

This was published 9 years ago

Meet Little Sea: The Aussie band emerging from the screen ready for stardom

By Candice Barnes

While some are quick to dismiss Gen Y as lazy or selfish, a few moments in a room with Sydney band Little Sea is enough to know these guys have their heads screwed on right.

Hungry for success and genuinely excited about their growing profile, the foursome were happy to reflect on their humble beginnings.

Little Sea visited Perth last month as part of a national tour.

Little Sea visited Perth last month as part of a national tour.Credit: Candice Barnes

"Three of us were playing in a band beforehand, we made music together and wanted to continue that with a new project, so Andy [Butler] and I started doing covers on Youtube while we were putting the band together," guitarist Oliver Kirby said.

"Then Andy got in contact with Dylan [Clark] in February 2014 and then this happened, we started making music, it was good vibes."

Lead singer Andy Butler said harnessing social media was a natural fit for the band and while they figured it would help them build a fan base, they didn't expect it to have the international impact it has.

"We did the pub scene for ages in our other band playing a lot of shows. It's hard to do that these days as it seems people aren't going to as many shows and stuff, especially where we live," he said.

"So [social media] is a really good tool to reach out to people because they want to access a gig from their own home, it's helped us a lot."

A trip to Los Angeles last year showed them just how far they had come – an impromptu jam session in a park soon drew a crowd of 150 young women.


"There's talent everywhere you go and there has always been talent in Australia, now that we live in such a globalised society, we're being discovered more," Kirby said.

"Before, it was such a sacrifice for an Australian band to go international because often they would spend all their money to go overseas and if they didn't make it, they'd come back and be broke."

As a group of young Australian men who initially found fame online, Little Sea have often been compared to the likes of 5 Seconds of Summer.

While the band praised their fellow antipodeans, they were quick to point out their sound and influences were different.

"I was just laying in the bath listening to John Mayer as every male 20-year-old does and he has these lyrics that say 'I'm a little lost at sea' and I put little and sea together," drummer Leighton Cauchi explained.

"I put a few other names to the boys and Oliver was a little bit concerned because he thought people might confuse it with a lower case c and it's true people do confuse it but it doesn't matter because the band name rocks."

Now, the band have adopted an official hand movement – "like waves in the sea" – and recently completed their first headline tour of their homeland off the back of a new EP.

"We write all our lyrics together, so all of it is about our lives and maybe relationships or being on the road," Clark said.

"This one in particular, this line you don't have to change for love, just resonated with everyone and then we all just put different elements into it, it happened really fast."

Little Sea's six song EP With You, Without You is available on iTunes.

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