

This was published 8 years ago

Scott Morrison's lukewarm reception for wide-ranging New Zealand-style GST

By Latika Bourke

Lifting the GST to 15 per cent and applying it to food, health and education would reap $130 billion in revenue in just one year, official costings commissioned by a Turnbull government MP show.

But Treasurer Scott Morrison has stressed the idea is not official policy and sits at the "extreme end" of the options available to the government as it mulls a tax reform package ahead of the next federal election.

Costings by the Parliamentary Budget Office show raising the GST and applying it to 97 per cent of goods and services would deliver an extra $65.6 billion in the 2017/18 fiscal year.

This is more than double the current expected revenue based on the 10 per cent rate, which does not apply to fresh food, health and education.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Treasurer Scott Morrison.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Treasurer Scott Morrison.Credit: Andrew Meares

Mr Morrison welcomed the independent analysis conducted for Nationals backbencher David Gillespie but played down the prospect of applying the tax to health and education.

"There's a lot of detailed modelling there which I suppose sets out one option that sits right at the, I think, the very end of the spectrum," Mr Morrison told Sky News.

"I should stress it's not the government's position or even the Nationals' position but it represents an option I suppose."


In his third interview in just three hours, Mr Morrison went further. He told Sydney radio station 2GB the idea sat "on the extreme end".

In an earlier interview with the ABC, Mr Morrison suggested that "practical reasons" existed for not applying the GST to food, health and education in 2001. Fresh food was left out because of a deal the Howard government struck with the Democrats to get the policy through the Senate.

Mr Morrison did not state what the "practical reasons" were.

When he appeared on Sky, the Treasurer nominated only health and education as being left out of the original GST for the same issues he said remained in 2015.

"Originally when the GST was introduced there were very practical reasons why health and education were not included in the GST base and those practical issues remain as challenging as they were back then," he said.

He did not rule out the idea of applying an increased GST to fresh food.

"We're not getting into the features of this at the moment," he said.

Four reform options being considered

On Sunday, Assistant Treasurer Kelly O'Dwyer said the government was considering four reform options provided by Treasury. They range from raising the GST to 15 per cent and removing exemptions, to increasing the rate to just 12.5 per cent and retaining current exemptions.

Ms O'Dwyer stressed that the government was focussed on improving the overall tax intake and not increasing it.

Mr Morrison on Monday said the government wanted to bring down income taxes and remove disincentives for people to work and earn more. He stressed the Commonwealth was working with the states.

"And we're looking at a whole range of options: state taxes, federal taxes and the Prime Minister and I have made it clear that when it comes to superannuation we've opened that up for consideration."

But he criticised a rival proposal by Queensland and Victoria to increase the Medicare Levy instead of the GST saying it would be an effective increase on income tax. Mr Morrison again stressed the government had to deal with bracket creep.

Former treasurer Joe Hockey warned in July that bracket creep would see the average full time wage - currently around $77,000 - soon sit in the second-top income tax bracket.

But at least one government backbencher has warned his own side against raising taxes in return for temporary income tax reductions.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten said he would oppose any increase to the GST.

"Where does this money come from? It comes from the pockets of working people," he told the ABC.

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