

This was published 5 years ago

Trust or bust: How three women navigated life after their partner's affair

By Evelyn Lewin
This story is part of a collection of stories about cheating.See all 15 stories.

It's one of those defining moments. One partner strays, rocking the foundation of a relationship and you find yourself at a fork in the road. Do you try to patch things up? Or is infidelity a deal breaker? After all, once the trust is broken, can you ever really repair the cracks?

"Many relationships survive a cheating spouse," says Lana Hall, principal psychologist at Sage & Sound. But not all. "Everybody's different, and what each individual can accept and cope with is different."

“I did feel I should forgive him because I loved him and it happened such a long time ago. I also thought I could trust him … But then he stopped going to counselling.”

“I did feel I should forgive him because I loved him and it happened such a long time ago. I also thought I could trust him … But then he stopped going to counselling.”Credit: Shutterstock

If you decide to stay, Hall recommends seeing a relationship counsellor who can help you process your emotions.

The person who cheated also needs to work on earning back their partner's trust by showing remorse, along with a willingness to change their ways.

"Ultimately, the relationship needs to change for the better as a result of the betrayal," says Hall. "This happens through understanding how it came about and working on the weak points of the relationship."

Sunday Life spoke to three women whose relationships floundered in the wake of infidelity.


Cerys*, 41, and Greg*, 41, had been married for 11 years and had two young children when Cerys found out that Greg was cheating.

"Greg and I went to the same uni but met at a part-time job at a souvenir shop. We went on a date and it went from there. Eleven years into the marriage, I found out he had cheated with someone at work. I turned on the computer to pay some bills and saw they were chatting, just banter. I confronted Greg about it, and he denied it was anything more.


Then he became what I refer to as 'sloppier'. I called him one day and he said he was at the gym, but I specifically heard a train in the background. I said, 'I just heard a train. Why would there be a train at the gym?' Other little things made me suspicious, like the way he started paying more attention to how he dressed, but he kept denying it all.

I didn't believe him. So one day I just called the woman he'd been chatting to and confronted her, and she admitted it. I think it was a cowardly way of Greg not having to confirm the affair.

I was absolutely devastated. It's the biggest betrayal – it's a betrayal, no matter what – but for me it's a betrayal of everything. I went to uni with him and built a life, and then he did this. It's very deceiving, very painful.

Greg stayed at home at that stage, but we avoided each other. About two weeks later I met up with him to talk about things. He said to me, 'Look, we could take some time apart and see how it goes.' And I said, 'I think I deserve better. After a whole heap of years together, you're considering this? I think I deserve better.' And that was it, pretty much.

So then he moved out. I was devastated but relieved, because it was like a decision had been made. There was a bit of worrying: 'Am I doing the right thing? Am I not?' But I didn't choose what happened to me, I was a recipient of it, and I tried to deal with it the best way I could.

After you go through a period of mourning you almost have a rebirth of yourself in your strength, your confidence, everything. I didn't choose for him to cheat but that was my path and I am happier now, I've had personal growth.

I've been with my new partner for five years, who I love, but I'd absolutely leave if he cheated. For someone to do that means [the relationship] is not meeting their needs, be that emotional or physical. I wouldn't think twice."


Cassandra*, 50, found out that her husband Colin*, 56, had cheated on her four years ago.

"We met when Colin was my boss and I was his secretary. He was married at the time – obviously unhappily married – and we realised we had feelings for each other. I said, 'Look, I'm not going to have an affair with you … you need to decide what you're going to do.' Within a week he'd left his wife and we've now been together for 20 years.

Everything is just so easy between us; we have the same sense of humour, we just get on. But we were in a bit of a rough patch four years ago. I was at work one day and I just had this gut feeling to check his emails. I found these emails where he was talking about how he and his then administration assistant had been fooling around for months.

It really hit me for six because I wasn't expecting it. I printed those emails and when Colin got home from work I confronted him, going, 'Have you ever cheated on me?' And he went, 'No, never, never.' I said, 'You lying bastard' and handed him the emails.


He got really angry with me for going through his emails and we had this big fight. I wasn't even angry when I found out, I was just absolutely gutted.

When your partner cheats on you, the blow to your self-esteem is horrendous. You go, 'Why am I not good enough? What am I lacking that you would do something like this when you're supposed to love and respect me?'

But the thing is, through all of that, I still loved him and couldn't imagine a life without him; it would be this nothingness. I didn't want the relationship to end, but I had to build up that trust again.

One of the hardest things was to accept I would never have an answer as to why he cheated. He says he doesn't know. I would ask, 'Then how do I know it won't happen again?' And he'd go, 'You just have to trust me.' He was like, 'I'll come with you to a psychologist, I'll do whatever it takes, we've just got to get through this.' Colin struggled very much with how I was reacting to everything.

Nowadays, if we bring it up, he'll still cry because he thinks that he hurt me that much, and he says he'll never, ever do it again. So I'm lucky in the fact that he accepts responsibility for what he's done.

It was a two-year process for me to trust him again. Nowadays I trust him completely, we're madly in love and it's something that has brought us closer. You get to that point of going, 'Oh my god, look what I almost lost,' and you realise this is worth fighting for.


Tara*, in her 40s, was married to David*, also in his 40s, for 17 years. They have two children together. She found out last year that he had cheated on her seven years ago.

"David and I met in London and it was a whirlwind romance. We fell in love pretty quickly, moved to Australia [where David is from] within a year, and had a good relationship.

Just over a year ago, I noticed he was messaging his ex-girlfriend an awful lot. I thought, 'There's something not right here.' So I did the worst thing and what you're not supposed to do – I looked at his phone. Sure enough, he'd sent a message to her about a month prior, saying, 'It was seven years ago when we [slept together].'

I was utterly devastated. Finding that out broke my heart. I said to him, 'I just found this message.' At first he was completely in shock and went into denial and then he realised he couldn't talk his way out of it.

He slept in the spare room that night and sort of stayed away, coming back from work as late as possible, giving me space. Eventually we communicated and hugged and he begged me to go to counselling.

I traced it back and realised I'd been six months pregnant with our second child when it happened. I only know about that one time, but there could have been more. Either way, it made me think that the last seven years had just been a lie.

When somebody decides to cheat, they're making a conscious decision to sabotage their relationship. Your world changes after you find out. You think you're a capable woman, that you can do all these things. And then as soon as you find out about the infidelity, you just can't function.


I made him tell me about it and found it was actually planned. He had a gardening business at the time, and she'd called him up to do her garden. After he worked on her garden, he came home to me – I was heavily pregnant – and he told me he was going out to the movies that night. He'd actually arranged to be with her.

I did feel like I should forgive him, though, because I loved him and it had happened such a long time ago. I also thought I could trust him again. We really worked on the relationship with couples counselling. He made sure every day that I felt safe with him. We were in love again, it was like a honeymoon period.

But then he stopped going to counselling and the cracks appeared. My trust started to get shaky. I just never knew if it was going to pop up again. We had other issues, too, and there's only so much you can take, so I decided to leave.

We're now on week five or six of being separated, so it's very fresh. I'm exhausted but feeling really positive about the future."

* Names have been changed.

This article appears in Sunday Life magazine within the Sun-Herald and the Sunday Age on sale March 31.

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