admire the art and ingenuity that has gone into creating them.

Don't expect to see too many friendly faces throughout your playthrough of <i>Bloodborne</i>.

Don't expect to see too many friendly faces throughout your playthrough of Bloodborne.

Like its predecessors, though, Bloodborne is all about the combat, which is strategic, fast-moving, and panic-inducing. The gameplay in Souls was already excellent and did not need fixing, but From have added some new twists.

The biggest new addition is the ability to regain lost health by fighting back against an enemy. After the player is struck, they have a few seconds to strike back at their opponent. If they are quick, any damage they inflict is returned to them as healing. It encourages faster play, pushing the player to leap into the fight instead of hanging back and waiting for the right moment.

Combat in general also feels faster. Even the gigantic boss enemies bound quickly around their arenas, leaping out of range of the player's attacks and attempting to flank them. Enemies also appear in greater numbers, with mutated townsfolk and their ferocious guard dogs in particular attacking in packs of half a dozen or more. Enemies that are easily dispatched alone can be murderous en masse.

That is the primary lesson that Bloodborne teaches: everything is deadly. Nothing in the entire game is weak or harmless. Even the lowliest cannon-fodder thug can kill the player in seconds on the heels of a careless mistake.

It is punishing, nerve-wracking, often extremely frustrating, and yet it is wonderful. This is the game that the PlayStation 4 needed, an exclusive title that can truly sell a console. While the PS4 is an excellent machine, its library of games is easily the weakest of the three current consoles, and an instant classic like Bloodborne is a huge step in the right direction.

That is not to say it is perfect, however. The entire Souls series has had weird, floaty physics, and this has not changed: enemy corpses are apparently weightless, and walking over them makes them drag on your character's feet like a streamer of unnoticed toilet paper.

The game's amazing art is let down by an outdated engine. This is a PS4 exclusive, and as such should be optimised to an intense degree. Instead there are occasional framerate hiccups, almost no shadows to speak of — disconcerting when a roaring bonfire casts no shadows — and ugly aliasing on sharp edges.

Like the previous games, Bloodborne also has no lip-synching: characters keep their mouths shut and just bob their heads up and down whenever they speak. It feels like a relic from a game from the 1990s. The menus feel outdated and clunky, also like something from a previous era.

Regardless, Bloodborne is a triumph, a title that takes everything that was great about an existing series and marries it to a host of excellent new ideas. The high difficulty and epic length means it will not be for everyone, but Souls fans who own PS4s should buy it immediately.

Fans without PS4s will no doubt be seriously considering investing in one.

Bloodborne will be available on Wednesday March 25 exclusively for PlayStation 4, rated MA15+, RRP $99.95

This game was reviewed on PlayStation 4 using a copy provided by Sony Australia.

DexX is on Twitter: @jamesjdominguez

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