

This was published 3 years ago

Facing off with Magda Szubanski ‘like being kneed in the groin by Bluey’

By Ben Pobjie

Walking onto the set of The Weakest Link feels a little like walking into the arena in Tron where they throw those laser discs. The shiny black surfaces, the sleek blue lights, the inescapable feeling that you’re about to have your head cut off – it’s all there. Most TV sets, when you see them up close, are much smaller than you’d expect, but this space feels large and menacing: designed to make sure the walk off stage takes as long as possible.

I am on set in my capacity as a serious professional journalist, and not as an actual contestant. But as part of my journalistic practice I will be playing a round of the game, and fear is pulsing through me, for though cash prizes are not at stake, humiliation in front of my serious professional journalist colleagues is, as well as that long, lonely walk. Plus, of course, this being The Weakest Link, there is … the host.

Magda Szubanski hosts The Weakest Link.

Magda Szubanski hosts The Weakest Link.Credit: Nine

Magda Szubanski may have seemed an unconventional choice for a job that traditionally has involved flinging insults at cowering contestants in the interest of making them feel as small and inadequate as possible: yet somehow the prospect of facing her in the host’s chair is even more bone-chilling than it would’ve been the first time the show hit screens in 2001. With the previous host, Cornelia Frances, you knew what you were getting: like all good Australian youth I grew up watching her as Morag on Home and Away and therefore was already terrified of her before she got into the quiz-show game. With Magda it’s a little different.

This is not Morag. This is Sharon Strzelecki. This is Pixie-Ann Wheatley. This is Farmer Hoggett’s wife - OK, to be fair you can imagine Mrs Hoggett twisting the knife on a game show, she wanted to eat Babe after all - but for the most part Magda represents joy and laughter and the sort of national treasure that your mum is always saying she loves. A cruel, sadistic Magda is as difficult to compute as a dignified MAFS contestant.

As one of Australia’s most beloved comedy performers, it’s incredibly unsettling to have her stare you down and mock your intellectual capacity. It’s like being kneed in the groin by Bluey.

When Magda arrives on set, you can see she means business. She is an icy Hitchcock blonde, her gaze penetrating into your very soul, probing your weaknesses, giving you nothing while she reads your innermost secrets. It’s a little like a recurring dream where you show up for your final exam and realise you’re naked: for a moment I have to check to make sure that’s not what’s actually happened.

Ben Pobjie with Magda Szubanski on the set of The Weakest Link.

Ben Pobjie with Magda Szubanski on the set of The Weakest Link.Credit: Nine

The game begins. Magda is not as hard and impenetrable as her predecessor. Her eyes are the eyes of a stone-cold killer, but like many stone-cold killers, she brings a little playfulness to the role. When an early question as to what age preceded the Iron Age brings an answer that could be kindly described as “misguided”, the host exudes a sense of exasperation more than anything else. “We’re starting this nonsense already” is the vibe you get. To a certain extent she’s quite sympathetic: when contestants stumble on terribly easy questions she seems to wish we would get the help we sorely need.

I should say, the help they sorely need. I need no help as, in line with all expert predictions, I get no answers wrong at all. This is quite a relief, as I have a reputation to uphold. But in a way, being correct has exposed me even more. I don’t think Magda likes it when people get all the answers right. She seems resentful that her fun has been spoiled. She makes a point of suggesting I got lucky with my questions, fixing me with a look that clearly says, “I will GET you”.


Most of the questions are fairly easy - The Weakest Link is not Mastermind, we are not aiming to find Australia’s biggest brain here. It’s not so much a matter of testing how much you know, as testing how good you are at recalling what you know when you have Evil Sharon’s eyes boring into you. Not to mention the fact that there are eight other people in the room who dearly wish you to fail. Though they also wish you to succeed - it’s kind of tricky. Everyone is hoping that everyone else will help build up the prize balance, but also that they’ll get out of their way. With such conflicted minds it’s no wonder people - not me, but people - struggle to remember basic facts like the meaning of photosynthesis.

Cornelia Frances hosted the original version of The Weakest Link.

Cornelia Frances hosted the original version of The Weakest Link.

After the questions are done – and I won’t reveal how much money was banked, suffice to say that the final result did nothing for public perceptions of the intelligence of the average entertainment journalist – we get to the real meat of the show: the voting. This is what makes The Weakest Link so nerve-wracking: the fact your fate is never fully in your control. No matter how good you are at the quiz, you can get voted off anytime – and if you’re really good you probably will, because nobody likes a smartarse.


It’s also where Magda shines, as she gets to not just mock our lack of brainpower, but to question our moral fibre. For those who struggled with their questions, she zeroes in on their presumptuousness in voting for someone who did better than them. For those who did better, she attacks their unfeeling cruelty in targeting the less fortunate. She does it all with an abundance of wit, of course, but the end result is undeniable: you leave the set feeling like a real jerk.

But that’s much better than leaving the set as a loser, which one unhappy member of our band did at the end of the trial round, making that interminable walk off the cavernous set, while his competitors looked guiltily at their feet and Magda watched him the whole way, her gaze, as always, a rebuke to the unsuccessful.

Of course, when the cameras are off … but that’s another story.

The Weakest Link premieres on Nine on May 25 at 9pm.

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