

This was published 11 months ago


For decades, the Pacific is where Australia sent refugees. Now, that’s changing

The Pacific family is coming to stay. Specifically, up to 280 Tuvaluans per year will be granted a “special human mobility pathway” to reside in Australia under the terms of the Falepili Union, which means good neighbourliness.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese signed the agreement at the recent Pacific Islands Forum meeting, which also featured a new Pacific Regional Framework on Climate Mobility. But is the Australian public going to be okay with settling climate refugees?

Foreign Minister Penny Wong and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at the Pacific Islands Forum last year.

Foreign Minister Penny Wong and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at the Pacific Islands Forum last year.Credit: Joe Armao

For more than two decades, the Pacific has been the place where we send refugees, not somewhere we take them from. Though there are sizable Pacifika communities in Australia, most have arrived via conventional migration pathways. We also have a Pacific Australia Labour Mobility scheme, a key feature of which is that entrants return home when their job – usually picking fruit and vegetables – is done. The terms of the Falepili Union, which is predicated on rising sea levels rendering Tuvalu uninhabitable within decades, creates an entirely new form of migration. It is also intended to be symbolic of a significant shift in the way Australia relates to the region moving forward.

Foreign Minister Penny Wong described the union as “the most important step any Australian Government has taken in the Pacific since the independence of Papua New Guinea”. That might be a stretch, but certainly the intent is noticeably different.

When our flag was taken down in Port Moresby in 1975, the assumption was that Australia had shelved its imperial ambitions. It has been drawn back from time to time, either via foreign aid, in response to natural disasters, or the period of civil unrest in Solomon Islands, but by and large, Canberra has viewed the Pacific and its litany of tiny nations as a burden and an irritation that distracts us from our geopolitical interests in Asia and support for America’s wars.

China’s growing interest in the Pacific, which culminated in the security agreement it signed with Solomon Islands last year, changed all of that. Suddenly, the region mattered to Australia again, like it did when Germany was an active imperialist prior to World War I or Japan in World War II. We became “family”, primarily out of fear that we were going to be outbid in much the same way China has picked off Pacific states who provided diplomatic recognition to Taiwan. But now Canberra has stumbled onto something that Pacific islanders appear to want that China cannot offer – residence in Australia. To be sure, the Falepili Union includes provisions about climate adaptation and infrastructure development, and China can do all that too. But as their islands sink, it seems Tuvaluans would prefer to live here. This could be a winning hand.

The language of “union” signals that the government hopes other countries, especially Kiribati and Nauru, might be open to a similar deal. If they are, then the map of the Pacific would suddenly look quite different. The US would maintain strategic denial in the North Pacific via Guam, its Commonwealth with the neighbouring Mariana Islands, and its Compacts of Free Association with Palau, Federated States of Micronesia and Marshall Islands. Tokelau is a dependent territory of New Zealand, which also has a free association arrangement with Cook Islands and Niue, and longstanding links with Samoa. France retains French Polynesia and New Caledonia. If the Falepili Union were to include Kiribati and Nauru as well as Tuvalu, then the North, Central and South Pacific, would all comprise territories friendly to Australia that protect our air and sea-lanes from a Chinese approach. We would also have even more sway in the Pacific Islands Forum, the premier regional institution. Checkmate.


Or is it? Human mobility is a key feature of the US compacts in Micronesia and New Zealand’s free association formula. The Falepili Union borrows heavily from these precedents, and it works because the numbers are small. But the real game of strategic denial is not going to be played out in the Central Pacific. As the China-Solomon Islands security agreement showed, the western islands are the key geopolitical prize due to their proximity to Australia. Fiji (population 900,000), Solomon Islands (700,000), Vanuatu (300,000) and PNG (10 million) are not just closer; they’re bigger, have a development model that might make migration a less attractive option, and climate change poses a different kind of threat to livelihoods. In fact, they’re each much bigger than Tuvalu (population 11,000), Nauru (12,000), and Kiribati (125,000) combined. If human mobility is our winning hand, and the one area in which China is unlikely to outbid us, then these potential numbers could prove to be a limitation for our new geostrategic posture, especially given large sections of the public have a longstanding antipathy to immigration.


In this sense, Minister Wong’s statement about the magnitude of the Falepili Union is spot on, but primarily because it signals a fundamental shift in how we understand the relationship between immigration and national security. Rather than refugees being a policy problem to be solved via offshore processing centres in faraway Pacific islands, climate change has rendered some of them geopolitical assets to be leveraged for our protection.

The key question now is whether the Australian public is onboard with this good neighbourliness, and the very modern sort of family our new Union might become.

Jack Corbett is Professor and Head of the School of Social Sciences at Monash University and the author of Statehood à la Carte in the Caribbean and the Pacific.

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