

This was published 5 years ago

From the Archives: Mike Willesee on marriage, money and TV

By Doug Aiton

First published in The Age on September 13, 1992

Mike Willesee on marriage, money and making a comeback to the small screen.

Journalist Mike Willesee.

Journalist Mike Willesee.Credit: Ross Anthony Willis

After a long and enjoyable dinner with Michael Willesee, I realised I had forgotten to ask about one particular matter. So I rang him at his hotel the next morning.

"I wondered if a couple of years down the track," I said, "you'd like to say anything about what you call your 'bad night' on television."

(I was referring to the time when he had apparently had one or two too many and was giggling a lot while hosting 'A Current Affair'.)

There was a pause on the end of the line. A Willesee pause. "Look, it's very kind of you to make the offer," he said, and I could hear the smile in his voice. "But no."

It occurred to me that he had just used his two greatest television assets without the benefit of television itself. The pause and the smile.

Mike Willesee in 1987

Mike Willesee in 1987Credit: Alan Purcell

Everyone talks about the famous Willesee pause: that one where you can see the interviewee squirming, because Willesee is simply staring at him, after the answer has been given. The pause adds a vast dimension to the interview. At its most extreme, it can say: "You are a liar and a cheat and a fraud and I don't believe you and neither does anyone watching this program." (It could almost be used unfairly. I can imagine someone replying "two and two makes four," and Willesee pausing and the entire audience being convinced that a lie has been uttered.)


The smile is rather less acknowledged, but I believe Mike has the most winning, charming smile ever seen on Australian television and, without it, I suspect he may not have prospered so. Sitting with him at a restaurant table, I observed that smile many times close up, and my conclusion is that it involves his eyes as much as his mouth, and that's what makes it so magnetic.

Michael Willesee was the first person on Australian commercial television to bring real journalism to the medium. I say "commercial" because Bill Peach on the ABC probably beat him to it, although Willesee was there too: he was the Canberra correspondent for 'This Day Tonight'.

Mike Willesee and Jana Wendt.

Mike Willesee and Jana Wendt.

But when Willesee branched out on his own and took his solid newspaper training, his hefty intelligence, his smile, and later, the pause, to commercial television, there was no stopping him. He grabbed the ball and kept running with it until, I suspect, he simply ran out of steam. He remains, in my view, far and away the best television interviewer we have ever had.

So I, for one, am pleased to see him back where he belongs, fronting a television show. This one is called 'Street Stories' and he gave me a compelling description of the concept behind the show, and how this was just one idea discussed between him and Kerry Packer. The others were that he might become involved with both 'A Current Affair' and '60 Minutes', both of which might still occur.

The idea of 'Street Stories' is that a television documentary is built around an ordinary person with some big event occurring in his or her life. So it won't be interviews, as such, but Willesee will be seen as the presenter.

While we were dining, I asked him about the pause. Was it his invention?

"No. Well, no in the sense that I didn't design it. I didn't craft it. It comes from listening.

“You know how sometimes you can't stop people from keeping talking in an interview. They go on and on. Well, equally, sometimes they've got more to say. And If I can sense that, I just wait. And that seems to prompt them to saying more ..."

John Hewson with Mike Willesee and Paul Keating in 1993.

John Hewson with Mike Willesee and Paul Keating in 1993.Credit: The Age Archives

He thought for a moment. "It comes from listening,” he repeated. It's a good reply. The implication was that a lot of interviewers don't listen to the answers, which is true.

"Why are you making a comeback?" I asked.

"Because I really like doing It. And I miss it. I've done so much in television in the past, I've been the producer, and the front man and there have been many times when I've said, that's it! I've had enough.

"But then I miss it. I think I'm good at it. And if you're good at something and you don't do it ..."

HE shrugged, and then went on to tell me that recently he had got an enormous kick from going to South Africa and getting into the swing of doing dangerous television reports again, the thrill of the chase, and so on.

Mike Willesee.

Mike Willesee.Credit: The Age Archives.

"Also, the most compelling memories I have, from all around the world, are from working, not from holidays."

