

This was published 4 years ago

A new self-help finance book is teaching Australians to buy time not things

By Rachel Wells

When chemical engineer turned financial educator Lacey Filipich was in her late 20s she lost her younger sister to suicide.

“As the waves of raw grief began to subside, I started to appreciate how fragile our lives really are. I came to regard time as my most precious resource,” writes the Perth-based mother of two in her new book, Money School, named after the financial education business she founded in 2010.

Lacey Filipich sought to find an alternative to working like a Trojan for decades.

Lacey Filipich sought to find an alternative to working like a Trojan for decades.Credit: iStock

She says her sister’s death brought into sharp focus the value of time and made her question why she had spent the past six years of her life working herself "to the point of physical and mental collapse" for a multinational mining company, "that would have replaced me within a week if I’d gone under a bus".

She also began to question the well-trodden path of end-of-life retirement, or as she puts it, working your "butt off" for 45-plus years of your life to feel time rich for about half of that time, if you’re lucky, and when you’re old.

All this soul-searching brought Ms Filipich to find an alternative to working like a Trojan for decades, "squeezing family and leisure time into evenings, weekend and a few weeks each year of paid leave" and retiring when you’re worn out, a concept she describes as "arse-about".

However, she is quick to point out, that the alternative isn’t about retiring as early as possible and "sitting on a beach drinking margaritas for the rest of your life".

Rather, it means becoming financially independent and time rich – or "FITR", as she has coined it – whereby you get to choose how you spend your time – including working when and where you want and taking regular mini-retirements throughout your working life, if you so choose.

"Being time rich means choosing how you spend the seconds, minutes, hours and days that make up your life," says Ms Filipich, who describes time as one of life’s most "precious, non-renewable resources".

It’s a strategy born out of the popular FIRE movement – Financial Independence, Retire Early – first coined in the early 1990s, by Vicki Robin and Joe Domingues in their book, Your Money or Your Life, which has spawned thousands of frugal FIRE devotees, who typically stop buying so much stuff, save that money, use those savings to buy assets which pay them an income so they can retire early.


Using elements of that strategy, Ms Filipich, who is now 37, was financially independent by the time she was 31.


However, this didn’t mean she retired, though she probably could have, it means she now gets to work on passion projects like her Perth-based Money School business and Maker Kids program, and her first book, Money School, out February 18, which teaches adults how to do the same, all the while getting time to spend with her young family and taking mini-retirements when she chooses.

Ms Filipich says her FITR strategy, outlined in detail in the book, differs from FIRE in that while most FITR folk "can retire early if we want to – most of us don’t".

"Instead of ratcheting up spending each time we get more income, FITR folk save first, then live on what’s left over.

"We invest most of our savings. We buy assets that put money in our pocket now, not locked up in a retirement fund we have to wait till we’re old to access.

"We keep reinvesting the passive income while we’re earning a wage to speed up the growth of our equity … and eventually we’ve got enough equity to pay ourselves a wage that replaces our working income."


She says it is at that point that "work becomes a choice rather than a must", and that while many FITRs could retire, most of them "keep working, take mini-retirements, found start-ups, join movements, focus on our families, follow a lifelong desire to learn a language ...  Whatever the heck we want," she says.

The book explains how to achieve all this by following three key steps: saving, buying assets and avoiding bad debt.

Bad debt is for things that aren’t assets: "They won’t pay you. It’s creating a burden future you has to pay off, and that will be more than the sticker price thanks to interest charges. That’s money that could be put to work for you instead of paying down a loan. It’s a waste."

Assets, such as shares or property, on the other hand, pay you: "When you have enough assets, the passive income, such as dividends or rent, can replace your active income from working. That’s financial independence. Buying assets can be done without savings, but that usually requires debt and/or higher risk. It’s less risky and less costly to use savings to buy assets, so you need to save."


Savings protect you against financial shocks: "Finally, if you don’t have a nice, comfy cushion of savings in cash to buffer against financial shocks, one day you’ll have a financial problem and struggle to solve it without debt or a lifestyle cut. That causes unnecessary stress. You need a buffer fund."

However, Ms Filipich doesn’t proclaim that anyone and everyone can achieve financial independence or FITR, simply by reading her book and following her key strategies.

"No. You have to have an income, and you have to have time ahead of you," she says.

"It would be unrealistic to expect a 70-year-old pensioner to become financially independent unless they went back to work.

"As a general rule, I tell people if you’re under 50 and you’re on an average wage, you’ve got a good chance of getting to [financial independence] if you focus. That doesn’t mean those over 50 or on low wages can’t get there – it’s just that bit harder."

"Some people get to FITR in their 20s, some in their 60s, others anywhere in between. But when they get there, they experience the ultimate freedom: the final say on how they spend their time."

Money School is out February 18.

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