

This was published 3 years ago

A small force to be reckoned with: how Baby Yoda upended Star Wars

By Michael Idato

At only 30cm tall and made mostly of felt, plastic and wires, Baby Yoda might seem small by Hollywood standards but the diminutive alien has upended the Star Wars universe with more force than anyone anticipated.

The breakout star of The Mandalorian, which returns this week for a second season, is referred to in the show's scripts simply as The Child, but was christened Baby Yoda by fans, a nod to the 900-year-old Jedi Master first seen in 1980's The Empire Strike Back.

The Child, referred to by fans as Baby Yoda.Credit:

"What I'm most proud of is that we surprised people, you know how hard that is to do that nowadays?" The Mandalorian co-creator and writer Jon Favreau says of the secrecy which surrounded Baby Yoda's debut. "It's fun, because people are so happy when they're surprised. They're not used to being surprised now."

The biggest surprise, however, was left for Disney-owned Lucasfilm, as the success of The Mandalorian starkly contrasts with the studios plans for standalone features, which stumbled badly with Solo: A Star Wars Story, and the conclusion of the nine-film Skywalker Saga, three films criticised by fans for controversial creative decisions and which garnered progressively poorer reviews.

The Mandalorian not only returned the franchise to its birthplace – the arid world of Tattooine, first seen in 1977's original Star Wars film – but also to the simpler style of storytelling which defined the early Star Wars features directed by creator George Lucas.

It has also whipped up an almost unprecedented anticipation around its second season, which promises fans more from the larger Star Wars canon: the return of iconic bounty hunter Boba Fett, played by Temuera Morrison, and the live action debut of an animated Star Wars favourite, Jedi knight Ahsoka Tano, played by Rosario Dawson.

Pedro Pascal as Din Djarin in The Mandalorian.

Pedro Pascal as Din Djarin in The Mandalorian.Credit: Lucasfilm

The secret of the show's success may lie in an act of tonal misdirection, a spell cast cleverly by its creative team Favreau and co-creator/producer Dave Filoni.

Though it sits comfortably in the science fiction genre – it is, after all, spun out of the larger Star Wars franchise – it borrows almost all of its tonal notes from traditional westerns. The settings, such as Tattooine's Mos Eisley cantina, and the characters, including bounty hunters, gunslingers and barflies, are straight out of western canon.


The show's star, actor Pedro Pascal, describes it as a "western on steroids".

"I think that George Lucas played with the Western undertones with the first movie [1977's Episode IV: A New Hope] and now they're taking the suggestions of that tone and infusing it with steroids," Pascal says.

The bounty hunter Boba Fett, who is expected to appear in the second season of The Mandalorian.

The bounty hunter Boba Fett, who is expected to appear in the second season of The Mandalorian.Credit: Lucasfilm

At the centre of that story is a lone gunslinger - the bounty hunter Din Djarin, a masked vigilante from the planet Mandalore, played by Pascal - who abandons a bounty to kill "the child" and instead becomes its protector as the forces of the now-fallen Galactic Empire swirl around them, keen to control the potential power the child represents.

The series is set roughly five years after the film Return of the Jedi, in which Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia and Han Solo defeated the Galactic Empire, redeemed the Sith Lord Darth Vader and, to borrow a cliche, liberated the galaxy from oppression.

The appeal of Baby Yoda, Favreau says, lies in the mystique which surrounds him. In Star Wars canon, only one other member of the unnamed species – Yaddle, in The Phantom Menace – has appeared on screen.

"I think what's great about what George [Lucas] created is that Yoda proper, the character that we grew up watching, was always shrouded in mystery, and that was what made him so archetypal and so mythic," Favreau says.

A scene from the The Mandalorian.

A scene from the The Mandalorian.Credit: Lucasfilm

"We know who he is based on his behaviour and what he stands for, but we don't know a lot of details about where he comes from or his species," he adds. "I think that's why people are so curious about this little one of the same species."