"Did you seek to come back to television, or were you asked?"

"It really just came up."

"Were you bored?"

"I was bored with business, yeah. Transmedia (his company) had got involved In real estate. And it was quite successful. But there was one time when I didn't even bother to see the site involved. That's when I realised that I was doing things I wasn't really interested in.

"So now I'm going to stick to what interests me, which basically is media and horses.

"I've got some radio stations in Queensland. Far north Queensland. I like radio. I like the people. I like to be involved. Also, It's a great excuse to go north."

"I remember you were smart enough to get in with the early FM licences," I said. "I imagine that made you a lot of money."

"Yes, It did."

His partners at that time were John Laws, Graham Kennedy and Village Roadshow. The going was tough at first, and one by one, the partners sold out. Each time, Willesee picked up their shares. In the end, he reaped a vast reward when eventually he sold out.

Mike Willisee in 2012.

Mike Willisee in 2012.Credit: Publicity

And, despite being bored with the business side, he must have considerable skills. Everything he does seems to make him a lot of money. Another example is 'A Current Affair'. When he was host, he also owned the show. But when he decided to give up presenting, he retained the show. Then he appointed Jana Wendt to take his place. Another smart move.

Then later, presumably when Jana was rating like mad, he sold the show to the Nine Network. That would have brought in a quid or two.

He now has, as the most conspicuous sign of his wealth, a horse-breeding stud at Cootamundra. He certainly does not need to work for a living. His worth has been estimated at more than $5O million and he recently bought a mansion in Sydney's Watson's Bay for around $7 million.

His business acumen, he nevertheless maintains, is not broad, but he believes he understands radio "and the media generally". He noticed that in Los Angeles there were 22 people on the staff of a radio station, whereas in Sydney a similar station had about 200 people. "I saw a fat, sluggish industry."

"But now you want to get back to asking questions."

"That's what I want to do most." Which suggested to me that his comeback plans will go beyond 'Street Stories' because he is not going to be asking any questions there, but presenting and producing.

"What do you think of the standard of television interviewing now," I asked.

"I've never joined the critics, but I have to say you seem to get very little real interviewing now. You just get grabs. There seems to be no real requirement to do an actual interview."

We got to talking about past television interviewers, including Michael Parkinson and David Frost. My contention was that Michael Parkinson simply keeps asking, in effect, "what happened next" and is in the happy position of having international celebrities who outline their lives in a most entertaining manner.

"I reckon you used to do better than him," I suggested.

Willesee was a little reluctant to agree, possibly because Parkinson is a friend whom he likes a lot. But he was prepared to say that he was not impressed by the current work of David Frost.

"What about his Nixon interviews?"

"Well ..." he hesitated. We agreed that the main memory of the Frost-Nixon Interviews was that Frost actually secured the interviews, rather than what was contained in them.

"Nixon wouldn't have agreed to be interviewed by me. Not if he'd found out things about me."

"Are you saying you could have done it better than Frost?"

"Nixon didn't actually say anything new," said Willesee. Then he smiled. "Look, let's say that I just want always to be the one who does the interview. So I'm the wrong person to ask about other people."

Michael Willesee has been through the marital calamity stakes. Both his marriage break-ups attracted considerable attention.

"Do you feel that the institution of marriage has been unkind to you," I asked.

"No. It's caused me some pain. But, on balance, marriage has given me five children who are the core of my life. And it's given me some great years. You shouldn't measure a marriage by its breakdown. On balance, a few bruises, but a lot of joy."

"Has it brought about your lowest times?"

"Impossible to say. No, I couldn't say that. But I can say it has brought about my highest times."

At the moment, he is not involved with anyone.

"Would you like to be?"

Laughter. "Um. Yes." More laughter. "I start to think of the conditions I would make. But yes."

"Are you lonely?"

"Oh no." (He was definite on that one.)

I assumed he was "playing the field" and suggested so.

"No. I've been through that. After my first marriage broke up. I was not quite 30, and it was a great diversion. But this time I haven't played the field, as you put it. I tend to go out with women who are good mates.

