

This was published 8 months ago

Krysty’s mammogram was ‘clear’ but that didn’t mean she was cancer-free

By Mary Ward

In 2019, Krysty Sullivan started to experience back and breast pain on her left side. The then 47-year-old booked herself in for a mammogram at a local BreastScreen centre. “It came back clear,” she recalled.

Eleven months later, she felt a lump in her left breast. Having meanwhile learned the BreastScreen service is for women without symptoms, the Sydneysider attended a private clinic.

Breast cancer survivor Krysty Sullivan’s mammogram didn’t detect her tumour.

Breast cancer survivor Krysty Sullivan’s mammogram didn’t detect her tumour.Credit: Dean Sewell

At this consultation, Sullivan discovered her breasts were classified as extremely dense and so not suited to mammography. Two two-centimetre tumours detected by ultrasound at the clinic were not visible on a mammogram taken the same day.

“I trusted that the first report had said ‘no cancer detected’,” she said. “I didn’t think that meant they couldn’t see anything.”

Increasing evidence of similar cases has caused the peak body for radiologists to change its stance on detection, as it now recommends Australia’s free mammogram program should be expanded to report information about breast density.

In its revised position statement, published late last year, the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) said BreastScreen should provide women with an assessment of their breast density – the proportion of fibrous and glandular (as opposed to fatty) tissue in the breast.

Dense breasts may obscure small masses or lower the sensitivity of mammography, meaning cancer can be detected only through additional scans, such as an MRI or ultrasound. Density is also a risk factor for cancer.

BreastScreen services in Western Australia and South Australia inform women with dense breasts of the reduced sensitivity of their mammogram.

However, BreastScreen services in other states do not report density, which can be assessed from a mammogram by either a radiologist or a computer program.


A federal review of BreastScreen, which is jointly funded by federal and state governments, is due to be completed by the end of this year.


RANZCR’s previous position was that density needed to be included only on formal mammography reports, printed for diagnostic mammograms received following a doctor’s referral, not screening reports.

More than 1.8 million women aged 50 to 74 had a mammogram in 2021-22 through BreastScreen, according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Women over 40 are entitled to a free screening every two years, with screenings recommended for the 50-74 cohort.

BreastScreen Australia’s equivalent position statement, last updated in 2020 and currently under review, acknowledges the impact of density. However, it does not recommend routine recording or that those with dense breasts automatically receive further testing, citing concerns about overdiagnosis and financial cost.

“Breast density is an important issue,” the statement reads, “and it may affect the frequency and method of screening in the future. However, more research is required before establishing any new approach.”

A federal health department spokesperson said BreastScreen Australia’s review of its position would involve consultation with RANZCR among other stakeholders. A new statement was expected by the middle of this year.

Vicki Durston, director of Breast Cancer Network Australia, said the organisation welcomed the radiologists’ position statement and was optimistic change was on the horizon.

“Women want to know what their risk is,” she said. The emerging evidence indicated it was time to reconsider the national program.

A 2019 Monash analysis of BreastScreen Victoria data found 43 per cent of almost 17,000 women of screening age had dense breasts, according to the internationally accepted American College of Radiology density classification. Twelve per cent had extremely dense breasts, associated with reduced mammogram sensitivity.

Overseas, health authorities have incorporated density assessments in their screening programs.


The US Food and Drug Administration mandated density reporting in its updated mammography regulations in March. In 2022, the European Society of Breast Imaging guidelines recommended women aged 50 to 70 with extreme density receive a breast MRI every two to four years, in addition to mammograms.

RANZCR acknowledges the European model is “aspirational”, and the position statement says economic and human resource restraints may make adopting a similar program difficult.

“However, RANZCR will be working towards a model of this gold standard with governments and regulatory agencies,” it reads.

Durston said a nationally consistent approach to reporting density was needed, to provide the means for women with dense breasts to manage their risk.

“What we don’t want to see is inequity in access to those additional scans,” she said.

Associate Professor Jennifer Stone, a breast screening researcher at the University of Western Australia, said it was important to empower women to make better decisions about their breast health.

Stone, co-founder of the Australian Breast Density Consumer Advisory Council, led a survey of more than 6000 BreastScreen Western Australia participants. The research found a breast density notification made the majority feel informed, not anxious – of the 20 per cent who felt anxious, most also reported concerns about family history and intended to return for subsequent screenings.

Similar research began last year in BreastScreen Queensland clinics.

“Anxiety is commonly used as an argument against breast density notification … [but] we strongly believe this information empowers women to be more vigilant about their breast health,” Stone said.


Sullivan underwent 16 rounds of chemotherapy and two surgeries following her diagnosis. Young and with no family history, dense breasts were her only risk factor.

“I worry that we have a two-tier system, where some people are going into private clinics, learning about their density and able to have those conversations with their doctor, but the masses aren’t,” she said, adding she was grateful for the care she received from her doctors and nurses, and that she pursued her concerns with further scans.

“I had this mammogram that I was taking comfort in. And while I do trust the screening system, you can’t advocate for what you need and seek further advice if you aren’t informed.”

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