Will Brooker, a professor of film and cultural studies at Kingston University in the UK and the author of Using the Force: Creativity, Community and Star Wars Fans, agrees The Child may have saved Star Wars, with one qualification: for a certain segment of the fandom.

"A certain group, and I'll be tempted to say almost a certain generation, which I think is mine, which is male, [and] who saw the films in the 1970s and 1980s," Brooker says. "And I would say those old school fans aren't so much drawn to Baby Yoda as other aspects of The Mandalorian, which are the old school nostalgic original trilogy elements."


Brooker says The Mandalorian has "quite conscious" nostalgia infused into its storytelling. "Stormtroopers' heads on spikes, biker scouts who can't hit a can because we all know they're terrible shots, there's a lot of stuff in there for long term fans," Brooker says, pointing to the inclusion of IG-series assassin droids, the stormtrooper "transport" which was based on a 1970s-era Kenner toy and "the Mandalorians themselves, a callback to [bounty hunter] Boba Fett from 1980."

Dr Dan Golding, a lecturer in media and communications at Swinburne University, and the author of Star Wars After Lucas, believes that while The Mandalorian leans deeply into Star Wars nostalgia, it does so no more than almost every other Star Wars project.

"Nostalgia is always been key to basically every single Star Wars project, including the first film, especially the first film because it was nostalgic for film serials like Flash Gordon, samurai movies and westerns," Golding says.

Those elements – the nods to older film genres, the Morricone-influenced soundtracks – are what was lacking in the most recent Star Wars films, Golding says. "The influences for [the sequels] were other Star Wars films rather than a broader language of action adventure cinema," he says.


Golding adds the creative leadership of a director/producer such as Filoni, who was something of an apprentice to Star Wars creator George Lucas at Lucasfilm, is also a factor in the show's reception by fans. "The Mandalorian is much more about extending the universe and Dave Filoni is a really key figure because he is sort of anointed, he's put forward as the keeper of the flame," Golding says.

The initial secrecy which surrounded the introduction of the character came at a costly price for Disney, which was unable to produce tie-in toys ahead of the series launch in 2019. Many products, including a LEGO model of Djarin's ship the Razor Crest, and the animatronic Baby Yoda, are only now arriving in stores.

"We knew that we may have had the disadvantage of not having toys available day and date," Favreau says. "But what we got in exchange was an excitement surrounding the character, because everybody felt like they discovered him together. That emulated more what my experience growing up was like."

The studio also "understood the value of it," says Favreau. "I felt that if we really wanted to connect with the Star Wars fans, we had to let them discover the story as it was unfolding. The marketing team and the leadership were all supportive of what my instincts were, and I think it paid off really well."


In something of a contradiction to modern digital filmmaking, the Baby Yoda character is an actual puppet, operated by two puppeteers who manage its eyes and mouth, body movements and facial expressions. In some instances a computer-generated (CG) effect is used instead.

In fact, the producers almost proceeded with a wholly CG version of Baby Yoda and Filoni, speaking to US media, revealed it was actor Werner Herzog – who stars in the series as The Client, a mysterious man with connections to the now-fallen Galactic Empire – who made a stand on the puppet's behalf.

During filming for the show's first season, when some scenes were shot without the puppet – referred to as a "clean plate" in film production, so that a CGI puppet could be inserted later – Herzog spoke up. "[Werner] goes, what are you doing? You are cowards. Leave it. Leave it. He was so committed," Filoni says.

Favreau says he and Filoni have built a narrative road map for the series, which is expected to run several seasons at least, with the possibility of a feature film spin-off.

"We want to make sure that we have a road map, because we're also a puzzle piece that fits into a larger Star Wars universe that has a lot of other movies and a lot of other projects, and we want to make sure we're consistent with them," he says.

"We have a good 25-year patch of road [within the larger Star Wars story] nobody is exploring right now, and it's the most interesting time for me as a storyteller to explore, the time after the fall of the Empire and before the resurgence of the darker forces."

The Mandalorian will stream weekly on Disney+ from October 30.

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