This was published 1 year ago
‘You know better than to look at my chest’: Trans actor Zoe Terakes on good manners
By Benjamin Law
Each week, Benjamin Law asks public figures to discuss the subjects we’re told to keep private by getting them to roll a die. The numbers they land on are the topics they’re given. This week, he talks to Zoe Terakes. The actor, 23, is best known for their role in the TV series Wentworth. They star in the upcoming horror film Talk to Me and will be the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s first transgender actor, in the TV series Ironheart.
“Trust trans people when they’re telling you what they need.”Credit: Nic Walker
How has your body – and your attitude towards it – changed over time? Oh, that’s a big question for a trans person, but a good one! Everybody’s body fluctuates, but doesn’t necessarily change as drastically as that of a trans person – and I think that’s a beautiful thing. But it’s very frustrating when you don’t have the means.
Tell me more about that: the means, or lack thereof. Realising, “Oh, this is who I am” and staring down the barrel of what it takes to get there: how much time; how much money. It’s a pretty daunting thing. It’s the sacrifice you have to make in order to have a body that feels right. You sacrifice your safety.
In what kind of situations? Since top surgery, [I have] this deep sense of comfort and joy, but mainly peace. You’re like, “Oh, is this how everybody else wakes up?” Then there’s the flip side. I’ve started swimming laps, and the looks I get: it’s been really confronting. People – older people – feel they can look at you. Didn’t your mum teach you not to stare? You’re 60! You know better than to look at my chest, at what’s in my pants, and stare in a puzzled way. You feel like something in a zoo. On the one hand, the big masc wog in me wants to be like, “Let’s talk about it, let’s go!” On the other hand, I feel six years old when it happens. I feel shame and I feel tiny.
“Zoe” by Kim Leutwyler, Archibald Prize 2023 finalist.Credit: Art Gallery of New South Wales; Jenni Carter
There’s a bigger moral panic and anxiety about trans bodies – especially young trans people and gender-affirming procedures. What would you say to people who don’t want to be transphobic, but also feel anxious? It’s so tough because everyone’s coming from a place of fear: I’m scared of them; they’re scared of me; we’re both scared.
How do you bridge that? I don’t know. I find it difficult to have those conversations because it’s my life. [Cisgender people] have the privilege of not having an emotional reaction because it’s not their life. Trust trans people when they’re telling you what they need.
You were recently painted for the Archibald Prize by artist Kim Leutwyler. When it was unveiled, you talked about “trans joy”. What is that? Euphoria, a sense of belonging and community. It’s hard to talk about right now. The world is so scary for trans people, scarier than it’s been in my living memory as a trans person. Trans joy is rare at the moment, but it is there. And when it’s there, it’s so good. Where I feel it is en masse. We’re powerful en masse.
What were you told about sex when you were growing up, and what was the reality? I was told that it was between a boy and a girl; that sex is penetrative and that it’s straight. But then I found But I’m a Cheerleader and Orange Is the New Black and my thoughts on the matter changed very quickly.
What are the strengths you bring to a relationship? I’m passionate and attentive. I put my whole pussy into it. I don’t leave anything behind.
You don’t do anything by halves. I surely don’t. I’m an Aries, babe.
What are the weaknesses you bring to relationships? I find it scary to be vulnerable. I really push myself to do it, but shit’s hard. It’s a practice, and I’m a lot better at it than I used to be, but I’m learning.
What do you find sexy in someone? Embodiment: somebody who’s in their body. Somebody who is deeply rooted in themselves, in their power and in their childishness. I can’t do people who take themselves really seriously.
You want play and fun. Gotta be able to take the piss out of each other.
Representations of sex are so serious, right? You don’t find much laughter in porn. I’d love if there were some laughs in porn!
We could start a whole new genre of porn. Humour, comedy porn!
Rom-com porn! Slip on a banana and “Ooh, your dick’s inside me!” Slapstick porn.
Mr Bean does porn. I’m in! I’m sold! I’d watch it!
You’re spiritual but not religious. What’s the difference? I very much believe there’s something bigger than us. I believe in the universe, and I believe in nature. I don’t believe in coincidence. When my grandma [Gwen] died, I had some pretty inexplicable things happen.
Such as? I had a dream that she and I were flying kites on a cliff at Bondi. I knew she was dead, but she was there. So it felt like a visit. When I woke up, I started sobbing. I’d been living away, and my parents had moved a lot of stuff around the house. I had this feeling: there’s a box in my old room on top of the cupboard that I need to open. I had no way of knowing that’s where that box was. I had not been home. I found this little envelope inside. In it was a piece of rose quartz. A note said, “To Zoe: here is a piece of rose quartz I picked up from the bottom of a pyramid in Egypt. I love you. Gwen.”
How would you like to die? In a queer commune, or a queer nursing home, with trans people all around me.
What’s your ideal final meal? Lamb ragu, with a negroni, and some sushi on the side. For dessert, Messina ice-cream with Ice Magic on it.
What’s left to do before you die? So much, but life is long.
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