

This was published 3 years ago

Here come Jay Gatsby and Nick Carraway - they're anyone's now

By Jason Steger

On January 1 each year a number of works – books, films, music – come out of copyright and enter the public domain. The big one this year – at least as far as the US is concerned – is one of the great novels of the 20th century, F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. In the US they term January 1 Public Domain Day.


First published in 1925, Gatsby should have come out of copyright in 2001 but the US Congress extended copyright in 1998 to works published between 1923 and 1977 for an additional 25 years (making it 95 in total). Thus the copyright on Gatsby lasted until last week.

Other books published in 1925 and joining Gatsby in the US public domain include Virginia Woolf’s Mrs DallowayJenny Offil has an essay in a recent New Yorker magazine (founded in ... 1925) about rereading the novel; Ernest Hemingway's first book, In Our Time, which consists of vignettes and stories; the German original of Franz Kafka's The Trial; John Dos Passos' Manhattan Transfer; and Theodore Dreiser's An American Tragedy.

Several years ago a feature on the BBC wondered whether 1925 was the greatest year for books, given the influence some of those published have had on our sense of modernity. Of course, you can argue with that; is any year the greatest for books? But the author claimed – not unreasonably – that the year brought about a "a vibrant cultural outpouring, multiple landmark books and a paradigm shift in prose style".


In Australia, copyright now lasts for 70 years after the death of the author, the same as in Britain and, in theory, the US. In Britain this year works by authors such as George Orwell and George Bernard Shaw, both of whom died in 1950, come out of copyright.

What does it all mean? In the US it means, for example, that Michael Farris Smith's novel Nick, what his publisher, Little, Brown and Company, describes as "his take on who Nick Carraway was before he met up with Jay Gatsby in The Great Gatsby", came out on January 5. But it couldn’t have been published before Gatsby came out of copyright.

In an article by Jennifer Jenkins, director of Duke law school's Centre for the Study of the Public Domain, she quotes the great-granddaughter of Fitzgerald, Blake Hazard, who seemed resigned to the recent change. "We're just very grateful to have had it under copyright, not just for the rather obvious benefits, but to try and safeguard the text, to guide certain projects and try to avoid unfortunate ones. We're now looking to a new period and trying to view it with enthusiasm, knowing some exciting things may come."

Orwell biographer and editor of new editions of his novels, D.J. Taylor, writing in Britain's Guardian, says that "as is so often the way of copyright cut-offs, none of this amounts to a free-for-all".


Credit: Andrew Dyson

(Orwell remains under copyright in the US, thanks to the additional 25 years from Congress.)

Taylor says because of the various editions that exist and remain copyrighted he has had to go back to "the texts of the standard editions published in the late 1940s, or in the case of A Clergyman's Daughter and Keep the Aspidistra Flying, both of which Orwell detested so much – he described the former as "bollox" – that he refused to have them reprinted in his lifetime, to the originals of, respectively, 1935 and 1936".

Until 2005,copyright in Australia lasted for the life of the author plus a further 50 years. But this was changed as a consequence of a free trade agreement with the US to 70 years. Crucially, the copyright on works that had already expired was not revived. Thus, Text, for example, was able to publish Gatsby and editions of several Orwell works a few years ago.

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