

This was published 1 year ago


Think plastic pollution is your own fault? That’s rubbish

The fallout from the collapse of the soft-plastics recycling programs in Australian supermarkets continues with news that millions of plastic bags kept aside for recycling are destined for landfill.

And despite plastics recycling programs being common for many years, production of single-use plastics continues to surge.

A stockpile of plastic bags in a Sydney warehouse. Nearly 12,400 tonnes of soft plastics have now been found in 32 locations across three states.

A stockpile of plastic bags in a Sydney warehouse. Nearly 12,400 tonnes of soft plastics have now been found in 32 locations across three states.

These revelations expose more than just a failure of intent from the recyclers and the supermarkets. They show that they are more useful for greenwashing than dealing with the growing global mountain of plastics.

Australians want to do the right thing to deal with plastics pollution. But the recycling schemes that have been on offer have barely touched the surface. The result? While people feel they are “doing their bit” for the environment, behind the scenes, recycling schemes make handy profits while the real global polluters are let off the hook.

Central to the thinking of these schemes is that you, personally, are responsible for pollution and global warming. Yes, it’s all your fault. The same with being worried about your individual “carbon footprint” or being guilt-tripped for taking holidays.

This has the outcome of demobilisation: sidetracking people from action to demand real change, while making individuals feel guilty and responsible for a planet-wide trashing of our environment.

In fact, it’s not “your fault” but is a design feature of an economic system that accumulates more and more wealth for its own sake; that churns through more and more resources to feed that gluttony.

Options for individuals to take their plastics and paper for recycling have been around for many years. Yet these “acts of consumer power” haven’t stopped masses of plastics forming in our oceans; a crisis so bad that the World Economic Forum in 2016 warned that plastics could outweigh fish in our oceans by 2050.


Stockpiles of soft plastics found in Sydney warehouses.Credit: EPA NSW

When single-use plastics were removed, supermarkets adopted “environmentally conscious” multi-use bags at 15¢ a pop.

Many of these bags – worse for the environment than the bags they replaced – are used once and end up in landfill. Further, they become a revenue source for the supermarket chains. Queensland University of Technology academic Professor Gary Mortimer predicted the change to “reusable” plastic bags could deliver an extra $71 million a year in profits to retail giants Coles and Woolworths.

Again, it is part of an ideology that tells people they are individually responsible for environmental degradation when in fact it is a global profits system and a few hundred companies worldwide that are trashing the planet.

While the exact data are contested, a 2017 study argued that just 100 fossil fuel and cement companies contributed to 71 per cent of greenhouse pollution since 1988. Rather than tackle these polluting giants, individuals are asked to “do their bit”.

Individual recycling schemes, like carbon offset schemes, have more in common with religious penance than urgent action to deal with plastics pollution or greenhouse gas emissions.


As pointed out some years ago by Carbon Trade Watch and UK research outfit The Corner House, the push to make individual consumers feel guilty and responsible and pay a “little bit more” has more in common with medieval indulgences than real action on the environment.

During Europe’s Dark Ages, the church told the benighted and sinning masses that the priesthood and assorted clergy had an abundance of holiness, while the individual believer was a sinner and damned to hell. But by purchasing indulgences from the church, they could transfer some of that holiness to their rotten lives, offsetting their sinful practices.

Sound familiar?

REDcycle does face prosecution in Victoria for failing to disclose its mountains of plastics. But the maximum fine is $165,000. Chicken feed.

In NSW, the Environment Protection Authority has told Woolworths and Coles to clear the REDcycle warehouses at a potential cost of $3.5 million. Together, both companies made about $2.5 billion in profit last year.


These companies will get away with a slap on the wrist. Meanwhile, oil companies continue to pump plastics into the environment, governments greenwash and climate protestors are threatened with prison.

This tells us something about how seriously we are taking the climate crisis: punish the annoying Cassandras, let the real sinners off the hook.

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