

This was published 3 years ago


Stop expecting women to be endlessly supportive of each other

Madeleine Albright was the first woman to hold the position of US secretary of state. She was appointed by President Bill Clinton in 1997. These days, she is often best known for her remark that there is a special place in hell for women who don’t support other women. Her words are often quoted because they sound so reasonable. Surely, in our fight for our rights, we ought to be able to rely on the support of our own gender, at the very least?

Unfortunately, I’ve become a little allergic to Albright’s aphorism. Increasingly, I see well-meaning remarks like this doing more harm than good. Albright’s words were clearly intended to encourage solidarity, but I see them having the opposite of the intended effect. In practice, they are often wielded like a weapon, pitting women against women.

I think this idea that women must be close to perfect before they are “allowed” to aspire to any kind of prominence is utterly self-defeating.

I think this idea that women must be close to perfect before they are “allowed” to aspire to any kind of prominence is utterly self-defeating.Credit: iStock

There is nothing the powerful like better than watching the less powerful tear one another apart. That is one of the reasons I find the current battle between trans women and (some) cisgender women so dispiriting. When two relatively powerless groups fight each other, those who actually have power win.

Moreover, this idea of reserving a special place in hell for unsupportive women is another way we let men off the hook. I am all in favour of a place in hell for those who don’t support women’s fight for their rights (well, I would be if I believed in hell) but why should men get a lighter punishment? Why the double standard in terms of women’s obligations versus men’s? After all, it’s men who benefit directly from female subordination – whether they agree with it or not.

I am fascinated by the difference in expectations we have of men and women. We generally set a much lower bar for the blokes. As ex-Australia Post chief executive Christine Holgate pointed out in Senate estimates recently, male government ministers accused of “the most terrible atrocities to women” are allowed to remain in their jobs, while she was forced to stand down for the “sin” of rewarding high-performing staff with watches.

In my own career I noticed that one success often conveyed a career-lasting prestige on the blokes I worked with. Their singular moment of triumph (or even competence) would be referred to admiringly for decades. Conversely, one failure conveyed career-lasting damage when it was made by a woman.


We see the same in politics and business. “Chief executive” or “prime minister” is a terrifying title for a woman to hold. The expectations are so high, the scrutiny so harsh and the judgments so blanket that the degree of difficulty is almost insurmountable. Perhaps that’s why few countries have female leaders (about one in nine in 2017, a high point) and 30 per cent of the tiny number of women who have led countries have been accused of corruption, tried for corruption or jailed for corruption. I’m not saying they were all innocent, but is it really believable that women in power are so much more corrupt than men? Or do we just judge the same behaviour much more harshly? Perhaps that’s a real-world example of Albright’s special place in hell.

I think this idea that women must be close to perfect before they are “allowed” to aspire to any kind of prominence is utterly self-defeating. Women are aware that they are merely human and just as flawed, error-prone and self-interested as any man. This self-awareness means we all nurse a secret terror of failing to be perfect and summarily condemned to that “special place” by the very women we are trying to fight alongside. It’s beyond admirable, in fact, that any women put their hand up to lead.


The aphorism I prefer is one my mother used to quote: “We will only have true equality when there are as many mediocre women in positions of power as there are mediocre men.”

Women are not a job lot. We are as varied as any other group, in our opinions, our talents, our characters and our saintliness – or lack thereof. Expecting us to be endlessly supportive of one another, to always put the needs of others ahead of our own or face the wrath of God (literally, according to Albright), is just another version of the virgin/whore, saint/sinner, supportive/unsupportive, martyr/bitch binaries that have hobbled women for so long.

This article appears in Sunday Life magazine within the Sun-Herald and the Sunday Age on sale May 2. To read more from Sunday Life, visit The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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