

This was published 10 months ago


Hey kids, let’s talk about sex (and politics) on our summer walks

“No talk of sex, politics, or religion at the dinner table” is a trope that has saved many a Christmas lunch from all-out brawls. I wonder, though, has our avoidance of such topics over the rest of the year meant that teenagers aren’t equipped to navigate them on their own, let alone next to Uncle Ferg*?

The summer holidays slow everyone down, and even as a teacher, I can see that, for those of us with kids, they do go on and on. Perhaps we can use those walks to the pool or the beach, or the slower way we make meals, as an opportunity to cover some topics we’ve been avoiding in the rush of daily life.

The downtime on holidays can be a great opportunity to discuss topics put in the too-hard basket throughout the year.

The downtime on holidays can be a great opportunity to discuss topics put in the too-hard basket throughout the year.Credit: iStock

Like sex, that great taboo. Don’t talk about it; it’s vulgar. But maybe if we talked about it more with our teenagers, they would be primed to see that the language and behaviour they see in pornography is not normal.

And what great content we’ve been given this December, with the Oxford Dictionary making “rizz” the word of 2023. Taken from “charisma”, rizz relates to charm and attractiveness; let’s say, the ability to “pick up”.

Sex is not going anywhere, and research shows again and again that avoiding the topic with teenagers doesn’t make them any less likely to learn about it. If teenagers know there is a “normal” that exists before they are influenced by pornography, maybe they’ll know what to do when faced with a partner who knows no other way.


What about religion? We are in a nation of declining religiosity, but also of increasing religious hate crimes. In the shadow of the Hamas attacks on October 7 and the ongoing war in Gaza, NSW has seen increases in antisemitism and Islamophobia. Perhaps some further discussion – that not every Jewish or Muslim person represents the government of Israel or Gaza – would help. We know full well that our kids are seeing antisemitic and Islamophobic content online. Unless we talk to them about it and prepare them for what they’ll be seeing, we can’t be confident about how they will process it.

And politics – that all-encompassing term can include anything from interest rates to climate change, gender politics to foreign affairs. Are we doing the right thing by our kids, especially our teenagers, by not talking to them about it? The opposite, in fact.

We know that AI-created content is spreading misinformation and affecting young people. The gaming platform Roblox is being used by extremists to radicalise kids. If they don’t know any of the vocabulary of politics, let alone where their family sits on a topic, they won’t realise they’re being brainwashed.


Political events that occur during adolescence can skew a person’s political views for life. Research by the progressive US data firm Catalist and Columbia University, for instance, showed that the years 14 to 24 are the most formative in a person’s political ideology. That means if you were born in the 1950s and a teenager during the Vietnam War and moratorium movement, your generation is more likely than others to be progressive rather than conservative now.

No time like now for some honest discussion.

No time like now for some honest discussion.Credit: iStock

Frankly, there are more events today, or at least there is more information about those events that reaches our children. A barrage of content is thrown at our kids online, and a lot of it is bad. Trying to keep them from it isn’t going to work for long. Instead, talking about the topics that matter to you can help to inoculate them from what they’ll see online.

But back to Christmas lunch. Self-preservation is an important skill to have and to practise. Most of you would have figured out that I’m a feminist who cares about gender equality. But sometimes I’ll merely look at the person I may be sitting next to at an event and ponder whether it’s really going to be worth my time having the argument. Need I respond to their questions as to the whereabouts of my kids and whether I really think my having a job is good for them, in any case?

Will I be able to change the mind of such an interrogator at this lunch or on that bus ride or at that bar? What great victory will I feel if I do? And what frustration if I don’t?

I often find when I’ve gone in for the fight, knowing I wouldn’t change a mind, I am soon wrapped with what the French call L’esprit de l’escalier, the wit that arrives at the bottom the staircase, that moment the perfect comeback line comes to me – too late. I’ve just left my antagonist “upstairs”. Because in the rear-view mirror, every argument could have been won. Sometimes, even the greatest activists opt instead to see what’s happening in the cricket, or to look for some more white wine in the sun.


My kids have to hear me talk to them about this stuff a lot. But the slow war of attrition against the onslaught of everything else seems to be working. Only two weeks ago, my 10-year-old sent me a video he saw on YouTube that he thought was sexist. He wanted me to know he could spot it. I’ve never been prouder. The constant talking is working. It’s the only thing that will.

* I do not have an Uncle Ferg, or any issues with people called Ferg. My uncles are both wonderful and I can talk to them about any topic.

Daisy Turnbull is a teacher and the author of 50 Risks with Kids and 50 Questions to Ask Your Teens.

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