

This was published 6 years ago

Ministers line up to criticise Abbott's 'absurd' immigration comments

By Fergus Hunter

Four senior figures in the Turnbull government have rejected former prime minister Tony Abbott's calls to cut immigration to ease pressure on infrastructure and wages, increase housing affordability and reduce ethnic crime.

Acting Prime Minister Mathias Cormann, Trade Minister Steve Ciobo and Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton have now dismissed the position championed by their former leader, adding weight to comments made by Treasurer Scott Morrison earlier in the week.

"Tony Abbott is wrong," Senator Cormann said on Thursday morning.

"To criticise the experts and say that somebody who is not an expert knows better is not the right approach."

Mr Ciobo said it was important to have open discussions about issues like immigration but he "could not disagree more strongly" with Mr Abbott.

"I think it's a great shame that we often see immigration and, in particular, immigrants having the finger of blame pointed at them on issues like, for example, escalating house prices or depressed wages growth. I think that that's lazy, I think it's highly inaccurate," he told ABC radio.

"The fact that arguments are made gives me an opportunity to rebut them. For example, the suggestion that immigrants play a role in pushing up house prices a palpably absurd statement to make."

Mr Ciobo pointed to the fact that Sydney house prices were not representative of the national market, with prices much more affordable and even falling in other parts of the country.

Acting Prime Minister Mathias Cormann.

Acting Prime Minister Mathias Cormann.Credit: Jamila Toderas


The disagreement has emerged as Senator Cormann - who was born in Belgium, could not speak English until he was in his 20s, and migrated to Australia in the 1990s - takes the reins as acting prime minister with Malcolm Turnbull visiting the United States.

The Finance Minister's surprise elevation as only the fourth senator to be acting prime minister in Australian history is a result of Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce taking leave as he weathers the storm over his relationship with his former staff Vikki Campion.

Senator Cormann has used the moment to celebrate migration, responding to a hostile social media comment on his background by saying "what a great migrant nation we are".

The acting Prime Minister, whose political success in Australia has been applauded in Belgium, tweeted proudly that he still enjoys eating chips with mayonnaise and drinking Kriek, a Belgian beer made with cherries.

In a speech on Tuesday night, Mr Abbott said the annual planned migration intake should be quickly managed down from the current cap of 190,000 to 110,000 until the economy and community have "caught up".

The former prime minister qualified his remarks by saying immigration was fundamental to the Australian story, had been "overwhelmingly and unquestionably good" for the country and that "making immigrants feel unwelcome in their own country is the last thing we need".

But he also linked current migration levels to African youth gangs in Melbourne and concerns about broader integration of recent migrants, saying there was high dependence on welfare and too many who were not proficient in English.

Mr Dutton, who has been criticised for his own comments on migration in the past, said the government was emphasising skilled migration, which yielded economic and social benefits.

"My judgment is we have got the settings right," he said on Wednesday.

"There's an economic benefit to bringing people in who are skilled, who will work and pay taxes and contribute to society. It's not just a social dividend."

On Wednesday, Treasurer Scott Morrison comprehensively rejected Mr Abbott's push, painting it as illogical and unrealistic, which triggered a swift rebuke from the former prime minister who said his colleague was wrong and "captured" by a dogmatically pro-migration view in his Treasury department.

Mr Abbott hit back at his former cabinet colleague on Thursday saying Mr Morrison "should have the gumption to think for himself".

"Scott Morrison has conveniently forgotten the very vigourous discussion about cutting immigration that took place inside government in early 2015 as part of the budget process," Mr Abbott wrote on Facebook on Thursday morning.

"Because we were achieving a reduction anyway I eventually decided not to adjust the official figure but I kept it on the table as I never accepted the Treasury orthodoxy that more migrants meant more growth and a stronger budget outcome."

"If Treasury is right why not solve the deficit simply by ramping up immigration? I repeat, we should not let Treasury's accounting rules stop the government from acting in our medium term national interests and Scott should have the gumption to think for himself."

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