

This was published 9 years ago

Sexual abuse on Nauru shows mandatory detention is unsustainable: child advocates

By Heath Aston

The damning Moss Review of sexual abuse inside Australia's detention centre on Nauru should renew debate on ending the policy of mandatory detention and implementing a regional solution on asylum seekers, child welfare advocates have urged.

Save the Children chief executive Paul Ronalds said confirmation in the independent report of rapes, sexual abuse of children and a trade in marijuana for sexual favours in the Nauru facility was proof that the policy of detention and offshore processing was "unsustainable".

"I think the government has an opportunity to look at this positively, to say we've stopped the boats and it is time to move to a genuine regional-based solution," he said.

"The Moss report makes absolutely clear that the current solution is unsustainable. Now is the time, while there is no pressure from boat arrivals, to find a new solution."

The 2012 expert panel on asylum seekers, led by Angus Houston and Paris Aristotle, recommended regional processing.

Mr Ronalds said the government should re-engage countries like Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia instead of the unilateral approach that has pushed asylum seekers back to those countries and cost up to $500,000 a person kept in detention on Manus and Nauru.

Save the Children has demanded an apology from government for its nine staff deported from Nauru. The review by former integrity commissioner Philip Moss found no evidence for the claims of Immigration Department officials and former minister Scott Morrison that they had coached to asylum seekers to embarrass the Abbott government.

But the review found that three rapes had probably occurred and children and women had been offered gifts by Nauruan guards in return for sexual favours.

Professor David Isaacs, a consultant paediatrician who visited the Nauru detention centre in December, said holding people in detention increased the risk of abuse and forces Australia to take full responsibility for their wellbeing compared with when asylum seekers are allowed to exist in the community while their applications for refugee status are assessed.

"The Moss report suggests that the government cannot easily keep children or adults in detention in places like Manus and Nauru and keep them safe," he said.


"If we are going to imprison people without trial they should at least be safe while that is happening. Almost no other country in the world imprisons asylum seekers like this."

The office of Immigration Minister Peter Dutton declined to comment.

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