

This was published 5 months ago

Help, my boss asked me to lie to get a colleague fired

By Kirstin Ferguson

Each week, Dr Kirstin Ferguson tackles questions on the workplace, career and leadership in her advice column “Got a Minute?” This week: a harassment “witness”, proofreading for a colleague and an HR professional with an HR problem.

Where I work, there is an issue of one employee making a sexual harassment complaint against another. The company has excellent policies around this and is taking it very seriously. The manager looking into it has spoken to all staff individually asking for any information to help investigate. I didn’t personally witness anything, but the manager keeps insisting I must have seen something, and wants me to say I did. I don’t doubt the complaint, but I am basically being pressured to lie, so they can fire an employee. What can I do?

Fabrications about harassment allegations undermine the whole point of having credible workplace investigations.

Fabrications about harassment allegations undermine the whole point of having credible workplace investigations.Credit: Dionne Gain

You are doing exactly what you should be doing, which is to tell the truth. The situation you describe is completely unacceptable and the person undertaking the investigation is either not qualified, conflicted, or simply acting well outside the scope of the investigation.

Sexual harassment is abhorrent, but so too are fabrications about allegations like this as they undermine the whole point of having credible and trusted workplace investigations. And I haven’t even started on the legal ramifications involved in an employee being terminated based on knowingly false information.

If your employer does have good policies in place, there should be information on how you can raise your concerns if you wish to take this further. If the policy is silent, I would seek to have a confidential conversation with HR or another senior leader in the business.


One of my colleagues, who speaks English as a second language, asked if I can proofread a report he is due to circulate internally within our organisation. The people pleaser in me is keen to say yes. At the same time, I wonder if it shouldn’t be our manager’s responsibility to review the work and recommend edits if necessary? I am afraid that if I help my colleague once, I may set a precedent for further requests. What are your thoughts?

I think you offer your colleague the help they have asked for. It is the kind and generous thing to do, and your colleague will be grateful. Yes, ultimately your manager is responsible for your colleague’s work however your colleague has asked you to look at it first. Perhaps they are nervous about showing it to your manager without having someone else check it?

Of course, if this becomes a regular occurrence or something you think is taking up too much time then you should have a conversation with your colleague just to let them know it is probably not something you can do all the time since it is impacting on your own role. Meanwhile, help your colleague. They will be sure to help you next time you need assistance and in the end, your manager will be grateful for your support of another team member too.


I am an HR professional specialising in workplace relations. I have been at my current employer for a number of years, and have had a superb career. Unfortunately, I now have a new boss, and she has tried to induce me to resign because of a recent serious health issue I have had to deal with. When I did not take the bait to resign she made a retaliatory and punitive decision to strip me of a core job accountability she knows I thoroughly enjoy. This decision constitutes unlawful adverse action. My question is this: Do I make an unlawful adverse action complaint to the Fair Work Commission, which risks my future at the company, or do I simply soldier on? The trust is broken, and I cannot work for her long term.


It sounds like you feel your future with this particular company is coming to an end whether you lodge an unlawful adverse action complaint or not. You will know better than most the process for lodging a complaint and what will be involved on a personal level for you. This is really only a decision you can make, but whatever you decide, the sooner you can find a new workplace where you feel valued and respected the better, for your physical and mental health.

If you haven’t heard of the Solomon Paradox you might want to read more about it. Basically, it is the situation where we give others much better advice than we often take ourselves. As an HR professional, I wonder what advice you might give someone who came to you with the same situation as you describe? Perhaps see if you can try and think about your situation from a third-person perspective to help get some distance as you consider the best way forward. And if you have trusted mentors and advisers outside your organisation, it would be worth checking in with them as well.

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