

This was published 5 years ago

Why Charles Manson continues to fascinate, 50 years after Sharon Tate

By Karl Quinn

At first glance there was nothing all that special about Charles Manson. “He was much smaller and slighter than I'd imagined,” wrote John Douglas, founder of the FBI's Criminal Profiling Program, of their first meeting in prison in the 1980s. “No more than five [foot] two or five three. How could this weak-looking little guy exert such influence over his notorious ‘family’?”

Matt Smith as Charles Manson in Mary Harron's film Charlie Says.

Matt Smith as Charles Manson in Mary Harron's film Charlie Says.Credit: Defiant Screen Entertainment

And why, we might ask, does he continue to hold such fascination for filmmakers – and, presumably, for audiences – 50 years after the murders he inspired, and almost two years after his death in November 2017.

Three new projects examine the man and the August 1969 murders (adding to the dozens already in existence): the feature film Charlie Says, from American Psycho director Mary Harron; the Netflix series Mindhunter, based on Douglas’ 1995 book of the same name (written with Mark Olshaker); and Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood.

In a weird quirk, Australian actor Damon Herriman plays Manson in the last two, which puts him in a unique position to ponder the continuing fascination with this perplexing and contradictory “guru” of the counter-culture.

Herriman says the interest can be explained by “a combination of reasons: the way he looked; the way he spoke; the way Los Angeles, and in fact, the world, was rocked by the murders; the image of those three followers” – Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel and Leslie Van Houten – “smiling, holding hands, singing, as they walked through the courthouse. And it's the specifics of the events themselves. The horror of what happened over those two nights is pretty hard to shake.”

Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel and Leslie Van Houten walk to court in August 1970 to be tried for the killings of seven people a year earlier.

Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel and Leslie Van Houten walk to court in August 1970 to be tried for the killings of seven people a year earlier.Credit: AP

On those two nights in the summer of 1969, Manson ordered members of his family to kill for him. On August 8, Tex Watson and three female members of the family – Atkins, Krenwinkel and Linda Kasabian – broke into the home of actress Sharon Tate and her husband Roman Polanski. Five people, including Tate – who was almost nine months pregnant – were murdered (Polanski was absent at the time).

The following night, family members murdered Leno and Rosemary La Bianca at home.

Manson preached love and free sex and an end to racial prejudice to his fluid adopted family on the secluded Spahn Ranch, a one-time location for Hollywood Westerns, in Los Angeles. But he hoped the murders would be blamed on blacks, thus sparking a race war, at the conclusion of which he and his acolytes would lead the way to a glorious future. This vision he called Helter Skelter, claiming it had been revealed to him in the Beatles' song of the same name.


Charlie Says focuses on the La Bianca killings, and while it stars Matt Smith as a charismatic and abusive Manson, it is more interested in the psychology of the women than what drove their “master”.

Harron had already turned down a TV movie on the Manson family when she read the script for Charlie Says by long-time collaborator Guenevere Turner, writer-director of cult favourite Go Fish.

“The fact she was focusing on the women seemed the most interesting part of it,” says Harron, whose resume is littered with explorations of the darker side of human behaviour. “How did these nice hippy girls end up doing this horrible thing?”

Matt Smith as Manson, with Sosie Bacon as Patricia Krenwinkel (left) and Marianne Rendon as Susan Atkins.

Matt Smith as Manson, with Sosie Bacon as Patricia Krenwinkel (left) and Marianne Rendon as Susan Atkins. Credit: Defiant Screen Entertainment

She was also intrigued by the idea of the women in prison, a few years after the crimes. “I realised I had no idea what happened to them after the trial – no idea where they were or what happened to their state of mind – so that seemed like original territory.”

Our conduit to the story is Van Houten, played here by Hannah Murray, whose Gilly was one of the few points of sweetness and light in Game of Thrones. “She's kind of sweetness and light too in a lot of Charlie Says, because she does have this innocence,” says Harron of the English actress. “She made such sense of Leslie as a seeker.”

But making sense of the crimes overall, and what drove Manson's followers to commit them, remains an elusive task.

Damon Herriman as Charles Manson in Mindhunter. 

Damon Herriman as Charles Manson in Mindhunter. Credit: Netflix

“I don't think there's one explanation,” says Harron. “You could say the followers were all troubled to some extent, but no more than a lot of kids who had rebelled and joined communes. Some came from blue-collar families, like Susan Atkins, some from upper-middle-class, like Leslie. Tex came from a very Christian farm family.

“They were all looking for something, wanting someone to tell them what the truth was. And like a lot of kids who joined communes or political movements in the ’60s, they were looking for an adventure and a new way of being in rebelling against their backgrounds. But when they joined I don't think they thought of it as being in any way dark. I think they really bought into the idea that the Manson family was all about love.”

That tallies with Douglas’ analysis too.

“Charlie hadn't set out to be the dark guru. His goal was fame and fortune,” he wrote. “He saw vast hordes of confused, naive, idealistic kids who looked up to him for his life experience and the seeming wisdom he spouted.

“What he preached made perfect sense: pollution is destroying the environment, racial prejudice is ugly and destructive, love is right and hate is wrong,” he wrote. “But once he had these lost souls in his sway, he instituted a highly structured delusional system that left him in complete control of their minds and bodies.

“He used sleep deprivation, sex, food control, and drugs to gain complete dominance, like a prisoner of war situation … He’d strum his guitar and repeat his simple mantra over and over again: only Charlie could redeem the sick and rotting society.”


Harron thinks this is key to understanding Manson, and why he continues to fascinate. For while the crimes of the family and the dynamic that enabled them may seem unique, in fact they have corollaries in our society in a broader sense.

“When I was looking at Tex Watson’s story I thought of My Lai, or young soldiers at any time, being told ‘go and round up those children and shoot them’,” she says. “Like a cult, the army asks you to surrender your will, your ego, so you can become part of this team, this fighting force.

“So when I thought about how could Tex Watson, this nice kid, have done these things, I could imagine a Tex Watson might have done those things then in Vietnam, or might be doing those things now in Afghanistan.”

The real Charles Manson, shortly after his arrest in 1969.

The real Charles Manson, shortly after his arrest in 1969.Credit: File

For Herriman, playing any character demands trying to get inside their head. But with Manson, he says, “I found it almost impossible.

“I heard that Matt Smith said the same thing,” he says. “Even after everything I read and watched over several months, I'm still not entirely sure what made him tick. I'm not even sure he knew.

“Part of me thinks he just opened his mouth and said whatever came out at the time. He just knew how to say it in a way that seemed intriguing to the right people at the right time.”

In the end, says Harron, it is precisely this slipperiness that drives people like her to grapple with the enigma that is Manson, the madness and the murders he inspired.

Peace, man: Damon Herriman in Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood.

Peace, man: Damon Herriman in Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood.Credit: Sony Pictures

“The mystery, the thing we can’t really find a complete answer to, is the reason the story continues to resonate,” she says.

“If there was an answer, you’d say, ‘OK’. But because we can never quite get to the bottom of it, and because this sort of thing keeps happening, it’s like, ‘What is it in us that makes seemingly gentle or humane people do this sort of thing? Could I do that? Could my daughter do that?’ You just don't know.”

Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood is in cinemas now. Manson appears in episode 5 of Mindhunter season 2, now on Netflix. Charlie Says is released on DVD and digital formats on September 4.

Follow the author on Facebook at karlquinnjournalist and on twitter @karlkwin

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