

This was published 3 years ago


Sydney can only watch with envy as Kylie comes home ... to Melbourne

Sydney has long played host to a cavalcade of celebrity residents, so much so that spotting Hugh, Chris, Rebel, Russell, Nicole, Isla or Cate around town had become something of a local sport.

We’ve had the internationals too. Leonardo, Elton, Brad and Angelina – even dear old Tom for a while – all settled in our domicile, creating a frisson of excitement and giving our local paparazzi a sense of purpose, and for or a while Sydney really was Hollywood by the Harbour.

Home coming queen: Kylie Minogue in the Tourism Australia “Matesong” campaign.

Home coming queen: Kylie Minogue in the Tourism Australia “Matesong” campaign.Credit: Tourism Australia

This year alone we’ve seen Natalie Portman doing the groceries at Woolies in Double Bay, Rose Byrne walking the kids in Woollahra and Sacha Baron Cohen taking a tinnie on the harbour, while the extended Hemsworth tribe has posted endless selfies from all over our fair city.

Our cousins in Melbourne – left to contend with Gina Liano, Sam Newman, Shane Warne and Bert and Patti – were understandably a little envious.

She’s no Kylie: Gina Liano.

She’s no Kylie: Gina Liano.Credit: Dean Lawry

Already reeling from the passing of Geoffrey Edelsten and interminable lockdowns, there are only so many Rhonda Burchmore sightings any sane Melburnian can possibly bear.

However, change is coming. And it’s a big one. We are witnessing a shifting of the tectonic plates that have underpinned the celebrity dynasties for decades, and sadly our home town, with its magnificent beaches, harbour and opera house, is on the losing end.

These days Sydney doesn’t even have a Bingle in residence to boast about – which makes the news that the Princess of Pop, Kylie Minogue, is moving back to Melbourne after spending the past 30 years in London, all the more galling for us folk north of the border.

Sydney is losing the celebrity throne. We can no longer afford to be smug about our once glittering pantheon of stars.


Compounding the situation is that Kylie’s Pop-Lady-In-Waiting, little sister Dannii Minogue, already moved back to Melbourne last year.

A clutch of Minogues living in Melbourne outranks all the Karls, Kochies, Kyles, “Pip & Pups” and Deltas we are holding in Sydney ... on any day.

Even the Brits realise what a loss Kylie’s departure is to London. When she was asked about why she was leaving, Kylie told Zoe Ball on BBC Radio 2: “I’ve had friends call me, my friend at my local restaurant was like, ‘Kylie, what do you mean? You can’t go’.”

The good old days: Kylie Minogue with sister Dannii, brother Brendan and their mother Carol.

The good old days: Kylie Minogue with sister Dannii, brother Brendan and their mother Carol.

If it’s any consolation, the Brits get to keep Kathy Lette, who recently returned to her old bedroom in The Shire for her mother’s 90th birthday celebrations, writing: “The David Bowie and Pink Floyd posters are still on the walls. My vinyl records remain stacked under the bed – Carole King, Carly Simon, Tubular Bells, Led Zeppelin.”

One can only dream what Kylie’s bedroom is like at parents Ron and Carol Minogue’s pile – dubbed the Taj Minogue – in the thoroughly nice but not too posh Melbourne suburb of Canterbury.

Ron and Carol are getting on; Ron is now in his 80s, so having all three children living in the same city is a happy outcome. But for all the fame the Minogue family has attracted, they have managed to evade the sort of hysteria such celebrity often attracts on the streets of Sydney.

Melburnians are fiercely protective of their own, and they don’t come much more Melbourne than the Minogues.

Up until recently both Kylie and Dannii had bedrooms under their parents’ roof; Dannii moved out to her own place in Hawthorn East with her music producer boyfriend Adrian Newman earlier this year.

I remember meeting Dannii more than a decade ago when she was on Australia’s Got Talent. Over a glass of bubbly and chicken sandwiches, the slightly-less-famous Minogue was refreshingly normal and remarkably candid.

But I had already gotten that impression before our interview. Dannii was due to meet her publicist outside a swanky Melbourne hotel before our meeting. The publicist went out to greet the Minogue family station wagon which pulled up outside the hotel with a familiar face behind the steering wheel – Dannii’s mum, Carol.


Sitting next to Carol was Dannii’s granny, Millie, while Dannii was in the back seat saying her goodbyes. No limos, no bodyguards and not a single flashbulb.

I remember thinking it was like watching a soccer mum dropping the kids off to the Saturday game, amazed at how utterly normal the scene appeared.

No doubt after 30 years of hype and hoopla being portrayed as an untouchable international pop icon, big sister Kylie will be looking for a slice of that refreshing banality too – which Melbourne, unlike Sydney, will no doubt give her in spades.

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