

This was published 12 years ago

A slice of heaven

By Mik Grigg

THE whole pie or just a slice? You can have it either way at Shawcross Pizza, which launched under skies sliced open by lightning, on Brunswick Street on Thursday night. It's the brain-child, the carb-child, the come 'n' get it-child, of Iza Dawkins, Matthew John and Damian Thompson (Phat Brats, next door, is another of John and Thompson's babies). Alessio Albano (DOC, 400 Gradi, Fire Chief and +39) is the ''pizza consultant'' (best business card ever).

Dawkins, who spent three years living in New York, wanted to bring a little of the Big Apple home, and what better way … than by the slice. Cut from 22 inches, no less (Livin' on the Veg, pictured). If you want the whole pie, be satisfied with 12 inches, OK?

But among grub made to devour we wondered about grubs that should be excised; who or what would you like to slice out of your life? ''Julia Gillard,'' Domenic Pulitano said. ''She irritates me on TV. No, oh, it's way more complicated than that.''

''You should say carbs,'' Zac Keane said to his girlfriend Julia Sonza. ''She never eats carbs.'' We're at a pizza place! For his part, Keane nominated another carb - paper - in the form of parking tickets. ''I'd like to slice parking tickets out of my life; parking tickets out the front of my house. I've got three in for review.''

Happy mu shu to you

'AN IRONIC-iconic homage to suburban Chinese food and Jackie Chan.'' That's what they said, and that's what got us in the door for the launch of Happy Palace, on Bourke Street, on Thursday night. This happy place, this Happy Palace, comes courtesy of Jerome Borazio and Josh Lefers.

Taking his tongue out of his cheek Borazio said, ''We're taking the food pretty seriously but we're not pretending to be a one-hat restaurant, it's about a relaxed environment.'' In this relaxed environment we wanted to know, where is your happy place? ''There's a lot of happy places,'' Borazio said, ''I've had to do a fair bit of travelling recently.''

But there is one thing that doesn't fill Borazio with glee. ''You gotta take that bag that fits in the overhead [locker]; I don't want to be standing there, at the carousel, at LAX, for 42 hours, for a black bag to come out.''

Grant Smillie seems perpetually in his happy place, literally and figuratively, with the launch of Little Hunter this week, which he part owns with Pete Evans. Are you opening any more restaurants this year? ''Two,'' he nodded. ''Minimum, I think.''

Stylist Kate Bollard found her HP in HK, Hong Kong: ''I lived there for six months and now I go back every year. It's crazy, I love it.'' It's where she got the top she was wearing on Thursday: ''It cost $3, it's a pyjama top.'' Then she lifted her finger to her lips, ''Shhh.''


Growing up... not out

GROWING up is brutal; I mean, you wouldn't do it if you had a choice. Part of - sigh - maturing is realising that you're rubbish at things you'd rather not be; things you love. In Save Your Legs, the Aussie film that premiered at Village Cinemas at Crown on Monday, starring Stephen Curry, Brendan Cowell and Damon Gameau, Curry's character, Teddy, refuses to lose his mates to the realities of getting older and leads his very ordinary cricket team into the extraordinary heart of India.


What do you love, that you're rubbish at? ''It's funny to say, here, but it is the cricket realm,'' Curry acknowledged. Cricket legend Max Walker would have us believe that his, too, is in the cricket realm. ''My last cricket match was a six-a-side in Shanghai, playing for the embassy over there about three years ago,'' Walker said. ''I no-balled about 10; they were coming out like blancmange bullets … I'm a feather duster now, but the green baggy was good while it lasted.''

Kate Langbroek realised she was rubbish at something she loved just recently. ''On Sunday,'' she said, ''when I attempted to ride my bike to the Camberwell Market from St Kilda. When I got home and staggered - staggered - into the door I said to [husband] Peter, 'File this under, Who the f--- do I think I am'.''

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