

This was published 4 years ago

The many sides of Mark Leibler

By Philip Mendes

The Power Broker: Mark Leibler - An Australian Jewish Life
Michael Gawenda
Monash University Publishing, $39.95

Mark Leibler is a religious Zionist and social and political conservative who has played a prominent if contentious role in Jewish community politics, pro-Israel lobby groups and taxation law. This unauthorised biography by Michael Gawenda, himself a notable progressive journalist of Jewish background, explores Leibler’s life through the prism of two seemingly polarised policy frameworks.

Mark Leibler says he has never experienced anti-Semitism in Australia.

Mark Leibler says he has never experienced anti-Semitism in Australia.Credit: Eamon Gallagher

One is the particularist approach defending Jewish interests especially against manifestations of anti-Semitism, which is often colloquially characterised as “Is it good for the Jews?” Gawenda frames Leibler as epitomising this approach given his robust defence of Israeli government policies whether right or wrong.

The alternative universalistic approach views Jewish concerns as harmoniously aligned with the wellbeing of the broader population. Yet, as Gawenda acknowledges, Leibler is arguably “a man of contradictions”. He is a neoliberal advocate for small government and lower taxation for the wealthy, yet has chosen in later life (as have many other Jewish lawyers informed by historical experiences of racism) to contribute significantly to the movement for legal and political recognition of Indigenous rights.

Gawenda provides a concise guide to the successful migration immediate pre-war and post-war of many Jews fleeing or surviving the Holocaust. Leibler’s parents fortuitously arrived from Belgium in 1939, and were welcomed into a country with no tradition of political anti-Semitism. To be sure, there were some instances of social and economic discrimination including exclusion from establishment law firms and private clubs. But Leibler, who attended a Jewish day school and later won Melbourne University’s top law prize in 1965, denies ever experiencing anti-Semitism. For Leibler, and indeed for many Jews, Australia has been a golden land and a multicultural success story.

One overriding theme in this book is the association of some Jews with wealth and power as reflected in Leibler’s firm, Arnold Bloch Leibler, and its group of affluent clients.


This narrative may excite some conspiracy theorists on the far left and right who believe that Jews per se control finance, politics and the media. Indeed, Gawenda suggests that a sizeable donation was made by a group of Jewish businessman to Paul Keating’s 1993 re-election campaign. But the author fails to interrogate whether the donors were motivated by specific Jewish agendas or more generic business concerns, and/or whether they also made similar donations to the Coalition.

Another key theme is the strong identification of most Jews with the State of Israel. But there is arguably a vast distance between the mostly older generation of uncritical Zionists (for whom Leibler acts as a predominant spokesperson) who view Israel as faultless and reject any public criticism of Israeli governments, and conversely the growing number of critical Zionists within the younger generation who believe that Israel should adhere to broader universalistic ideals and negotiate a balanced two-state solution with the Palestinians sooner rather than later.


An associated debate centres around the role of private non-elected pro-Israel lobby groups such as the Australia-Israel Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) headed by Leibler, which Gawenda implicitly criticises for “policing the boundaries” of legitimate debate in the Jewish community. He also presents the story of AIJAC’s public quarrels with Labor Party figures Bob Carr and Kevin Rudd over Israeli-Palestinian politics, including the disastrous 2003 Hanan Ashrawi affair.

There is no doubt that AIJAC utilises aggressive lobbying tactics, but so do pro-Palestinian lobby groups such as the hardline BDS movement although it seems to be less effective. Gawenda suggests that AIJAC has enormous influence over Australian leaders as evidenced by then prime minister Tony Abbott’s semi-joking comment that he would adopt whatever position AIJAC recommended. But this statement also reflects the fact that many conservatives today regard Israel as an ideological ally, which would have been unfathomable 50-plus years ago when most Jews and Israel were viewed as aligned with the Left.

There are some factual errors in this book. Bill Hayden visited Yasser Arafat in Beirut, not Ramallah, in 1980. The left-wing Jewish Council to Combat Fascism and Anti-Semitism was marginal rather than powerful by the 1960s. It is also strange to see no mention of the ongoing Malka Leifer affair that has strained Australian-Israel relations in recent years, and the absence of an index or references is annoying. These limitations aside, Gawenda has succeeded in presenting a revealing picture of Leibler’s life that will be of interest to students of Jewish politics and lobby groups more generally.

Associate Professor Philip Mendes teaches social policy and community development at Monash University. His books include Jews and the Left (Palgrave 2014), and jointly with Nick Dyrenfurth, Boycotting Israel is Wrong (New South Press 2015).


A previous version of this review argued "the author has presented a distorted view of the highly diverse Jewish community, given that most of its members do not make rich lists and recent surveys estimate that as many as 30 per cent may be living in poverty". The claim recent surveys found as many as 30 percent of Jews live in poverty is untrue.

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