

This was published 13 years ago

Wilkie's poker face has Labor staring at defeat

By Lenore Taylor

When almost every NSW Labor backbencher crowded into a Canberra committee room on Wednesday, their message to Julia Gillard's chief of staff and a senior minister was blunt. There is an issue out there hurting them even more than the carbon tax.

When almost every Queensland MP filed in to the next meeting, the message was exactly the same.

Andrew Wilkie ... is he bluffing?

Andrew Wilkie ... is he bluffing?Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

During the winter break Clubs NSW held scores of ''Save our Clubs'' rallies as part of a campaign targeting the electorates of 25 Labor MPs, 15 of them in NSW.

Long-term local members found themselves being booed and jeered by hundreds of club patrons who believe the government's plan to stop problem gambling by introducing mandatory pre-commitment for bets of more than $1 a time on poker machines will destroy the clubs where they go for a cheap meal and a flutter.

The crowds, sometimes numbering in the thousands, were egged on by a video message from the broadcaster Alan Jones, in which he says their message to Julia Gillard should be ''go away, get out of our lives, we've heard you, we don't like you''.

At least two of the MPs - backbencher Craig Thomson, who is under pressure over allegations of using a union credit card to pay for prostitutes, and Daryl Melham, who is president of the Revesby Workers Club - were so flustered by the angry attacks they responded in kind and were later forced to apologise.

The mood among backbenchers at Wednesday's meeting - attended by the Families Minister, Jenny Macklin, who is responsible for implementing the deal, and Gillard's chief of staff, Ben Hubbard - was ''truly desperate'', said one MP. ''This is toxic. It is hurting us more than the carbon tax and the asylum issue,'' he said.

The NSW right led the attack, but the concerns are just as deep in the left. The NSW marginal seats which the clubs are targeting most intensively are the western Sydney seats of Lindsay and Greenway, the Central Coast seats of Dobell and Roberston and the regional seats of Eden Monaro and Page.

Several MPs told the Herald that while they might eventually be able to ''sell'' the carbon tax, they were never going to be able to sell this one.


The only catch is that ''this one'' - passing legislation by May next year to combat problem gambling by forcing gamblers to pre-commit how much they want to wager before they begin betting - was a written promise made to the Tasmanian independent Andrew Wilkie in the deal in which he agreed to back Labor to form government.

And he says if it is not legislated by the time of next May's budget - even if it fails because the government is not able to persuade enough of his fellow cross benchers to support it - he will walk out of the chamber, get that deal and tear it up.

The logic of what would happen then is a little elusive - Wilkie has said he might support a Coalition government led by Malcolm Turnbull although it is unclear whether sufficient Liberals would. He also says that although Liberals are firmly against mandatory pre-commitment, discussion of the issue is ''not closed'' at his meetings with the Coalition leader, Tony Abbott, each sitting week.

Wilkie says the logic is that Labor ''only became the government because they agreed to do this'' and they will be held to such a difficult promise only ''if their very existence depends on it''. And if that means he ends up with a Coalition government that is even more hostile to his gambling reforms? ''So be it,'' he says. He really seems to mean it.

Tony Windsor told the Herald it was ''highly unlikely'' he would vote for the reform. Other independents have not declared a final position, but Wilkie says he is sure he has enough votes among the cross benches to pass the law if Labor holds firm. Both government and coalition sources insist he has not.

Jenny Macklin says the deal will be done.

The desperate backbenchers are hoping that, once the carbon tax and the mining tax are passed with Wilkie's support, and a draft bill on mandatory pre-commitment is prepared, Wilkie may be persuaded to engage in a negotiation to soften his demands.

Meanwhile, the assistant Treasurer, Bill Shorten, has been meeting club managers, listening to their concerns and what reforms they would be prepared to accept.

And in their electorates some backbenchers are quietly trying to distance themselves from the changes or suggest they may not, in the end, be implemented in full.

Janelle Saffin, who represents the northern NSW seat of Page, has told her local radio she prefers voluntary, rather than mandatory pre-commitment for betters, a scheme that would be supported by the clubs industry. She reportedly told an 800-strong rally in her electorate that time was on their side, because the proposal was not yet legislation.

The parliamentary secretary Mike Kelly, who holds the southern NSW seat of Eden Monaro, and who has raised the issue many times in the Labor caucus, also favours voluntary pre-commitment. He says he would be ''open to persuasion'' that mandatory pre-commitment should be implemented if there had been a trial of different schemes to see what works and what impact they had on the revenue of clubs.

Others, including the Environment Minister, Tony Burke, and the parliamentary secretary David Bradbury, have also supported calls for a trial of the idea.

But Wilkie has said he would only countenance the technology to implement mandatory pre-commitment, not a trial that could lead to any variation in the policy itself, nor in the start date of 2014 promised by the Prime Minister.

Some backbenchers are sure Wilkie is bluffing. ''He's got to be playing hard ball. What sense would it make to bring down a government and lose his own seat and not achieve any of the reform he is seeking?'' one said.

But those in Labor who have spent the most time talking with the Tasmanian independent fear he is deadly serious.

For a bloke staking his parliamentary career, and the existence of a government, on anti-gambling reforms, Wilkie is playing a mean game of poker.

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