This was published 1 year ago
Celebs are mad for them, so why not a wig to change up your hairstyle?
If you’ve ever wondered how so many celebrities have incredible hair, you might be surprised to find many of them wear wigs. Among the list of celebrity wig wearers are Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Cardi B, Kylie Jenner and, of course, early adopters Tina Turner and Cher. British singer Adele has loads of wigs and wears them due to the fact she “takes so long to get ready”. She even has pet names for them, June and Jackie being two.
Adele has loads of wigs and wears them due to the fact she “takes so long to get ready”. Credit: Getty Images
Actor Keira Knightley has been known to wear wigs to give her own hair time to recover after pulverising it with colouring for various movie roles.
Clip-in fringes are also popular at the moment, with Gigi Hadid, Kendall Jenner and Lily Collins getting serious bang for their buck (so to speak).
For those with thinning hair, toppers are a godsend. These are hairpieces designed to blend with your hair and disguise bald or thinning patches. Female pattern hair loss (androgenetic alopecia) will affect about 50 per cent of women at some point. This can be triggered by life events such as stress, childbirth, menopause and illness.
Bestselling Australian author Sally Hepworth is a proud wearer of wigs and hair toppers. She’s open about her hair-thinning experience, revealing to fans on Instagram that she has androgenetic alopecia and a condition known as trichotillomania, which is an urge to pull out one’s hair. She often answers questions from her fans about the ins and outs of wearing wigs and toppers.
The good news is that there are many ways of adding volume to thinning hair. Highline Wigs offers toppers with lots of fringe options. Wig Outlet also has an impressive array of wigs, including the Raquel Welch range. Hidden Crown has a good range of crown toppers made from human hair that cost about $610 each. For customised wigs, try LC Wigs in Melbourne, these can be cut and coloured in the salon while you relax at home.
For tips on securing wigs and toppers, colourist Damien Rayner says, “Always finish styling your hair before putting on your topper or clipping your fringe in. A small amount of back-combing will help cushion the added height and volume and create a great base to secure your topper into your hair.” He also suggests having “a few bobby pins on hand to give you a bit of extra security”.
For a volume booster for natural hair, try biotin, which targets inflammation, a leading cause of hair loss.
Ask Steph
Can I adapt my thick winter moisturiser to make it lighter for summer?
Adding a few shots of a facial mist to your moisturiser will help to make it less viscous and lighten the texture. Try Clarins Hydra-Essentiel Hydrating Multi-Protection Mist ($40).
Send questions via Instagram, @mrssdarling.
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