

This was published 10 years ago

Old and sick could pay five times more for private cover under audit proposals

By Dan Harrison

Older and sicker Australians could face a five-fold increase in their private health insurance premiums if the Abbott government adopts a Commission of Audit proposal to allow funds to vary prices based on a person's circumstances.

Under the "community rating" system private health insurers are now forbidden to charge older or unhealthier people more for cover.

But in its report, released on Thursday, the Commission of Audit recommended the government consider "relaxing rules relating to 'improper discrimination' that prevent health funds from charging different prices based on a person's individual characteristics." Health Minister Peter Dutton has refused to comment on any of the commission's recommendations.

Michael Armitage, the chief executive of Private Healthcare Australia, which represents 21 health funds, said a shift away from community rating would represent a "fundamental change" to health insurance in Australia.

"Someone who is older and sicker and is going to use the health system much more often is going to have to pay, perhaps five or six times what they are paying now, because they are risk-rated rather than community rated," Dr Armitage told ABC radio.

"That's something that the community needs to understand before the change is made."

Dr Armitage acknowledged that the commission's recommendation was confined to "a limited number of lifestyle factors, including smoking, which materially increase a person's health risk," but already there were calls for insurers to be allowed to vary premiums based on a broader range of characteristics.

"I think this is a case of the boy taking his finger out of the dyke," Dr Armitage said.

NIB chief executive Mark Fitzgibbon has suggested his fund might offer discounts to people with a body mass index below a certain level, or those who committed to taking action to lose weight.

James Gillespie, deputy director of the Menzies Centre for Health Policy at the University of Sydney said that such a change would have the greatest impact on people from disadvantaged backgrounds who tended to have higher rates of smoking and obesity.


"They’re defining these as matters of choice and lifestyle but it’s more complicated than that,” he said.

The president of the Australian and New Zealand Obesity Society Anna Peeters said charging people more for insurance because of their weight would be a "regressive step."

"You'd be penalising people for their risk which is a consequence of a whole host of factors including their genetic make-up and the environment that they live, work and play in."

Professor Peeters said insurers could play a constructive role in tackling obesity by working with their members and the community to encourage physical activity and better nutrition.


Jane Martin, executive manager of the Obesity Policy Coalition, said governments needed to better support people to live healthily, for example by improving food labelling to help identify more nutritious foods.

“It is unfair to blame people for this condition when government policy has not done enough to create an environment where the healthy choice is the easy choice,” she said.

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