

This was published 13 years ago

Hooked on the catch

Half a century on, the late Joseph Heller's satirical masterpiece is still making waves, topping lists and winning over new readers.

By Nick Galvin

''IT WAS love at first sight. The first time Yossarian saw the chaplain he fell madly in love with him.''

It is with these famously innocent words that Joseph Heller sets in motion his brutal, chaotic, sprawling, disturbing, infuriating, searingly funny novel Catch-22, published 50 years ago next month.

Inspirational voice ... author Joseph Heller.

Inspirational voice ... author Joseph Heller.Credit: Reuters

Yossarian is a US Air Force bombardier during the Second World War (memorably described by one critic as ''yellow and proud of it - a two-fisted, hairy-chested coward''), who has ''decided to live forever or die in the attempt''.

Yossarian's problem is that, as far as he can see, everyone is trying to kill him: the defenders shooting at his plane as he flies bombing missions over France and Italy and the officers who insist on sending him up there in the first place.

So, just as any sane person would do to keep from being sent on more near-suicidal bombing runs, Yossarian pretends he is nuts.

But when he visits the unit's doctor to get himself excused on grounds of insanity, he runs up against the central dilemma of the book, a dilemma that has since passed into everyday language.

''There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one's own safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he was sane, he had to fly them. If he flew them, he was crazy and didn't have to; but if he didn't want to, he was sane and had to. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle.

'''That's some catch, that Catch-22,' he observed.

'''It's the best there is,' Doc Daneeka agreed.''


At this point, anyone writing about Heller's novel runs into a snag: it's almost impossible to give a coherent summary of the plot, which loops and swirls through time and place in what can at first seem to be a disorientating fashion.

Bizarre characters amble in and out of the narrative, events seem disconnected and conversations refer back to something that might have happened many chapters previously - or not at all. There's Colonel Scheisskopf, for whom winning military parades are more important than anything, Major Major Major Major, who will only allow fellow officers to make appointments to see him when he is not in, and Milo Minderbender, who arranges for his own squadron to be bombed as part of a business deal.

Heller claimed that even he wasn't quite sure what it all meant.

''I didn't know what Catch-22 was all about until three months after it came out, when people, often total strangers that had no interest in saying the right (or wrong) things to me, began coming up and talking about the book,'' he said in a 1974 interview. ''It meant different things to them.''

However, judging by the painstaking way in which Heller worked, that is almost certainly a little bit disingenuous. Heller began sketching out Catch-22 as early as 1953, assigning each character and event its own index card, eventually ending up with a shoe-box of cards at his New York home. It took eight years of writing, reworking, editing and tinkering to fashion the novel.

For many of those years it was not even called Catch-22 but rather Catch-18. It was not until Leon Uris's new novel Mila 18 hit the bookshops that Heller and his publishers were forced to rethink the name of their own project.

For a while it became Catch-14 but Heller's editor, Bob Gottlieb, was never happy with the new number until he had a flash of inspiration. ''Twenty-two! It's 22!'' Gottlieb later recalled saying. ''And I remember calling up Joe and saying, 'It's funnier than 18!' But of course the fact is that no number is funnier than any other number. It's complete self-delusion. But once we were convinced it was funnier, then it became funny.''

Much of the humour in Catch-22 comes from the farcical situations Heller creates for his bizarre characters, on top of which he layers his own paradoxical wordplay.

Thus, he writes: ''The Texan turned out to be good-natured, generous and likeable. In three days no one could stand him … '' and later that Colonel Cargill was a ''self-made man, who owed his lack of success to nobody''.

Heller even claimed to be unaware of much of the comedic effect he had created.

''It surprised me that things in Catch-22 turned out to be very funny,'' he told an interviewer.

''I thought I was being humorous but I didn't know I would make people laugh. In my apartment one day I heard this friend of mine in another room laughing out loud and that was when I realised I could be comic.''

But towards the end of the book, the dark humour gives way abruptly to pure horror when many of the characters are killed, cumulating in a devastating scene when Yossarian cradles Snowden, a dying comrade who, literally, spills his guts after being hit by shrapnel.

''It was easy to read the message in his entrails,'' Heller writes. ''Man was matter, that was Snowden's secret. Drop him out a window and he'll fall. Set fire to him and he'll burn. Bury him and he'll rot like other kinds of garbage. The spirit gone, man is garbage.''

Suddenly things are savagely serious and the humour leaks from the prose like Snowden's blood on the plane floor.

The initial critical reception for Catch-22 was mixed - a fact Heller never forgot or forgave. Reviewers either raved about the strange new novel or they hated it.

Influential critic Richard G. Stern called it an ''emotional hodgepodge'' that was both ''repetitive and monotonous''. Heller was like ''a brilliant painter who decides to throw all the ideas in his sketchbooks onto one canvas, relying on their charm and shock to compensate for the lack of design'', he said.

Nelson Algren, however, writing in The Nation, said it was ''not merely the best American novel to come out of World War II'' but ''the best American novel to come out of anywhere in years''.

Sales were initially sluggish but, aided by innovative advertising from the publisher, the ''Catch Craze'' gradually ignited on both sides of the Atlantic to the point where well-dressed undergraduates would sport used army camouflage jackets with ''Yossarian'' name tags and a copy of Catch-22 in the pocket.

''That suggests that it touched on something that a vast number of people responded to because sometimes things become bestsellers just because the publicity blows them in there,'' says Rich Pascal, visiting fellow at ANU and an expert on Heller.

Catch-22 the novel has since gone on to sell more than 10 million copies and was awarded No.7 spot on the Modern Library's list of the 100 Best English Language Novels Since 1900.

So what is the book's legacy? Pascal believes Heller was one of the main figures who set a precedent for dissenting voices in the US.

''[Before Catch-22] you just weren't allowed to say out loud all the things that were red flags before the bull of patriotism,'' he says.

''That changed in the '60s. Heller wasn't the only one but he was certainly one of the major inspirational voices.

''At the very end of Catch-22 there is a kind of hope held out but en route to that, just about every aspect of official America - political, military and business - has been absolutely roasted.''

Pascal also points out that, while Heller's work came before the quagmire of Vietnam, it was strangely prescient of that conflict .

''Most Americans in 1961 would not have been able to tell you what continent Vietnam was on let alone locate it on a map,'' he says.

''It's as though Heller anticipated all of that.''

As to whether Catch-22 maintains a relevance to the geo-politics of the early 21st century, it requires no leap at all to imagine John Yossarian in Iraq or Afghanistan, perhaps with Milo Minderbender heading up a company like Halliburton or Blackwater.

Fifty years on, it would seem that everything - and nothing - has changed since we first learned of the Catch.

Catch-22: 50th Anniversary Edition, by Joseph Heller, is published by Vintage, $12.95.

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