

This was published 9 months ago


A minister for common sense? Makes a lot of sense, actually

I had to read it twice to check it wasn’t satire, but it’s true. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has appointed a minister for common sense.

In her new role, journalist turned MP Esther McVey’s sole job is to “tackle the scourge of wokeism”.

There’s a simple measure for good policy.

There’s a simple measure for good policy.Credit: Marija Ercegova

Brits – masters of the sardonic take-down have responded appropriately with biting commentary and relentless mocking to reflect the government’s attempt to ignite non-existent culture wars to fire up its tired base.

The new ministry carries ghostly echoes of Tony Abbott’s “Team Australia”, where a nation is told to think and feel one way by a government; an ideological overreach if ever there was one. And whatever the nebulous definition of the word woke, the Tories don’t come off well by appointing a minister in charge of crushing attempts to address social injustice.

Common sense is a loaded term. Aside from the newly appointed McVey, who decides what it is?

Some traits we can, perhaps, agree upon outside of the politicised culture wars. Anything we declare to be a “no-brainer”, for example, is common sense. The idea of having lived in the real world – unlike many out-of-touch politicians – and knowing, say, the cost of basic groceries and every day money-saving tips to buy them, that’s common sense.

There’s an implied earthiness to common sense that castrates any loftiness, and a reliance on facts over feelings. All of which is why a Ministry for Common Sense might actually thrive Down Under. Bizarre as it sounds, what might the minister’s first task be?

First, they would need to look at our big cities. They consistently place highly in the rankings of the world’s most liveable spots, so we’re doing something right, but those same cities are becoming more and more financially impossible to live in, so there’s clearly room for improvement.

Frankly, it would’ve been a no-brainer to allow Indigenous People a Voice to Parliament to address inequalities they face, yet many Australians reported not understanding the referendum process or how the Voice would operate. So right away there’s a gap to plug with better education surrounding basic political functions.


As for the stereotypical “no dramas” Aussie lifestyle, anyone who has been forced to sit through a four-hour-long health and safety online induction with multiple choice quiz questions along the way will know it’s basic common sense to reduce this to 20 minutes, tops. Don’t cut health and safety; cut the patronising red tape.

There’d be a bike lane on every street in Australia to decongest the roads and improve the public health system, which we know is, depending on where you live, is under increasing pressure as the population grows.

Police would be better trained to fight crimes like digital and domestic violence, online harassment and so-called revenge porn – not paid from the public purse to stand at traffic lights and book people for jaywalking or cyclists for hopping onto the footpath when a lorry threatens to kill them.

Comedy will stop being censored and will instead, only where absolutely necessary, be contextualised. We’ll stop demanding writers must come from the same demographics as their fictional characters.

Mobile phones would be banned from theatres and cinemas. If you can’t be off them for two hours, you need to take a long hard look at yourself (just not in your phone’s reverse camera selfie mode).


All 16-year-olds should be eligible to vote. They can have sex, pay tax and drive before they’re 18, so they should have every right to vote.

Mentions of Christmas should be banned until after Halloween when Mariah Carey has been defrosted. Decorations are not to be hung, nor carols blasted across shopping centre speakers until December 1.

Nimbyism kills cities and excessive regulation on bars and clubs should be removed. If you don’t enjoy the liveliness that comes with living in the inner city, there’s a simple solution - move to another area that better suits your phase of life.

Curtail further automation and bring back humans in supermarkets, airports and across all public services. At the very least, it’d help the nation’s loneliness epidemic.

Talking in libraries will result in a steep fine; talking on your phone in a library will result in jail time.

School students should be taught tangible life skills more urgently than how to calculate the area of a trapezium. I’m talking changing a car or bike tyre, creating a resume, knowing what healthy (and unhealthy) food looks like to buy and cook, lodging a tax return, knowing how to process break-ups, grief, rejection and disappointment.

Finally, the minister should be using all diplomatic measures at their disposal to ensure Australia gains permanent membership in Eurovision. Not all participating countries are European, and our eccentric admission would be fitting with the idiosyncratic nature of the event. So wrong it’s right.

Common sense just goes that way sometimes.

Gary Nunn is a freelance writer based in Sydney.

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