

This was published 10 years ago

Hands on: FreeviewPlus EPG

By Adam Turner

Built-in Catch Up TV makes the FreeviewPlus EPG an attractive proposition, but there's not a lot to watch and few people can see it after today's launch.

It's been a long time coming but the FreeviewPlus EPG finally launches today after months of delays due to technical issues and infighting between the networks. The new EPG looks great, thanks to the fact it's built on the new Hybrid broadcast broadband TV (HbbTV) standard, but it's a long way from being the entertainment revolution which Freeview paints it to be.

The FreeviewPlus onscreen EPG looks great, if you can see it.

The FreeviewPlus onscreen EPG looks great, if you can see it.Credit: Adam Turner

The first hurdle is that HbbTV is only built into a handful of 2014-model televisions from the likes of LG, Panasonic and Sony, as well as a few Personal Video Recorders such as the Beyonwiz T3 and Humax 4Tune which don't have Freeview's blessing. HbbTV is available on Panasonic TVs now and will come to compatible 2014 LG and Sony devices during September via a firmware update.

In theory FreeviewPlus should work with any HbbTV-compatible television, but Freeview says this might not be the case. HbbTV is unlikely to be added to older gear via a firmware update.

My 2014-model 60-inch Panasonic 60AS740A review unit isn't on the official FreeviewPlus compatibility list, but this is more due to backend deals than technical issues. Freeview has been using Panasonic televisions as FreeviewPlus reference devices, so the fact it's not officially on the list shouldn't excuse the technical problems I encountered. Even if it does, it's not a great start for a platform hoping for wide adoption. Anyone watching FreeviewPlus at home today on a smart TV is probably watching a Panasonic.

So what exactly is FreeviewPlus?

FreeviewPlus is a new onscreen Electronic Program Guide, which you call up using the green button on your remote control. It lets you flick through the schedule and see what's on each channel right now, as well as look up to seven days ahead. It's supposed to rely on the same EPG data built into the broadcast signal, but it clearly doesn't.

While the broadcast EPG is to-the-minute accurate these days, the FreeviewPlus EPG still continues the charade that the 8.30pm movie actually starts at 8.30pm. This really makes a mockery of the entire platform and means that you couldn't trust the FreeviewPlus EPG when programming a Personal Video Recorder because you'd miss the end of many programs.

For now only the ABC channels include to-the-minute accurate start and finish times in the FreeviewPlus EPG and it will be interesting to see if this changes once Freeview starts officially adding the EPG to PVRs. It if doesn't improve, you can trust the Freeview EPG about as far as you can kick your television.


UPDATE: Freeview chief Liz Ross says that the FreeviewPlus EPG won't be upgraded to offer to-the-minute start times, because it's too difficult. This is despite the fact that the Freeview EPG draws its data from scheulde aggregator HWW, just like competitors such as TiVo and Fetch TV which do manage to upgrade their schedules each day with to-the-minute accurate start times supplied by HWW.

"The processing involved in ingesting the amount of rich data required for FreeviewPlus is quite involved and not as simple as a text only based schedule," Ross says.

"FreeviewPlus ingests not only schedule data but image files and other rich data to provide a comprehensive experience to the viewer that includes recommendation and genre based searching."

When the FreeviewPlus EPG is officially available on Personal Video Recorders, the Freeview EPG will hand recording requests and Season Passes over to the PVR's built-in recording features, which will grab the exact start and finish times from the EPG in the broadcast signal. This is obviously going to present challenges, as it will require custom integration for each brand of PVR.

Back in time

The FreeviewPlus EPG's party trick is that you can also look backwards to find shows that you've missed and stream them from the internet. It's known as a "reverse EPG" and Foxtel offers something similar on its iQ2 Personal Video Recorder. When you scroll back in time in FreeviewPlus you don't see the full EPG, as you do with Foxtel, because this view would make it painfully clear how little Catch Up content is actually available on FreeviewPlus at this point.

Instead FreeviewPlus shows you a list of shows available from the last few days, sometimes including eariler that same day. It's broken down by day, but it's also split across networks so you can't browse all the Catch Up content from one day in a single list.

Rather than rely on the FreeviewPlus EPG app to find Catch Up content, you can also press the red button on your remote control to call up the Catch Up app for the network you're currently watching. SBS jumped the gun and launched in June, but the other network apps and the FreeviewPlus EPG have been live for at least the last week in the lead up to today's official launch.

In search of ...

Along with scrolling around the EPG to find something to watch, there's also a cross-network search feature. It's a handy option, although it's a shame that it only covers upcoming shows in the EPG and not shows in the Catch Up services – something you'd hope for in an ecosystem which attempts to marry free-to-air with streaming content.

You can click on a show to read more about it, save the show as a Favourite and set a reminder to notify you when that particular episode is screening, or any episode in the series. This menu might include Season Pass options once FreeviewPlus officially comes to Personal Video Recorders, although it won't be much use unless the EPG data is to-the-minute accurate.

Along with the search option, the EPG lets you see a mix of upcoming shows – divided into TV shows or movies and then broken down into sub-categories. Alternatively, when you click on a show in the EPG you can scroll right to see more episodes or a list of similar shows. Once again, none of the Catch Up content is included here.

A work in progress

Unfortunately, as with the Catch Up TV apps built into other home entertainment devices, you're missing out on a lot of shows on FreeviewPlus which are available via the networks' browser-based Catch Up services. This divide needs to be resolved before FreeviewPlus can live up to its promises.

The other problem is that, while the apps look slick, they can be slow to launch and you're sometimes left stabbing at the button in vain. Some of the networks apps are also flaky and can crash when a Catch Up program pauses to insert an ad break – an issued I've experienced with both the Seven and Nine apps.

Your mileage may vary here depending on your television and which network app you're watching, but the onus is on the networks and their app makers to resolve these issues rather than the television makers. It's still early days but FreeviewPlus compatibility testing has been a long and painful process, with plenty of involvement from Panasonic, and you'd expect these issues to be sorted by now when the launch has been delayed several times.

So what's the verdict?

The FreeviewPlus apps looks slick and a reverse EPG is a great addition to Australian free-to-air television, much better than previous Freeview EPG efforts. There's also the convenience of launching the Catch Up apps with a single button press. Even so I wouldn't dump my current television on the nature strip and upgrade just for FreeviewPlus, not until there's more to watch, the apps are rock solid and the EPG is to-the-minute accurate. Ask about FreeviewPlus when you buy your next television, but don't rush down to the shops today.

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