

This was published 5 years ago

There are ways to deal with the sting of unrequited friendship

By Kerri Sackville

We’ve all experienced unrequited friendship in some form, from reaching out to someone who doesn’t reciprocate our interest, to fending off an approach from an acquaintance we don’t particularly like.

Unrequited friendship can be extremely awkward, and surprisingly painful when you’re the one being rejected.

There are some acquaintances we can never quite turn into friends.

There are some acquaintances we can never quite turn into friends.Credit: Stocksy

I’ve been unrequited, and it’s demoralising and confusing. There is one woman I’d love to be closer to, and I’ve made several suggestions for lunch or coffee. She always seems enthusiastic, and tells me she’d love to catch up, but she never follows up, and never calls or drops me a message. I feel embarrassed for caring, but I wonder why she doesn’t like me and what I’ve done wrong.

This is completely normal, says Elisabeth Shaw, CEO of Relationships Australia, NSW.

Unrequited friendship can hurt because it evokes the old dynamics from school – the cool group (them) vs the not cool group (us) – and the idea that a particular person holds the key to something we need.

All those issues from childhood of being wanted and not wanted play out.

“All those issues from childhood of being wanted and not wanted play out,” Shaw says. “And this doesn’t make us childish. It means that our children are experiencing things that are actually very painful.”

Of course, unrequited friendship can be ambiguous, so you can’t always be sure you are being rejected.

“I’d love to catch up,” my acquaintance says, but then never responds to my messages. Should I keep trying, or let it go? Is she genuinely busy, or is she trying to fob me off?


If you have experienced an unrequited friendship, there are ways to manage the discomfort.

My social work background informs my reaction. Firstly, don’t allow it to damage your sense of self worth. Remind yourself that no one is to everybody’s taste; not you, not me, not the person you find most likeable in the world. You may simply not resonate with the person you wish to befriend. It’s disappointing, but it doesn’t make you less lovable or valuable.

Secondly, remember that many people are genuinely time poor. Your unrequited friend may like you, but have no current openings for new friends. They may have little time available for the friends they already have, and cannot add others onto the roster.

Thirdly, consider whether you really need to be so invested in this particular person. “We are drawn to people for our own reasons,” says Shaw. “Ask yourself why it feels like everything falls on whether or not they want you.”

Some people feel significant to us, Shaw explains, because they seem to hold the keys to a certain community or social group. In this case, she says you should “own what you want and find other ways to be in that community or to meet that need”.


Remember, too, that when you’re focussed on one person, you’re not noticing others who may be just as worthwhile.

And if you are on the other side of the coin, fending off unwanted friends, it’s okay. Women often put other people’s needs before our own, and feel guilty saying no. But you do not need to catch up with someone you don’t wish to see. You do not owe anyone your time, your energy, your company, or your affection.

You do, however, owe people kindness, and a modicum of honesty. You don't owe them full honesty (as Shaw notes, “the unnecessary hurt that causes people is best avoided”), but you should try not to say anything that leaves the other person working even harder at the friendship.

Instead of saying, “Yes, I’d love to catch up, call me!” when you have no intention of catching up, be a little more direct. For example, say, “I’m really busy, but I’ll let you know,” or “I’ve got a lot on at the moment, can we leave it a bit?”

And if it’s a person in your circle – a work colleague, perhaps, or a fellow school parent – consider inviting them to a group event. You may not want the person as a friend, but helping them to form other connections is generous and kind.

Unrequited friendship may not be pleasant, but it can be managed.

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