

This was published 10 years ago

Iraq a tangle of competing interests

By Daniel Flitton

Iraq is a tangle of competing interests and the countries joining the fight are pulling the knot ever tighter.

Tony Abbott calls this a "necessary coalition" to fight against Islamist extremists, but he may come to rue friends like these.

Fighters from the Shi'ite Badr Brigade militia set up a mobile checkpoint in Suleiman Beg, northern Iraq.

Fighters from the Shi'ite Badr Brigade militia set up a mobile checkpoint in Suleiman Beg, northern Iraq.Credit: Reuters

Think on the complexities. Getting Turkey to back the Kurds, who aim to declare a fair chunk of Turkish territory as their homeland, will prove incredibly challenging in the months ahead.

So will the knowledge that any success against the fighters of Islamic State will inevitably relieve pressure on the regime of Bashar al-Assad in neighbouring Syria, which is intimately bound to the conflict.


Saudi Arabia has claims to regional influence but is always hamstrung by its repressive politics at home.

All that before we even get to the West's new best friend - Iran.

Ever since the first war against Iraq, in 1991, the idea of a "coalition" of nations has become the gold standard to legitimise conflict.


But the 34 countries who sent troops or military support to liberate Kuwait from Saddam Hussein had dwindled a decade later to just a willing four when George W. Bush invaded Iraq.

The big problem then - as now - was the lack of international authorisation.

In 1991, Operation Desert Storm took place with a United Nations' imprimatur under the memorable phrase "to use all necessary means".

The US led the fighting but with support from most Middle East countries, which looks extraordinary from today.

The US never won the same Security Council mandate in 2003, failing to persuade the world body that Saddam posed a grave threat to international peace and security.

When no weapons of mass destruction could be found, that hesitancy looked prescient. It also left a psychological scar on the public.

Australia now has a temporary seat on the Security Council, but that won't help to get a resolution passed to authorise war and salve the angst back home.

Russia stands in the way.

In Iraq, absence of a UN mandate matters less because the government has requested international assistance. But in Syria, there is no polite invitation.

Russia has backed Assad with political and suspected materiel support and as Vladimir Putin monsters his own neighbours, he is happy to see the US pre-occupied in the Middle East.

All the Security Council has managed to agree in recent weeks is to praise UN staff for their work in Iraq.

Barack Obama has called a summit in New York on foreign fighters next week that might - emphasis on might - give international blessing to at least part of the operation against Islamic State.

But even so, the regional picture is a mess.

The United Arab Emirates is hosting Australia's forces to fight in Iraq. But UAE, like most of the Gulf nations, is deeply suspicious of Iran.

For its part, Iran has backed the Shiite-dominated government in Baghdad and will be looking to preserve its influence as Islamic State fighters are pummelled.

Yet in Jordan, also supposedly willing to play a role in Iraq, King Abdullah II once warned of a "Shia Crescent" slicing through the Middle East into Lebanon Syria, where Iran also back Hezbollah.


And then there are the actors in this conflict without a flag. Wealthy benefactors who privately support the different groups of fighters; the rifts within Islamic State itself, glossed over by stunning military success but which may be exposed in the face of losses.

The risk of fracture applies just as much to the international coalition, for what will constitute success in this war, and how long with this disparate group remain committed to the notion that the enemy of my enemy is my friend?

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