

This was published 8 years ago

Why are Perth fashionistas spending $2000… on their eyebrows?

By Candice Barnes

"Hey babe, great eyebrows!"

It's not exactly a phrase one would ever expect to hear, but for some reason this oft overlooked part of the anatomy has seen a renaissance of sorts in recent years.

Sharon-Lee counts the Kardashians among her celebrity clients.

Sharon-Lee counts the Kardashians among her celebrity clients.Credit: Sharon-Lee Inc. / Facebook

So much so, that some Perth women are willing to spend a sum equal to their first car to achieve superior supercilia – and that's how Sydney-based "eyebrow queen" Sharon-Lee Hamilton Clarke has made her name.

"There's a vast difference between a good job and a superb job," she said.

Even the more modest services were a 'special treat'.

Even the more modest services were a 'special treat'.

"At the end of the day, you'll only pay if you think you're getting value for money. That goes for anything, not just brows."

After piquing my curiosity during an interview a few months ago, and with nuptials imminent, I set aside my trusty tweezers and laid down a chunk of hard-earned cash to achieve brow perfection.

Dropping a couple of grand was out of the question for me, so at just over $400, I opted for a more modest service consisting of the brow session along with a lash perm and "collagen eye treatment".

"We've had clients come to us and felt it was expensive and then gone away to somebody else – they're loyal to us after," Sharon-Lee said.


"I would say that in 80 per cent of the case that happens. People come, say that's wonderful and think it's all too easy and think they can go to their local salon and maintain it. Then they get hacked or lose the line and they'll realise what they were paying for."

The whizz-bang $1900 service sees Sharon-Lee scratch semi-permanent "feather strokes" into the brow to create a fuller effect, or replace what has been lost through over-plucking, alopecia or other medical conditions.

She said with regular maintenance and top-up sessions, the look can last for up to two years.

"Certainly that's a lot of money to spend, but it's also a long term solution and we do it over multiple sessions. More often or not, it's three sessions, sometimes four," Sharon-Lee said.

"The trick is to make it look natural and I have to say we probably do about eight a month which is reparatory work. We have girls coming into us who have been elsewhere and they've had a really bad job that really looks like tattoo.

"There's a whole generation of women aged 50-plus who got rid of their brows and drew them back in because the models of that day were like Twiggy where it was that whole surprised look, the waif thing. They don't grow back, so it makes for a big job."

At the moment, Sharon-Lee and her team head to Perth a few times a year to wax, pluck and etch the brows of her clientele from a suite in the Crown complex.

At one stage, she considered setting up shop in Perth, but the self-confessed "control freak" decided against it.

"Setting up a full time operation in Perth at this early stage isn't smart because it's not like I'm around the corner to step in if I need to. If we didn't like the people, we just wouldn't come, it would be too hard," Sharon-Lee said.

"Where we come now for two days, next year we'll come for three days and once we get to a point where we can justify our options and look at a more permanent site."

So, was the pricey brow experience worth it? The relaxing environment, champagne on arrival and flawless result with no upsell was certainly refreshing and felt like a very special treat. But my wallet suggests it will have to remain just that – a special treat.

Sharon-Lee's next trip to Perth is scheduled for mid-February.

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