

This was published 4 years ago

Dye-free, grey-proud: Tara Moss embraces an empowering trend

By Tara Moss

After decades of hair dyes and experimentation – from black to blonde to red – I let my hair get back to its roots and went dye free early last year. For something so simple, it has been an interesting transition, and not without its tangible rewards.

Strange as it now seems, dyeing your hair was seen as taboo in the past. Shock, horror! You didn’t want anyone to guess your "secret". But sometime between 1950, when a reported 7 per cent of women coloured their hair, and today, when an estimated 70-75 per cent of women regularly have dyes and bleaches applied, having a "colour done" has become the norm.

"The transition wasn’t always easy. There were days that the growing line between dyed hair and natural almost had me pulling it out at the roots."

"The transition wasn’t always easy. There were days that the growing line between dyed hair and natural almost had me pulling it out at the roots."

These days, there’s something of a push against natural hair on women, which some associate with being unkempt or "letting yourself go". Women in particular are censored for showing greys, or even failing to straighten natural curls: negative reactions to natural hair can be severe for many African American women, for instance, grey or not. Grey hair is associated with age, and while there is a widely accepted view of men with grey hair as figures of authority or "silver foxes", women with grey hair are more frequently dismissed as irrelevant.

Kay Patterson, Australia’s Age Discrimination Commissioner notes, "I have met older Australians who have sent out 200 resumes without one interview, or who are told to dye their grey hair if they want to keep their job." The pressure to dye is real.


I once had a stylist comment: "What is your natural colour? Oh, dishwater blonde." I didn't go back to that salon, and it wasn’t long after that I decided to discover just what my true colours were. Nearly 20 months on, I can see there is nothing dishwater about it. Nor is it blonde, as it turns out. My natural hair was once dark blonde in my youth and is now a blend of cool and warm colours, with silvers, dark ash, and even some reds.

And as it turns out, I am not as grey as I thought. Not for me the fabulous flag of distinguished silver, for which I must profess some adoration. But what is there shines, and matches my skin tones better than ever before.

The transition wasn’t always easy. There were days that the growing line between dyed hair and natural almost had me pulling it out at the roots. And having made it to the other side, I make no promises to never colour again. This isn’t an exercise in purity. I see a possible streak in my future, or some other fun. Yet I am quite sure I would never go for an all over colour again. The grow out was too hard won, but more than that, I have become addicted to the time and money saved by going dye-free, and I won’t give that up easily.

After 20 months, I have saved a shocking six thousand dollars in salon visits, highlights, dyes, toners and treatments to counter the drying and damaging effects of all those chemicals. It had become a treadmill, and one I am happier off.

Author Tara Moss.

Author Tara Moss. Credit: Berndt Sellheim

Stats suggest I’m not the only one deciding to skip the colour, with store bought dyes purportedly on a recent decline, and groups like Silver Foxy on Facebook showing hundreds of posts from ordinary women, encouraging each other through the process. Likewise, Grombre, which started on Instagram but has since grown to a much larger movement has seen a "radical celebration of the natural phenomenon of grey hair". So grey hair has now become … radical?

For my part, I’ve joined a UK agency, Grey Models, who specialise in breaking down ageist stereotypes by representing older models, especially women rocking the silver, including Dilys Price, who at 86, is the world's oldest solo female parachutist. There is change in the air.

Not everyone can be a parachutist, or a model, and not everyone can go dye free or wants to – some friends talk quite legitimately of ageist workplaces holding them back, or concerns about being single and showing greys – but it is heartening to see that more women feel able to go natural, or even directly take on the stigmas around grey and natural hair.

And the reality is, it’s impossible to really appreciate how much better your natural colouring might suit you until you’ve grown it out for several months. Many women claim it’s one of the best decisions they’ve ever made. I’m not sure I’d go that far, but I am sure happier with my natural hair than I was with the fried mess I’d ended up with.


Don’t get me wrong, I don’t expect everyone to like my hair (or anything else about me, that’s life) and I love many of my past hairstyles. And it’s not that I hate dyes, it just that natural is okay too. More than okay – natural is beautiful, too.

Dye free is not for everyone, but it is for me, for now at least. But ultimately that’s always been the best use of clothing, dyes and cosmetics. To please yourself and do what is best for you and your body. What you do with your hair is not for everyone – it’s for you.

Follow Tara’s #dyefree transition on her Instagram.

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