

This was published 9 years ago

Piracy witch hunt could send Aussie torrenters underground

By Adam Turner

With iiNet forced to dob in Dallas Buyers Club pirates, and new laws on the way, will Aussie pirates see the light or simply vanish into the shadows?

Pirate hunters have claimed a major victory, with the backer of Academy Award-winning movie Dallas Buyers Club winning its Federal court battle against Australian internet service provider iiNet and several other small ISPs. The victory came only a day before the federal government unveils the final wording of an anti-piracy code that will let offenders off with two warnings.

The Federal Court has rejected Dallas Buyers' Club's latest request to access the details of customers who allegedly illegally downloaded copies of the film.

The Federal Court has rejected Dallas Buyers' Club's latest request to access the details of customers who allegedly illegally downloaded copies of the film.

With previous legal wins under its belt, iiNet held out against demands to hand over the details of almost 5000 customers alleged to have downloaded the movie. It remains to be seen whether they retained all these records, but it's no coincidence that the piracy crackdown coincides with the introduction of a two-year metadata retention scheme to ensure that future cases won't be thrown out due to lack of evidence.

iiNet has 28 days to appeal the ruling, with the fate of thousands of Australians accused of illicitly downloading Dallas Buyers Club hanging in the balance. Unfortunately for them they don't have the protection of Australia's proposed three-strikes piracy rule, which is expected to be set in stone today. Nor do they have the protection of hiding behind a business or mobile internet account, which will be exempt under the upcoming piracy laws.

Judgement Day is finally coming for Australian file-sharers. Whether or not you consider copyright infringement a crime is beside the point, tell it to the judge. As the law closes in, will Aussie pirates change their ways? Or will they simply cloak their activities and fly under the radar?

Even the government acknowledges that fighting piracy is a numbers game. Seasoned veterans have no intention of going legit — they already know how to cover their tracks. The truth is that many serious pirates don't even use BitTorrent, staying one step ahead of the government's whack-a-mole piracy crackdown.

The best the government can hope for is to frighten casual BitTorrent users into changing their ways. Of course trumpeting any drop in piracy numbers is a hollow victory if downloaders have simply gone underground.

Technically it wasn't people downloading Dallas Buyers Club who got caught, it was people uploading the movie. BitTorrent works by breaking a file into parts and letting users download those parts from each other rather than from a central point. Pirate hunters simply join the swarm and take note of the IP addresses from which it receives parts of the movie. Then they ask ISPs to identify the account holders using those IP addresses.

In theory you could beat the piracy crackdown by not uploading any data, but it's not that simple. Most BitTorrent client software lets you limit your upload speed and number of simultaneous uploads, but setting this figure to zero is interpreted as unrestricted rather than none. Killing the torrent as soon as you've finished downloading won't save you if you were uploading while you were downloading.


You might be able to block uploads using a firewall, but crippling your BitTorrent upload speed tends to cripple your download speed as well. Sharing is at the very heart of the technology.

A more practical way for pirates to avoid the copyright police is to mask their identity. With the press of a button, anyone can dig a virtual private network (VPN) tunnel out of the country and pop up anywhere in the world, beyond the reach of Australia's piracy net. At this point all the government has done is made the piracy figures someone else's problem.

The federal government might talk tough, but there's no way it can crack down on the use of VPNs without impacting on legitimate business users. It's not a crime to use a VPN in this country — at least not yet. Many pirates will turn to the protection of a VPN, along with honest Australians looking to protect their privacy from the metadata retention scheme.

Setting up a VPN isn't rocket science, there are plenty of free VPN options and even casual pirates can be up and running in minutes. They can also employ workarounds like proxy servers and cloud-based seedboxes to bypass Australia's piracy crackdown.

Mastering anonymity can take a little practice, perhaps dealing with issues like DNS leaks, but once the new laws come into effect pirates will be able to hone their skills with the benefit of a three-strikes safety net.

To put it in motoring terms, Australian pirates will have little trouble driving around the speed cameras set up to catch them. Even if they are caught they'll get off with a warning, and a determination to get it right in future. They'll pass this knowledge on to their less tech-savvy friends and soon we'll be back where we started except pirates will be much harder to catch.

Of course these drivers will no longer show up in the speeding statistics, so the government can claim a victory even though it's simply driven pirates underground.

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