"After all." he smiled, "at 50 you can't ... well, there ought to be some decorum."

Yes, Mike Willesee turned 50 In June this year. He looks great, I noted. He looks like Mike Willesee used to look: trim, fit, healthy. He didn't look like that a few years ago. He looked puffy and unwell and ruddy.

"Oh yeah, I am looking after myself now. You have to."

"What do you do?"

"A bit of everything. Exercise. Play tennis when I can. I exercise a bit every day. So it's either tennis, golf, or a run. And there's a gym In the office. Just rowing machine and bike."

"I suspect it wasn't always like that."

"Yeah. In my early 40s I lost focus a bit."

"Too much booze?"

"No. I think I just lost focus across the board. Fitness is a small thing, but It needs to be regular. I used to accept all sorts of obligations to do things. I don't now. Not if I don't feel like it.

"And what is very important is a sense of achievement. Which I probably wasn't getting out of business.

"You see I used to go home after television programs, and I'd think about the interview. That bit was not bad, that part was good. I'd be thinking about It. But I never felt that way about business. Never."

"What have been your lowest times?"

"Two marriage break-ups."

"Because of guilt?"

He frowned. "I had a strong belief in marriage. I really felt that I could not have been divorced. So it was, for me, a loss of ideals. A loss of home. A loss of attitudes you wanted to give your children. No, actually not guilt. Just loss."

"Do you still have that sense of loss now?"

"No. Well, that's not true. Well. You never erase the scars."

Once when we met in the 1970s, Willesee was annoyed at what he called the duplicity of middle-ranking executives with un-named television networks. I asked him if he could elaborate, many years later.

He could, but it was actionable. Let's just say that he told me some terrible tales about senior people in television involved, basically, in theft.

"What does your money mean to you," I asked. "The good and the bad."

"The best thing about having a quid is not having to worry about a quid. Your car breaks down, you don't have, to worry.

"And independence. You don't have to work at things you don't want to. If you don't want to work, you don't have to.

“The biggest disappointment is seeing that money in most cases doesn't make people happy. Having this bottle of wine instead of the one we ordered is not going to make you and me happy.

(The restaurant, Fortuna Village, had just honored us with a bottle of French chardonnay instead of the more humble label we ordered.)

"The best things I do don't cost a lot of money. Like camping In Arnhem Land with my kids.

"The rich people I know are not the happiest people I know. As a result most of my friends are not rich. And most people who are wealthy have a preoccupation with money.

"The 1987 crash saw so many people who couldn't adjust. But all it meant was that instead of a big fortune, they had a little fortune. Some of them bought a bigger car."

"You said you liked being 50. Why?"'

"The alternative's not too good. No, that's an old line. I've just had a thing over the years of looking forward to a birthday. Any birthday. I remember I liked 33. I like 50."

I asked him If he could remember with affection any particular teacher at his school, which was Christian Brothers, Leederville, in Perth. That brought back a painful memory of a teacher who beat him up. He says the teacher beat him up because of his father, Don Willesee, a former Labor parliamentarian who declined to join the DLP at the time of the split.

Mike's story is that he once told an interviewer about this incident, and the same teacher wrote to him in horror, saying "tell me it's not true, that you said that". Mike was silently outraged because the teacher did beat him up. He simply started hitting Mike until he actually went down on the ground.

But then, when the teacher wrote with that plea, "I didn't want to hurt him," said Mike.

"Any regrets," I asked.

"No. None."

"Nothing you would have done differently?"

"That's impossible to answer. I would have learned to kick with both feet!" (Willesee has always been passionate about Aussie Rules. He played with the South Melbourne seconds and Is now supremo of the troubled Sydney Swans).

"Are you still a Catholic?"

"Brought up a Catholic. Not a paid up member."

"Do you think about it?"


"In what way?"

"Well, we all think of the meaning of life. And my children. Basically I don't have respect for the institution of religion. Basically. I've got a lot of respect for the spirituality of God. But I don't know what you do."

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