

This was published 1 year ago

Tech companies ‘operate like Don Draper’s world in Mad Men’

By Kerrie O'Brien

By 2025, most of us will speak with chatbots as often as with our own partners. Two years out, that might seem fanciful, but given the uptake of smart devices such as Siri and Alexa, it’s not inconceivable.

Note the female names given to these artificial intelligence-powered beings? That’s no surprise, says journalist Tracey Spicer, who takes a deep dive into the world of technology in her latest book Man-Made. When computers are programmed to do menial, servile tasks, they are given female names, while for authoritative roles, their names are male, she says. Who decrees these things? Computer programmers, who are, by and large, male.

Tech companies operate like Don Draper’s Mad Men, says Tracey Spicer.

Tech companies operate like Don Draper’s Mad Men, says Tracey Spicer.Credit: Aresna Villanueva

That was not always the case, Spicer says. Women were the dominant force in the computer industry in the 1950s and the powerhouses behind man landing on the moon. (She makes the point that Indigenous women in Australia were some of the first “coders” with their weaving.) Only when it was clear there was money to be made in programming did men enter the fray.

On the face of it, artificial intelligence seems a perfect solution to many problems. It could be used to flag perpetrators of domestic violence who are most likely to re-offend, for example. But while this may well be possible, it’s fraught with danger. Systems programmed to identify such things are inherently biased, focusing on people of colour at almost double the rate than white people, for example.

For every upside, there’s a down – and the implications are far-reaching. Back to the chatbots: maybe they can play a role in addressing the loneliness epidemic, but what if cost-conscious, commercially driven nursing homes decide to dispense with already lowly paid staff to outsource their work to robots?

Spicer says advances in the civil rights movement could be eradicated thanks to bias inherent in technology.

Spicer says advances in the civil rights movement could be eradicated thanks to bias inherent in technology.Credit: Justin McManus

Wherever technology is fed material to create intelligence, it is almost always historical and therefore filled with the archaic: men are doctors, lawyers, politicians – read, people with power. No matter how many advances we’ve made in the past 50 years, there is a real risk of reverting to the bad old days.

Speaking with Spicer in the book, Dr Joy Buolamwini, a technologist at MIT and founder of the Algorithmic Justice League, says the gains made by the entire civil rights movement could be eroded as a result of artificial intelligence. The league’s story is told in the Netflix documentary Coded Bias, which explores one element of the problem: flaws in facial recognition software. Buolamwini sees gains achieved for women and people of colour being wound back quickly because of machine learning.

The pandemic provided a perfect storm for tech companies, with governments focused on COVID. “At the same time, the companies that develop AI saw an opportunity to develop it quickly without any regulation or legislation, while everyone was looking the other way,” Spicer says. “And the problem with the expanding pace of this technology is that there’s no human oversight of that machine learning. So [while] we don’t really know where it’s going to go, we know it’s going to deepen bias and discrimination.”


The day we met for this interview saw the next step on from Chat GPT, People GPT, reported in the news, which will be used as a hiring algorithm. “You think about all the biases built into that. Because the CVs are from the past, it’s more likely to throw out CVs of women and people of colour and people with disabilities,” Spicer says.

Tech companies make the most money of all businesses around the world; they hire the most people and they’re almost all run by men. “It’s like looking at Mad Men, the TV series with Don Draper, back in the 1950s,” she says. “They seem to have this really strong Silicon Valley libertarian ideology that ‘We believe in merit, the best people will rise to the top. And it’s just coincidental they tend to look like all of us.’ ”


  1. Worst habit? My sister calls me the ‘absent-minded scientist’ because I struggle with day-to-day things. My mind is always busy with ideas and projects. Consequently, I’m the one who leaves things boiling on the stove, puts the car keys in the fridge and forgets to lock the house.
  2. Greatest fear? That artificial intelligence will deepen the gap between rich and poor, worsen societal disruption, and ultimately end humanity.
  3. The line that stayed with you? “The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice” - Martin Luther King jnr.
  4. Biggest regret? Always overthinking everything. I’ve earned these frown lines!
  5. Favourite room? The bathroom. For a long time, I didn’t have the energy to step into the bath, due to long COVID. I had to use a shower chair and only bathe once every five days. Long baths are simply blissful.
  6. The artwork/song you wish was yours? Seether by Veruca Salt. I love the guitar riffs and riot grrrl/feminist energy. I’ve learned to play the electric guitar in recent years. The teens think it’s hilarious to see their 56-year-old mother playing post-punk classics.
  7. If you could solve one thing… Global inequity.

There are exceptions: one is Australian firm Atlassian, which Spicer says has a good diversity and inclusion policy. Another is the local firm Canva.

Change is needed across the board, but the education system also needs attention. “The deepest structural problems start in schools much earlier, where you’ve got girls who might start out in maths and science but by the time they get to the end of primary school or the start of high school, they don’t see enough high-profile women who are working in artificial intelligence, they don’t see it as a viable pathway, so they then go towards the humanities and other roles.”

Even though a small player, Australia could play a powerful role as a kind of regulatory sandbox, she says, an idea mooted by former Human Rights Commissioner Ed Santow. “We could test these innovations on a small but diverse group, make it safe before it goes out to the general population around the world.“


A potential six-month moratorium on the development of AI has been discussed as a way of allowing governments to catch up and enact legislation to protect human rights. Even some tech leaders agree AI can pose an existential threat to humanity. “There’s no doubt that’s true. But there is a greater threat now than in the future through the deepening of these biases,” says Spicer.

“Because when you think about the siloing of opinions that we’ve seen in the last five to 10 years because of social media and the algorithms pushing us towards ... the dislocation in societies, the lack of trust in democracy, the amount of fake news, the lack of trust in journalism, when you layer the deepening of bias and discrimination on top of that, there will be a widening of the gap between rich and poor, there will be more social dislocation through this fourth industrial revolution.”

Her research around hospitals and the health care system shocked Spicer, who has only recently started to feel better after living with long COVID. Unable to walk, she spent months in and out of a wheelchair, gaining an insight into living with a disability.


Anyone marginalised is likely to be adversely affected by the rapidly changing world of tech. That extends to older people. “The thought that if you turn up to a hospital, you have COVID-19, you need a ventilator, and you’re over 50, and someone who’s 30 turns up, they will give the ventilator to the 30-year-old, because the algorithm sees older people as less productive in society and therefore less valuable to humanity. That gave me a terrible fright. So as well as the usual biases around gender and people of colour and people with disability, that is what really shocked me, that as we get older, particularly with machine learning, we will be seen as more dispensable.”

Despite its focus on technology, Spicer says Man-Made is not a technology book. “It’s a book about humanity and what it is that makes us human, and what we can do to build a fairer and more equitable future for all of us.”

Man-Made is published by Simon & Schuster and is out now. Tracey Spicer will speak at Salon After D’Arc at the State Library of Victoria on July 25; Byron Writers Festival from August 11-13; and Canberra Writers Festival from August 18-20.

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